I. Comparison of adjectives
I failed my exam. What could beworse?
If I were you, I would do thisbetter.
We havelessmilk than juice.
Jack needsmoretime to think it over.
That hotel isfartherthan this one.
They needfurtherinformation to solve this problem.
Your car isolderthan mine. You should buy a new one.
I have anelderbrother. He's 22.
The worstthing in working at this school is noise.
This isthe bestbook I've ever written.
This part of town I likethe least. It's too dirty and grey.
What I likethe most/mostin you is your sense of humour.
This isthe farthestbuilding from the church.
This isthe furthestrelative I know. I've seen him only once in my life.
Our house isthe oldestin this part of the town.It was built in the 19th century.
Jack's grandfather isthe eldestin his family. He's 80.
Your sister isolderthan you so she's more experienced.
My tea is bitter. May I havemoresugar?
John, I think this job would bebetterfor you than the previous one. Send them your CV.
The bestideas come unexpectedly.
II. Comparison of adjectives
calm -calmer-the calmest (calm– spokojny, opanowany)
banal(+) -more banal-the most banal (banal– banalny)
flashy -flashier-the flashiest (flashy– jaskrawy, krzykliwy)
casual(-) -less casual-the least casual(casual– swobodny, okazjonalny)
hearty -heartier-the heartiest(hearty– serdeczny, szczery)
leafy -leafier-the leafiest(leafy– liściasty)
exclusive(-) -less exclusive-the least exclusive(exclusive– ekskluzywny)
mighty -mightier-the mightiest(mighty– ogromny, potężny)
general(+) -more general-the most general(general– ogólny)
patchy -patchier-the patchiest(patchy– niejednolity, nieregularny)
tolerant(-) -less tolerant-the least tolerant(tolerant– tolerancyjny)
innocent(+) -more innocent-the most innocent(innocent– niewinny, nieszkodliwy)
rusty -rustier-the rustiest(rusty– zardzewiały, zaniedbały)
justifiable(-) -less justifiable-the least justifiable(justifiable– słuszny, uzasadniony)
sad -sadder-the saddest(sad– smutny, nieszczesliwy)
shiny -shinier-the shiniest(shiny– lśniacy, wypolerowany)
normal(-) -less normal-the least normal(normal– zwykły, normalny)
stubborn(+) -more stubborn-the most stubborn(stubborn– uparty)
new -newer-the newest(new- nowy, nowoczesny)
great -greater-the greatest(great– świetny, wspaniały)
III Comparison of adjectives
particular(+) -more particular-the most particular(particular– konkretny)
red -redder-the reddest(red– czerwony)
positive(-) -less positive-the least positive(positive– pozytywny, korzystny)
slim -slimmer-the slimmest(slim– szczupły)
healthy -healthier-the healthiest(healthy– zdrowy)
possible(-) -less possible-the least possible (possible– możliwy, ewentualny)
hasty -hastier-the hastiest(hasty– gwałtowny, pochopny)
practical(+) -more practical-the most practical(practical– praktyczny)
starry -starrier-the starriest(starry– gwiazdzisty)
ready(-) -lessready-the least ready (ready– gotowy)
steady -steadier-the steadiest(steady– regularny, stały)
recent(+) -more recent-the most recent(recent– najnowszy, niedawny)
true -truer-the truest (true– prawdziwy)
mad -madder-the maddest (mad– wsciekły, zły)
serious(+) -more serious-the most serious (serious– powazny, wazny)
noisy -noisier-the noisiest(noisy– hałasujacy)
fantastic(-) -less fantastic-the least fantastic(fantastic– fantastyczny)
thick -thicker-the thickest(thick– gruby, bujny, gesty)
arrogant(+) -more arrogant-the most arrogant(arrogant– bezczelny)
logical(-) -less logical-the least logical (logical– logiczny)
short -shorter-the shortest (short – krótki )
simple -simpler-the simplest (simple – prosty)
big -bigger-the biggest (big– duży)
hard -harder-the hardest (hard – twardy, trudny)
deep -deeper-the deepest (deep– głeboki)
funny -funnier-the funniest(funny– zabawny, smieszny, dziwny)
narrow -narrower-the narrowest(narrow– wąski, ciasny)
wide -wider-the widest (wide– szeroki)
long -longer-the longest (long– długi)
high -higher-the highest (high– wysoki)
fast -faster-the fastest (fast– szybki)
cheap -cheaper-the cheapest (cheap– tani, tandetny)
clean -cleaner-the cleanest (clean– czysty)
cold -colder-the coldest (cold– zimny)
easy -easier-the easiest (easy– łatwy, prosty)
small -smaller-the smallest (small– mały)
old -older-the oldest (old– stary)
young -younger-the youngest (young– młody)
tall -taller-the tallest (tall– wysoki)
warm -warmer-the warmest (warm– ciepły)
I really like Tom. He's mybestfriend.
What isthe deepestandthe most shallowsea in the world?
I'mthe youngestperson in my family.
It's one ofthe most interestingbooks that I've read.
What wasthe worstmoment in your life?
It'sthe heaviestbaggage I've ever had.
He'sthe most politeperson that I've met.
Paris is one ofthe most beautifulcities in Europe.
Myeldestdaughter will be 23 this month.
Leaving Poland wasthe most foolishthing to do.
Who isthe highestperson in the world?
That's one ofthe most comfortablesofas I sat on.
Yesterday wasthe hottestday this summer.
What isthe most popularfood in your country?
When I saw her I thought she wasthe saddestgirl at the party.
It was one ofthe funniestfilms I'd ever seen.
Which was yourmost difficultexam in life?
That'sthe farthest/the furthestI've ever run.
Her daughter isthe cleverestgirl that I've met.
