Deerfield Community School District
300 Simonson Boulevard
Deerfield, WI 53531
Board of Education
Regular Meeting
March 16, 2009
6:30 pm
BOE Present: Bush, Cwik, Fischer, Mack, Page, Poirier, Winkler
BOE Absent:
Administration Present: Callahan, Jensen, Stenroos, Treuden
Administration Absent: Becker
Others Present: Mark Treuden, Laurie Couillard, Elise Couillard, Julie Jacobson, John Polzin, Rhonda Gulbranson, Paul Nonn, Rick Hommen, Terri Borrud, Laurie Steen, Cathi Meinecke, Donna Schenk, Lori Vogel, Dave Podmolik, Michael Bahmann, Patrick Smythe-Eagle, Helene Smythe-Eagle, Brandon Shaw, Amber Rogers, David Lemke, Gretchen Aplin, Aubrey Rohner, Brad, Ashley, Nancy and Rick Konkel, Jessica, Lauren, Ian, Claudia and Sig Bringe, Jill and Evan Halverson, Debra Kohlwey, Dave Doyle, Sue Erickson, Jim Jensen, Cecilia Fuentes, Lori Gosdeck and other community members who were not signed in.
1. Call to Order
Meeting called to order by President, Tom Bush at 6:31 pm as duly posted under s.s. 19.84(1)(2)(c).
2. Call of Roll
Roll Call taken: Bush, Cwik, Fischer, Mack, Page, Poirier, Winkler.
3. Proof of Posting
Michelle Jensen presented proof of posting of the Amended Meeting Agenda on March 11, 2009.
4. Approval of Agenda
Motion by Poirier/Mack to approve the March 16, 2009 amended agenda as posted. Carried 7-0.
5. Approval of Minutes
Motion by Page/Fischer to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on February 16, 2009. Carried 7-0.
Motion by Page/Fischer to approve the minutes of the Regular and Executive Meetings on March 4, 2009. Carried 7-0.
Motion by Page/Fischer to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting on March 11, 2009. Carried 7-0.
6. Treasurer’s Report: Financial reports presented by Doreen Treuden. Motion by Poirier/Cwik to approve January financial report.
A roll call vote was taken to approve the current expenditures. Carried 7-0.
Before opening the meeting for Public Input a couple of Old Business items were discussed. Sandy Fischer discussed the Extra Curricular Committee meeting findings in regard to moving to the Capitol Conference. Only two teams are invited at a time to move conferences and both Deerfield and Pardeeville were invited, however, Pardeeville declined at this time, so Deerfield will not be moving conferences at this time either.
The Track Resurfacing was also discussed and the facility and finance committees will be recommending moving forward on completing the track updates.
7. Public Input: Several citizens expressed their concern regarding the recent resignations of Mark Klawiter and Angie Baker. Citizens who wanted to discuss their concerns were asked to sign-in and were called upon to share their concerns. All citizens who wanted to speak were given time to discuss their concerns.
8. Student Council Report: No report at this time.
Legislative Report/Discussion: No discussion.
Policy Committee Report/Discussion: Committee met to discuss field trip policies and MP3 player use by students.
Extra Curricular Committee Report: Discussed possible move to the Capitol Conference and Extra Curricular handbook revisions.
Finance Committee Report: Met on March 13 to discuss HVAC RFP, State Trust fund Village Well Site and sidewalk on Liberty Street for Elementary School.
Facilities Committee Report: Discussed track reconstruction.
Personnel Committee Report: Have started negotiations with DEA and DESP.
Technology Committee Report: Had presentation on white board technology.
Safety Committee Report: Discussed crisis plan and basic emergency response procedures.
Joint Interactive Committee Report: Did not meet. No report.
Health and Wellness Committee Report: Pam Haffely gave a presentation on Total Body Challenge class at High School. Thanked many staff and community members for their work on the Health & Wellness day.
