1.1 Name
The name of this organization shall be the Cy-Fair Girls’Athletic Association, hereinafter referred to as CFGAA. The CFGAA is a non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Texas, Charter No. 1245200-01.
1.2 Purpose
The purpose of this organization is to provide young athletes an opportunity to participate in organized sports. The ultimate goal is to help the youthful athlete to develop traits of good citizenship that will be essential in later life.
1.3 Objective
The objective of the Association will be to stimulate healthful recreation; teach responsibility, teamwork and fair play, and build self-confidence in an atmosphere of competitive group activities, bearing in mind that winning of games shall be secondary.
2.1 Player Member
Any girl meeting the age requirement shall be eligible to participate after proper registration; but shall have no rights, duties or obligations in the management of or in the property of the CFGAA.
2.2 Registered Member
Any adult actively interested in furthering the purpose of the CFGAA may become a registered member. All registered members are eligible to become officers of CFGAA. Registered members include parents of registered CFGAA children, CFGAA coaches, CFGAA Board of Directors, Committee members, Commissioners and CFGAA umpires.
3.1 Management of the CFGAA
The authority to manage the property and affairs of the CFGAA is vested in the Board of Directors.
3.2 Composition of the Board of Directors
Elected Positions: The Board of Directors shall consist of the following elected persons:
(1) President
(2) Vice President Softball Operations
(3) Vice President Registration
(4) Vice President Softball Scheduling
(5) Vice President Equipment/Uniforms
(6) Vice President Softball Officials
(7) Vice President Facilities
(8) Vice President Fund Raising and Sponsorships
(9) Secretary
(10) Treasurer
(11) Webmaster
(12) Sports Commissioners (1 position for each sport age group or grouping)
4.1 Meetings
(A) The Board of Directors shall meet at least once per month in August and through July. At least one meeting per month shall be open for all Registered Members. A joint Board of Directors meeting shall be held in August for the purpose of a smooth transition from year-to-year and the transfer of information, records, and equipment.
(B) The July Board of Directors meeting shall include the election of the next year’s Board of Directors. All Registered Members meeting the voting requirements of Article 6.3 shall be eligible to vote for members of the Board of Directors. Proxy voting shall be allowed for the election of the Board of Directors.
4.2 Voting
(A) Each Board of Director, except the President, shall have one vote and there shall be no proxy voting except for the annual election of the Board of Directors. The President shall only vote in the event of a tie and in the annual election of the Board of Directors.
(B) The quorum of the Board of Directors shall consist of a majority (at least fifty-one percent (51%)) of the Board of Directors.
(C) Except as otherwise expressly provided in the these By-Laws, all decisions, approvals and other actions of the Board of Directors shall be decided by an affirmative vote of at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the quorum.
4.3 Function of the Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall:
(A) Ensure the financial liquidity of the CFGAA and act as a board of arbitration on contested matters;
(B) Review and verify the financial statements of the CFGAA to determine if they fairly represent the financial status of the CFGAA;
(C) Ensure that tax returns and other government reports are prepared and timely filed;
(D) Determine what athletic programs it will offer, supervise and conduct;
(E) Implement rules and procedures to accomplish the approved athletic programs;
(F) Ratify Presidential appointments of Committee Chairpersons, and Board of Directors for mid-term vacancies;
(G) Recall any fellow member of the Board of Directors;
(H) Amend the By-Laws pursuant to Article 9
(I) Approve all financial expenditures in excess of five hundred U.S. dollars ($500)
(J) Conduct themselves at all times in an exemplary manner befitting of leaders of youth and
(K) Suspend, expel or remove any Registered Members for conduct unbecoming a member of CFGAA
5.1 President
It shall be the duty of the President to:
(A) Serve a one (1) year term;
(B) Preside over all meetings;
(C) Assure the by-laws are observed;
(D) Assure that correct records are maintained;
(E) Break any tie vote resulting from any decision;
(F) Appoint committee(s) as needed;
(G) Call meetings as needed;
(H) Assure the financial records of CFGAA are audited at the end of each fiscal year;
(I) Responsible for insurance coverage;
(J) Responsible for filing of forms with the Secretary of State and the Texas Comptroller ;
(K) Relinquish all records, property, etc. pertaining to this office, by August 1st, to the incoming President; and,
(L) Perform such other duties, as the Board of Directors shall prescribe
5.2 Vice President Softball Operations
It shall be the duty of the Vice President Softball Operations to:
(A) Serve a one (1) year term;
(B) Implement and operate the softball Program as defined by the Board of Directors;
(C) Present proposal(s) regarding the Softball Program to the Board of Directors for approval. Assure the proper implementation of any approved changes by all persons involved;
(D) Assist Commissioners in selecting coaches, subject to the Board of Directors approval;
(E) Monitor Commissioners and Coaches to ensure the proper conduct as well as proper execution of the Softball Program;
(F) Preside over all meetings in the absence of the President;
(G) Submit a budget for the fiscal year to the Board of Directors each September 1st;
(H) Relinquish all records, property, etc., by August 1st, to the incoming Vice President Softball Operations;
(I) Perform all duties assigned by the President and/or Board of Directors; and
(J) Perform such other duties, as the President and/or Board of Directors shall prescribe.
