May 2010doc.: IEEE 802.11-10/0678r0

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

Minutes of the IEEE P802 Standards Process Info Exchange Meeting
Date: 2010-05-18
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Stephen McCann / Research in Motion (RIM) UK Ltd / 200 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 3XE, UK / +44 1753 667099 /

IEEE P802& Chinese National Standards Bodies “Standards Process Info Exchange Meeting”

China World Hotel, Beijing, PRC


Presiding chairs: Bruce Kraemer (Marvell Semiconductor)and Bob Heile (ZigBee Alliance) opened the meeting at 13:40China Standard Time (CST)

  1. Introduction(Bruce Kraemer)

1.1.Invitation was given to Chinese National Standards Bodies to enable IEEE 802 to understand how the standards process operates in China.

1.2.Thank you very much to Dr. Xing for all his help and coordination.

1.3.Presentations will be exchanged during the break and will be available to everyone in a day or so.

  1. Introduction (Xing Tao)

2.1.Extending his thanks for Bruce Kraemer and Bob Heile.

2.2.Meeting for info exchange between IEEE 802 and Chinese National Standard bodies.

2.3.We hope that following this meeting, more Chinese organizations will participate in the IEEE 802 standardization process.

  1. CESI Overview and Chinese National Standards’ Making Process (Yu Xuemei)

3.1.Introduction to CESI.

3.2.Has an MoU with IEEE and other SDOs

3.3.Close relationship with IEC/ISO.

3.4.Question(Q): What are the definitions of Mandatory and Recommended?

3.5.Answer(A): Mandatory for health and safety, whereas IT related ones are Recommended.

3.6.Q: Is there any relationship between CESI, CCSA and CNIS?

3.7.A: CCSI is one institution of the national standards body, CCSA is a communications standards association, CNIS is a standards institute by itself.

3.8.Q: What’s the time limit of comment resolution? You stated that comments can be received up to 5 months.

3.9.A: Comments will be shared within the standard’s working group. Therefore comment resolution is not an open process. Usually comments are resolved within 2 months.

  1. IGRS: From Standards to Industry Alliance (Cao Zhongying)

4.1.Presented by IGRS Engineering Lab Ltd

4.2.IGRS (Intelligent Group and Resource Sharing)

4.3.Organized a “Power 3C Convergence Industry”

4.4.Q: What is the IPR policy for IGRS?

4.5.A: That of the Chinese National Standards body.

4.6.Q: What are the additional functionalities within the IGSA TV

4.7.A: To add a media function to a TV, which allows other devices in the home to connect

4.8.Chair: This is a national standards body within China. Are you planning to extend it overseas?

4.9.A: It is not a government organization, it is a trade association

4.10.Q: It appears that IGRS is doing similar work to DNLA.

4.11.A: We work in the same domain, but there are differences.

4.12.Q: So why did you decide to create a separate organization, as opposed to joining to DNLA.

4.13.A: Because we had differing ideas, above and beyond DNA.

4.14.Q: What does the 3C marking mean?

4.15.A: It’s used in the home digital domain, and has now surprised the original requirements.

4.16.Q: One of your slides shows Wi-Fi in the architecture. Why do you use it?

4.17.A: We don’t care about the transport layer, as IGRS is application layer specific.

  1. Overview of China Communication Standards Association (CCSA) (Gong Daning)

5.1.It is a voluntary organization of the telecommunication industry. It also performs research in this area.

5.2.There are 4 levels to the national standards.

5.3.Wireless Tech (T5)

5.4.TC5 WG3 matches some aspects of IEEE 802 for broadband wireless access.

5.5.They now have a new group which will look into closer IEEE communications.

5.6.Q: There are several overlaps, but you didn’t mention CCSA.

5.7.A: The slide on TC5 Working Group 3, shows WLAN technology, specifically public WLAN equipmentrequirements for public operation of hotspots.

5.8.Q: On slide #18, it shows you are interested in several IEEE projects.

5.9.A: This is driven by CCSA members, but there is interested in 802.11ac, P1904 & green technology.

5.10.Chair: Do you have any requests for IEEE people who are here.

5.11.A: We would like to talk to the 802.11ac people, learning about process and how we contribute.

5.12.Chair: Ok, let’s try and arrange for you to talk to the 802.11ac chair.

5.13.Q: I understand that there is an equivalent activity to 802.11n within CCSA.