A. Consideration of Move to Capitol Conference: Discussed the possible move to the Capitol Conference. Motion by Fischer/Poirier to not approve the move to the Capitol Conference. Deerfield will remain in the Trailways Conference. Carried 7-0.
B. Review Track and Field Proposal: Motion by Poirier/Fischer to approve moving forward on the Track Renovations. Carried 7-0.
C. Policy First Readings:
Field Trip Policy (352): Motion by Page/Poirier to approve first reading of policy. Carried 7-0.
A. Request for Science Club Camping Trip: Christy Charles presented a proposal for a Science Club Camping Trip to Door County from June 8-12 which will include students being excused from the two make-up days. Motion by Page/Winkler to approve Science Club Camping Trip. Carried 7-0.
B. Announcement of Gifts to Schools: Our thanks to Paul Haag for coordinating a gift of $1250 through Landmark Cooperative for the MS Science program and for his work with the Deerfield Youth Wrestling Club to provide new MS wrestling singlets valued at $561.
C. Update on Grants: Alternative Education and PEP grants have been submitted. The district is working with PICADA to submit an AODA grant.
D. Resolution of School District Authorizing Loan from Board of Commissioners of Public Lands: Motion by Poirier/Cwik to approve State Loan. Roll call vote 7-0.
E. HVAC Maintenance Contract: Motion by Poirier/Cwik to approve North American Mechanical, Inc. as the HVAC maintenance contractor. Carried 7-0.
F. Open Enrollment Requests for 2009-10: Barb Callahan presented information on applications In and Out of District for open enrollment for next year. These requests will not be final until June.
G. Youth Options Requests for 2009-10: Three students have submitted Youth Options Requests for next fall. Motion by Page/Cwik to approve all three requests. Carried 7-0.
H. Staffing Recommendations including, Temporary Custodian: Nine applications were submitted and position was offered to Jason Schmitt who has previous custodial experience. Motion by Page/Winkler to approve Jason Schmitt for the custodian position. Carried 7-0.
I. Extra Curricular Staffing Recommendations including, MS Track: – Motion by Fischer/Mack to approve the following extra curricular staffing positions for this Spring:
Melissa Frame, Julie Jacobson and Ann Michulsky for MS Track and Jeff Endicot for JV Baseball. Carried 7-0.
J. Teaching Contracts 2009-10: Motion by Poirier/Fischer to approve Teaching Contracts for 2009-2010. Carried 7-0.
K. Preliminary Staffing Proposals for 2009-10: Discussed in executive session.
L. QEO Support Resolution from WASB: Motion by Bush/Cwik to approve maintaining QEO support. Carried 7-0.
M. School Start Date Resolution: Motion by Bush/Page to approve resolution to encourage repeal of September 1, start date. Carried 7-0.
12. School Board President’s Report: Tom Bush stated that the District needs to move Forward Together. He announced that the Board will hold a listening session with the community on March 31st from 6-7:30 in the HS IMC and encouraged people to attend to share their ideas.
13. Administrative Reports:
Michelle Jensen: Participated as a speaker at the WASDA/AWSA Aspiring Superintendent workshop. Congratulations to the students and music department for a very successful solo and ensemble contest.
Barb Callahan: Melissa Hill, Pam Haffely and Jacque Schuh are presently working on Grants.
Doreen Treuden: No report
Jeff Stenroos: Jeff congratulated John Podmolik on his State wrestling success and shared that approximately 160 students have signed up for outside experiential opportunity trips to New York, Chicago and Milwaukee.
Mark Becker: Kindergarten visitation will be taking place on April 30 and May 1st. April is Fine Art Months and the Elementary School shared their plans of fun events for students.
Upcoming Meetings were scheduled.
Motion by Poirier/Fischer to move to executive session at 9:55 pm. Carried 7-0.
President Bush reconvened in open session at 11:15 pm. Carried 7-0.
No action taken in executive session.
Motion to adjourn at 11:18 pm. Carried 7-0.
Respectfully Submitted,
Doug Cwik