5.3 Vice President Registration
It shall be the duty of the Vice President Registration to:
(A) Serve a one (1) year term;
(B) Organize and manage registration for all CFGAA sports;
(C) Determine that eligibility requirements of participants have been met;
(D) Advertise and promote CFGAA and its registrations;
(E) Serve as the CFGAA Technical Administrator for the companies providing the server and host for the CFGAA Registration website;
(F) Design and maintain the CFGAA Registration internet website;
(G) Update the website in a timely manner to reflect pertinent and relevant information regarding CFGAA registration;
(H) Coordinate links between the CFGAA Registration website and the CFGAA website, working in conjunction with the Webmaster;
(I) Preside over all meetings in the absence of the President and Vice President Softball Operations;
(J) Submit a budget for the fiscal year to the Board of Directors each September 1st;
(K) Relinquish all records, property, passwords, etc., by August 1st, to the incoming Vice President Registration; and,
(L) Perform all duties assigned by the President and/or the Board of Directors
5.4 Vice President -Scheduling
It shall be the duty of the Vice President Softball Scheduling to:
(A) Serve a one (1) year term;
(B) Schedule all CFGAA softball league games, practice slots and other CFGAA supported softball games/practices;
(C) Preside over all meetings in the absence of the President, Vice President Softball Operations and Vice President Registration;
(D) Submit a budget for the fiscal year to the Board of Directors each September 1st;
(E) Relinquish all records, property, etc., by August 1st, to the incoming Vice President Softball Scheduling; and,
(F) Perform all duties assigned by the President and/or the Board of Directors.
5.5 Vice President Equipment/Uniforms
It shall be the duty of the Vice President Equipment/Uniforms to:
(A) Serve a one (1) year term;
(B) Plan, procure bids and assume responsibility for all uniforms, equipment procurement maintenance, distribution, collection, storage, etc.;
(C) Prepare an annual (June) inventory report of all CFGAA equipment and uniforms. The inventory report shall be submitted to the Board of Directors no later than July 1st;
(D) Maintain the “Winkleman” building and all other inventory storage sites in good order;
(E) Establish and maintain a checklist system to assure the equipment issued is returned at the end of each season and require a financial deposit on all issued equipment;
(F) Submit a budget for the fiscal year to the Board of Directors each September 1st;
(G) Relinquish all records, property, etc., by August 1st, to the incoming Vice President Equipment/Uniforms; and,
(H) Perform all duties assigned by the President and/or the Board of Directors.
5.6 Vice President Softball Officials
It shall be the duty of the Vice President Softball Officials to:
(A) Serve a one (1) year term;
(B) Administer, recruit and train all softball officials
(C) Develop softball coaching programs
(D) Submit a budget for the fiscal year to the Board of Directors each September 1st;
(E) Relinquish all records, property, etc., by August 1st, to the incoming Vice President Softball Officials; and,
(F) Perform all duties assigned by the President and/or the Board of Directors.
