Grade 12

Settlement Assignment



  • Cut out the block above and paste at the top of the large sheet provided . In this block, provide the following :
  • a suitable name for the mapped area or urban settlement..
  • describe the area in terms of the prevailing climate and main economic activity. If possible try to provide some indication of the country your area would be found in.
  • Insert your name and class details in the space provided.
  • Using the compass supplied, indicate north by placing the compass in the bottom left corner to indicate where north is. Careful as this will influence many other choices.
  • Using a blue kokipen, trace in a river’s course from the top left corner to the bottom right corner. The direction the river follows is up to you. No tributaries are necessary, but may be included if you so wish.
  • Mountains are found on the mapped area. Therefore draw mountains and hills using a brown kokipen or stick the pictures provided or others that you can source. Use your initiative in locating the mountains, bearing in mind their influence on river courses and settlement patterns.


  • Utilizing your settlement knowledge, start placing the pictures of various activities onto the mapped area. These can be glued down later. Consider clearly where each item will be placed, as marks will be given for its suitability. Suggest that you locate your CBD first.
  • As you place each activity, make a note of it’s corresponding number and note the reason down in the table provided.
  • Other features that must be included include :
  • Different type of roads – freeways, main roads, secondary roads.
  • Railway lines
  • Complete in detail the other columns on the table as required. Take note of the explanatory notes.
  • You may add additional appropriate features, activities or structures. Place these in a suitable location on the mapped area. . Your initiative and effort will be welcome and effort in this regard will also be rewarded.
  • Neatness and presentation will also be rewarded appropriately.


Grade 12 Settlement Geography Assignment. Copyright : Mr J Alexander 2002

Location Table for Activities and Corresponding Explanation.

Name/s : ………………………………………………………………………………… Class Group : ……………….…

Map Key1 / Type of Function/ Activity2 / Reason for it’s location3 / Evaluation4 ( is the location positive or negative)

1This is a code that you will find for each of the items that need to be stuck onto the mapped


2Identify the type of activity or function . E.G. Light industry, commercial, high income


3Outline fully the reasons for locating the function/activity.

4Evaluate the positive or negative effect that this function/activity will have on the surrounding



Grade 12 Settlement Geography Assignment. C : Mr J Alexander 2002

Activity / Function Sheet


Marking Rubric Grd 12 Settlement Assignment

Name/s :……………………………………………………………………………

Class Tutor:……………………………………………………………………………

Criteria / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Initial Layout1
Location of different land uses 2
Compatibility of different functions when compared to those around them 3
Explanation for the location of various functions 4
Outline illustrating the positive or negative influence of any specific function’s location 5
Has any additional appropriate features, activities or structures have been incorporated in reasonably suitable
locations 6
Neatness and presentation 7

15 = The work was completed - all the initial layouts consisting of the North Arrow, rivers and mountains were completed in a neat and imaginative fashion ? / 3= The work was completed, but lacks insight and imagination when locating these aspects. / 1 = Few, if any aspects were included or the insight and imagination was totally lacking when placing these aspects.

25 = The work displays a clear, comprehensive and in-depth application of the theoretical knowledge of land use location by accurate location of different and varied land uses. / 3 = the location of land uses is satisfactory, but lacks accuracy when comparing to a real life situation. / 1= Very poor location of land uses, indicating a lack of application of theoretical knowledge or limited location of the land uses available.

35 = The different land uses are extremely compatible, indicating that there is a clear understanding how each land use relates to another. / 3= A satisfactory mixture of some land uses being compatible but others not. / 1= Most, if not all land uses are incompatible when relating to others in close proximity.

45= In the table, a detailed and accurate explanation for the location of various functions is provided / 3 = A limited explanation of land use location is provided – showing shallow interpretation / 1 = little or incorrect explanation is provided.

55 = In the table, a detailed and theoretically correct outline is provided illustrating the positive or negative influence of any specific function’s location / 3 = A reasonable outline is provided, but lacks depth or is not complete. /1 = A very limited or incorrect outline is provided.

65 = A significant amount of additional features have been incorporated and located in a theoretically correct manner. / 3 = Some extra features have been incorporated or those a reasonable amount has been included but the correctness of their location is questionable. / 1 = No extra effort has been made, or the features included are incorrectly located.

75 = exceptional neatness and presentation showing 3 = satisfactory in appearance 1 = untidy illustrating a lack of effort.


Grade 12 Settlement Geography Assignment. Copyright : Mr J Alexander 2002