1stQuarter Book Report Activities
50 points
- Novelmust be 150+ pages
- Books need to be at or above grade level
- It cannot be a book we are reading in class nor a book you have read before
Choose ONE activity from the following list to complete. Your novel activity will be worth 50 points. Only an activity that demonstrates extra effort will receive the maximum number of points.All writing for your novel activity must be your own. You may not copy from other sources.Activities will be presented individually.
1.Paint a portrait of your main character. Attach a 1 page description of the character’s personality and what she/he does in the story.
- Use paint – no crayons or markers.
Paint your portrait on canvas or poster board - 12X18 minimum/max. (PLEASE NOT BIGGER)
If you choose to use canvas (purchased at a craft store), your portrait may be smaller. No smaller than 8X10 please.
Type in black ink on un-lined white paper.Include the title and author of the book.
Attach the description to the front of the portrait – be careful not to cover up your character. If you’re using a canvas, don’t try to attach your description. I’ll display the description next to the portrait.
2. Make adetailed time line of events in the main character’s life.
Your time line should contain at least 15 events. Each event should include 3-4 sentences explaining what happened and why it was important to the character’s life.
Your time line should contain at least 5 color illustrations.
All writing must be typed in black ink.
Your time line should contain the title and author of the book.
12X18 minimum/max. (PLEASE NOT BIGGER)
3.Design a comic strip for your book covering all the main events in the story from beginning to end.
Your comic strip should contain at least 15 frames (events).
Each frame should contain 3-4 sentences of dialogue or narrative.
Your comic strip should be completed in black ink and color.
Your comic strip should contain the title and author of the book.
All writing must be typed in black ink.
12X18 minimum/max. (PLEASE NOT BIGGER)
4.Design a book jacket for your book. Everything you write must be in your own words – including the review statements. Your book jacket must include:
Illustrations, title, and author on the cover
A back cover summary of the story- 20 sentences minimum
Information on the inside jacket flaps – this could be about the author, other books by the author, etc.10 sentences on each inside flap.
Review statements from publishers, magazines, newspapers(3 sentences)
Look at some real book jackets for more ideas
All writing must be typed in black ink and illustrations in color.
5. Draw a detailed illustrated map of an important setting in your book.
Your map should be in color.
Your map should contain at least 10 locations where important events happened in the story.Each location should have an illustration.
Each place on the map should have a detailed written explanation of what happened there and why it is important to the story.
All writing must be typed in black ink.
12X18 minimum/max. (PLEASE NOT BIGGER)
6. Make a story cube to tell about your book. Use white poster paper to construct your cube.Each side should be at least 8 inches. Each side should include both written information and color illustrations. All writing must be typed in black ink.
Side 1 = a description of the main character: personality and appearance
Side 2 = a description of the setting
Side 3 = a description of the conflict and the resolution
Side 4 = a brief summary of the plot: 4 or 5 main events
Top = The title and author of the book
Bottom = your name and class period
7. Put together a selection of at least 4 songs that represent themes or events in the story and design a CD or Cassette cover for your selections.
Your cover should include the title and author of the story and appropriate pictures/illustrations. You may use a CD or a tape. All song lyrics must be appropriate for school.
Write a summary of the story. Include a brief description of the plot, main character, setting, main conflict and explain the connection between each song and the story.Include the title and author. One page/one side minimum. All writing must be typed in black ink.
8. Present or film a skit of your favorite scene in the story. You may use other students, family members, paper dolls, puppets, etc. as characters in your skit.
Write a script of your scene. Type your script in black ink. Don’t forget to include the title and author of the story.
Your skit must be 5 -8 minutes in length.
Include appropriate costumes, props, and sets.
9. Design a T-shirt for your novel.
Use a plain white cotton t-shirt.
For best results, use fabric markers/crayons/paint.
Your t-shirt should be decorated on both sides and include the title and author of the story and illustrations that help show something about the story/characters/conflict/setting.
Write a 1 page summary of the story. Include the title and author. Type or write your summary neatly in black ink.
Wear your t-shirt on the day we present novel activities.
10. Create a newspaper for the book you are reading.
Include at least 4 articles (7-10 sentences each), 2 advertisements, and 5 pictures/illustrations. Look at real newspapers for ideas that will help your paper look more authentic.
Include the title and author of the book.
All writing must be typed in black ink.
Give your newspaper an original name.