5.7 Vice President Facilities
It shall be the duty of the Vice President Facilities to:
(A) Serve a one (1) year term;
(B) Oversee all matters relating to the softball facilities;
(C) Administer softball facilities, facilities maintenance and facilities construction;
(D) Prepare a written list of improvements and repairs needed at CFGAA facilities at least twice a year. Such list and recommendations should be ordered in a priority basis and shall be submitted to the Board of Directors;
(E) Submit a budget for the fiscal year to the Board of Directors each September 1st;
(F) Relinquish all records, property, etc., by August 1st, to the incoming Vice President Facilities; and,
(G) Perform all duties assigned by the President and/or the Board of Directors.
5.8 Vice President Fund Raising and Sponsorship
It shall be the duty of the Vice President Fund Raising and Sponsorship to:
(A) Serve a one (1) year term;
(B) Submit fund raising proposals and sponsorship recommendations to the Board of Directors;
(C) Administer the Association’s fund raising activities;
(D) Administer the sponsorship program, encouraging all teams to participate;
(E) Seek general Association sponsors;
(F) Administer the collection an accounting of all fund raising and sponsorships, coordinating with the Treasurer;
(G) Submit a budget for the fiscal year to the Board of Directors each September 1st;
(H) Relinquish all records, property, etc., by August 1st, to the incoming Vice President Fund Raising and Sponsorships; and,
(I) Perform all duties assigned by the President and/or the Board of Directors.
5.9 Secretary
It shall be the duty of the Secretary to:
(A) Serve a one (1) year team;
(B) Keep a complete set of records and minutes;
(C) Maintain a current membership list and voting eligibility list;
(D) Handle all correspondence for CFGAA;
(E) Submit a budget for the fiscal year to the Board of Directors each September 1st;
(F) Relinquish all records, property, etc., by August 1st, to the incoming Secretary; and,
(G) Perform all duties assigned by the President and/or the Board of Directors.
5.10 Treasurer
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to:
(A) Serve a one (1) year term;
(B) Oversee the financial aspect of all fund raising and sponsorship activities, coordination with the Vice President fund Raising and Sponsorship;
(C) Receive, distribute and account for all monetary activities of CFGAA;
(D) Maintain a complete set of financial records;
(E) Provide financial reports to the Board of Directors at all regular scheduled meetings;
(F) Ensure adherence to all budgets;
(G) Initiate all tax returns or other required governmental records, present to the Board of Directors for approval and assure timely filings;
(H) Submit a budget for the fiscal year to the Board of Directors each September 1st;
(I) Relinquish all records, property, etc., by August 1st, to the incoming Treasurer;
(J) Perform all duties assigned by the President and/or the Board of Directors.
5.11 Webmaster
It shall be the duty of the Webmaster to:
(A) Serve a one (1) year term;
(B) Serve as the CFGAA Technical Administrator for the companies providing the server and host for the CFGAA website;
(C) Design and maintain the CFGAA internet website;
(D) Update the website on a regular basis to post information regarding CFGAA activities, meetings, rules, forms, standings, etc. and other information as provided by the Board of Directors;
(E) Maintain email address links on the CFGAA Website for each of the members of the Board of Directors.
(F) Coordinate links between the CFGAA website and the CFGAA on-line registration site, working in conjunction with the Vice President registration;
(G) Submit a budget for the fiscal year to the Board of Directors each September 1st;
(H) Relinquish all records, property, passwords, etc., by August 1st, o the incoming Webmaster; and,
(I) Perform all duties assigned by the President and/or the Board of Directors.
5.12 Sport Commissioner (One (1) Commissioner for each age group or grouping)
It shall be the duty of the Sport Division Commissioners in their respective age groups or team groups, as determined by the Board of Directors, to:
(A) Serve a one (1) year term;
(B) Participate in the registration and form teams for his/her age Division;
(C) Minimize problems within his/her division before the occur;
(D) Coordinate actions with the Vice President Softball Operations and other Commissioners to assure uniformity for the entire sport program;
(E) Work in conjunction with the Vice President Softball Scheduling to reschedule games when necessary;
(F) Be present and conduct tryouts/draft for his/her division, as appropriate;
(G) Work with coaches within their division to ensure that the purposes of CFGAA are being served;
(H) Work with the Vice President Softball Officials to assure development and achievement of athletic skills;
(I) Relinquish all records, property, information related to his/her division coaches/players, etc, by August 1st, to the incoming Sport Commissioner and,