Vendor Application 2016
Name: ______
Business Name:
Address: Phone:
Website: ______
Facebook: ______Twitter: ______
Pinterest: ______Other: ______
How do you prefer to be contacted? phone email
Do you consent to having this information used in promotional materials (e.g. our web site)?
Yes No
Do you consent to having market photos (pictures with you in them) used in promotional materials?
Yes No
I am interested in:
Winter Market (January to May) Summer Market (May through October)
**Fall & Holiday Markets (November & December) Year Round
**Please note- Inclusion in Winter and Summer Markets does not guarantee space in the Fall and Holiday Markets. These spaces will be awarded to Primary Producers and full time members with the most seniority first.
Will you be attending every week? Yes No
If not, how often?
How many spaces do you require? (tables are 6ft) ______
If you are not able to attend, the market manager MUST be notified 48 hours prior to the Market (as per Rules and Regulations). You must also provide a tablecloth for your space.
Do you require access to water? Yes No
For what Purpose?
Do you require access to power? Yes No
What items will you be plugging in?
Are you interested in being an outdoor vendor? Yes No
Please describe the products you wish to sell. Products that you wish to add later and arenot described here will require a revised product application and are subject to approval.
(Please include pictures of all your product(s) with this application, unless you are a returning vendor. Returning vendors are still required to submit photos of new products with the revised product application.)
Food product(s) – please list goods according to Public Market categories (Schedules A, B or C found below):
All products – where are your ingredients/materials sourced? Confirmation of origin may be requested. Please keep all receipts.
In order to park on the property please provide:
License Plate Number: ______Make / Model of Car: ______
**If you are selling food which you prepared, a Food Handlers Certificate is Mandatory**
Do you have a current Food Handlers Certificate: Yes No
If YES please attach a copy to your application, as this is a required certification . If NO, and you are selling any item related to food, you must have your Food Handlers Certificate and provide it before your first day at the Market.
**Please note: Application does not constitute automatic membership or acceptance. The Board of Directors and Management will review applications. You will be notified of acceptance and which days you are permitted to operate.Public Market Categories
Schedule A: Require refrigeration; raw meat and meat products, raw fish and shellfish, poultry and poultry products, eggs, fruit and vegetable juice processed on-site, unpasteurized juices and ciders, milk and dairy products, cut fruits and vegetables, dessert products such as cream pastries, meringue topped pies, cheesecakes – any food that is capable of supporting bacterial growth. (Vendors selling any of these items are required to purchase a permit from the Dept. of Environment)
Schedule B: raw fruit and vegetables (whole), honey, jams and jellies, live lobster, baked goods and pastries (excluding cream pastries and meat filled pies),hard candy and fudge, pickles and relish with pH less than 4.6 (bottled and sealed in acceptable preserve jars), pasteurized fruit juices, maple products, chocolate, reconstituted powdered drinks, coffee and tea (milk/cream to be kept at temperatures of 4°C (40°F) or colder. (Vendors of these items are required to obtain a permit from the Dept. of Environment. At the time this document was drafted, they were issued at no cost)
Schedule C: Not permitted to be sold at a public market –raw milk, low acid canned/bottled (home produced) such as tomatoes, salsa, mushrooms, beans, and carrots ( a pH of equal or greater than 4.6), home bottled meat, canned fish, smoked fish, shellfish, and seafood products which are not produced in a licensed facility, uninspected meat or poultry products.
I HAVE READ THE RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE NEW GLASGOW FARMERS MARKET AND AGREE TO CONFORM TO THE REGULATIONS CONTAINED THEREIN AND I UNDERSTAND THAT THE FARMERS MARKET INSURANCE POLICY DOES NOT COVER THE EMPLOYEES, MY FAMILY MEMBERS OR ME.The seller agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the New Glasgow Farmers Market, it's Governing Board of Directors, Agents, Employees and Volunteers from any damage, injury or loss to any person or persons, including, but not limited to, persons to whom the seller may be liable under any Workers Compensation law and the producer, and from any loss, damages, caused by action, claims or suits for damages, including, but not limited to, loss of property, goods, or merchandise, caused by, or arising out of, or in any way connected with sellers use of the privileges herein granted.
Signature: ______Date: ______
Completed and Signed applications can be:
- mailed or dropped offat the New Glasgow Farmers Market at
261 Glasgow St , New Glasgow B2H 5C2
- emailed to
Vendor Fees 2016
Member Vendors
$25 per table.
(a second or third table = $20 per additional table.)
(There is an additional $5 charge for vendors that use power.)
Non - Member Vendors
$30 per table
(a second or third table = $25 per additional table.)
(There is an additional $5 charge for vendors that use power.)
The use of the kitchen = $50 for non-member or $45 for members.
Food Trucks = $50 for non-member or $45 for members.
OutdoorVendors will get a $5 reduction for their table fee (with the exception of food trucks).
* fees subject to change
Name: ______
Business Name:
Address: Phone:
Please describe the products you wish to sell. Products not described here will require a revised product application and are subject to approval. Returning vendors are still required to submit photos of new products
Food product(s) – please list goods according to Public Market categories (Schedules A, B or C):
All products – where are your ingredients/materials sourced? Confirmation of origin may be requested. Please keep all receipts.
I would like to sell these new products at:
Winter Market (January to May) Summer Market (May through October)
**Fall & Holiday Markets (November & December)
**Please note- Inclusion in Winter and Summer Markets does not guarantee space in the Fall and Holiday Markets. These spaces will be awarded to Primary Producers and full time members with the most seniority first.