5.14.A: I know there is a project about high throughput. Some member companies are promoting this at the moment.

5.15.Q: Where is this activity happening and what is the status.

5.16.A: It is also dealt with in TC5, and I can put you in contact with the correct people.

5.17.Chair: Who should we talk to within CCSA about projects? Would that be you?

5.18.A: I can be the interface of this work. Since I’m the chair of the IEEE activities, I can find the correct person.

  1. China Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPAN) (Peng Xiaoming)

6.1.WPAN 60GHz task group

6.2.WPAN UWB task group

6.3.Q: What spectrum has been approved by the Chinese FCC? How long has this group been going?

6.4.A: The task group started in March 2010.

6.5.Q: So it looks like the objective is high speed video and data streaming.

6.6.A: There are some unique Chinese requirements which mean that different documents need to be drafted. 11ad in now in progress.

6.7.Q: Perhaps you can now talk with the IEEE 802.11 chair that is here.

6.8.A: Ok, that is a good suggestion

6.9.Q: There are many standards and indeed there could be 4 or 5 60 GHz standards in a few years time. Under the Chinese regulations, would international and national standards be allowed to operate in China?

6.10.A: I understand that 11ad devices will be able to operate in China.

6.11.Chair: You are finishing your requirements documents shortly, so is there any possibility of us reviewing your requirements documents. How can we actively participate in your activities?

6.12.A: We do welcome international contributions in our projects.

6.13.Q: Which direction is the China 60 GHz standard going?

6.14.Q: Now that 11ad is starting to merge. Can the China 60 GHz activity influence the 11ad group?

6.15.A: Not sure, but this is a good point in time for both parties to talk.

Tea Break (15:27 – 16:00 CST)

  1. Cooperation between CWPAN and IEEE 802 (Zhao Mu)

7.1.CWPAN have already been co-operating with IEEE 802.15

7.2.Q: It is good that 802.15.4c and CWPAN are harmonizing this way.

7.3.Q: Is CWPAN is a separate organization?

7.4.A: No, as CWPAN is related to CESI. Also note that CCSA concentrates on telecoms, as CNIS concentrates on physical layer and chips.

  1. Overview of CNIS(Zhang Jianfang)

8.1.See handbook

8.2.Chinese National Institute of Standardization.

8.3.This organization is related to CEIS.

8.4.The institute has developed more than 200 national standards, and the detail is in the handbook.

8.5.Q: If you have questions, please can you talk to the presenter.

  1. Working Group for Sensor Network (Xing Tao)

9.1.This is the group that is standardizing a solution for sensor network.

9.2.It is possible to join using their web site (see slides for URL)

9.3.This organization is related to CEIS.

9.4.No questions

  1. 802 Standards Process Information (Bruce Kraemer) [11-10-0617r1]

10.1.Q: regarding slide #5, you have both individual & corporate memberships.

10.2.A: IEEE-SA offers two different methods of standard’s membership. In IEEE 802 all the projects utilize individual member, whereas some projects within IEEE-SA use entity voting.

10.3.Q: Is there a difference between these memberships?

10.4.A: No, it’s just the way you are allowed to vote.

10.5.Q: Regarding SmartGrid, there are many activities within IEEE 802. What’s the relationship between them?

10.6.A: So, IEEE 802.15.4g has a project; IEEE 802.11 only has an ad-hoc group which cannot currently generate any standard’s material.

10.7.IEEE 802 Chair: Can you mention about liaisons. IEEE-SA is very interested in working with other organizations. This is done through the exchange of liaisons.

10.8.Chair: A good example is that between IEEE 802.11u and ETSI 3GPP for interworking to allow exchange of data on a dual mode smart phone. Sometimes we request liaisons from interesting bodies, such as the Wi-Fi Alliance for conformance testing of IEEE 802.11 technology.

10.9.Q: What happened to IEEE 802.11T? It was talking about system testing and verification.

10.10.Chair: Sometimes, great ideas loose support over a few years. After a couple of years they did produce a draft document of IEEE 802.11T, but it didn’t go any further as there was no more support for it.

  1. Conclusions(Bruce Kraemer)

11.1.Any suggestions for the way forward from this meeting?

11.2.No comments

11.3.The presentations will be available shortly.

11.4.Chair: I would like to thank Dr. Xing Tao for bringing all the presentations together today.

11.5.Finally I would welcome any further suggestions.

Minutespage 1Stephen McCann, RIM