What wasthe most unusualthing that you did when you were young?
VI. as…as, not so…as
I'mnot so thin asMike. I'm fatter. ( thin-chudy)
My car isas good astheirs. It's the same standard.
He earns more than me. My salary isnot so high ashis.
I'mas old asJohn. We were both born in 1960.
She'sas tired asme. We went jogging together.
I'mnot so rich asyou. I can't afford that holiday.
It's not cold but it isnot so warm asyesterday.
My room isas big asyours. They're the same size.
Poland isnot so small asHolland. The difference is clear.
I'mnot so smart asMark. He's more intelligent.
Kevin isas nervous asme. We react in the same way.
My cat isnot so young asyours. I got mine earlier.
Kate's bicycle wasas cheap asmine. We paid the same price.
I'mnot so responsible asmy sister. She's more mature. ( responsible-odpowiedzialny)
The movie you chose wasas boring asthe previous one. Bad choice again.
Your garden isas beautiful asMary's. You did a good work.
Looks isnot so important ascharacter. Traits of character only count.
That exercise wasnot so easy asthe other one. It was more complex.
The play wasas interesting asI expected it to be. I really enjoyed it.
I'mas happy asI was before. Everything is normal again.
Which sister isprettier? Kate or Sue?
John lost a lot of weight. He was muchfatter. (fat-gruby)
I find dogsmore intelligentthan cats.
I'm muchhappiernow than I was last year.
Your brother is definitelymore seriousthan you.
The blue dress isnicerthan the brown one. Its colour isbetter.
It'seasierto say something than do it.
When she was a child, she wasmore normalthan now.
My new flat seemslargerthan Richard's.
George always getsworsegrades at school than me.
I'd like to havelongerhair. It's too short now.
Climbing mountains ismore dangerousthan hiking.
He wasluckierin hislaterlife than in his youth.
We need to buy abiggertable but it has to becheaperthan the one we saw yesterday.
I think Madonna ismore famousthan Janet Jackson.
It's such a long way to the bank; it'sfarther/furtherthan I thought. (far-daleki)
I'll talk to my mother. Her advice will bemore usefulthan yours.
I'm muchbetterat tennis than myeldersister.
Life ismore complicatedthan you believed it to be.
I'm a bitthinnerthan my brother but he'staller.
I feltextremely/really/veryangry when I saw them together.
Bill isvery/extremely/reallybusy tonight. He has to work.
We wereabsolutely/totallyamazed by what we have seen.
The dress wastotally/absolutelywonderful.
My father wasreally/extremely/veryrich at my age.
It wasabsolutely/totallyimpossible to make this exercise.
Patric is a weight lifter. He is areally/very/extremelystrong person.
It isextremely/really/veryimportant to keep the secret.
The dinner isabsolutely/totallyhorrible.
Susan seems to beextremely/really/veryhappy.
The child wasextremely/really/veryquiet.
My brother wasabsolutely/totallyinvaluable this week.
The building wasabsolutely/totallyhuge.
My job isabsolutely/totallyawful.
He seemed to meextremely/really/veryyoung.
This book wasextremely/really/verygood.
The train wasextremely/really/verycomfortable.
I was looking atabsolutely/totallydreadful paintings.
Their parents were absolutely/totallyfurious.
You wereextremely/really/verybusy last month.
exhausted -less exhausted-the least exhausted ( exhausted-wyczerpany)
surprised -less surprised-the least surprised.( surprised-zdziwiony)
nervous -less nervous-the least nervous (nervous-nerwowy)
convenient -less convenient-the least convenient( convenient-dogodny, wygodny)
loyal -less loyal-the least loyal ( loyal-lojalny)
peaceful -less peaceful-the least peaceful( peaceful-sopkojny, pokojowy)
boring -less boring-the least boring( boring-nudny)
exciting -less exciting-the least exciting( exciting-pasjonujący)
economic -less economic-the least economic( economic-ekonomiczny)
sensitive -less sensitive-the least sensitive( sensitive-wrażliwy, czuły)
optimistic -less optimistic-the least optimistic ( optimistic-optymistyczny)
pessimistic -less pessimistic-the least pessimistic( pessimistic-pesymistyczny)
horrible -less horrible-the least horrible( horrible-potworny, okropny)
magnificent -less magnificent-the least magnificent ( magnificent-wyśmienity, wspaniały)
awful -less awful-the least awful( awful-okropny, wstrętny)
delicious -less delicious-the least delicious ( delicious-pyszny, wyśmienity)
disgusting -less disgusting-the least disgusting ( disgusting-wstretny, obrzydliwy)
active -less active-the least active( active-aktywny)
nutritious -less nutritious-the least nutritious( nutritious-pożywny)
perfect -less perfect-the least perfect( perfect-perfekcyjny, doskonały)
modern -more modern-the most modern ( modern-wspólczesny)
intelligent -more intelligent-the most intelligent ( intelligent-inteligentny)
pleasant -more pleasant-the most pleasant ( pleasant-przyjemny)
important -more important-the most important( important-ważny)
outgoing -more outgoing-the most outgoing( outgoing-otwarty, towarzyski)
difficult -more difficult-the most difficult( difficult-trudny)
interesting -more interesting-the most interesting ( interesting-interesujący)
dangerous -more dangerous-the most dangerous ( dangerous-niebezpieczny)
expensive -more expensive-the most expensive ( expensive-drogi)
famous -more famous-the most famous( famous-słynny)
beautiful -more beautiful-the most beautiful ( beautiful-piękny)
careful -more careful-the most careful( careful-ostrożny)
crowded -more crowded-the most crowded( crowded-zatłoczony)
useful -more useful-the most useful( useful-użyteczny, przydatny)
powerful -more powerful-the most powerful( powerful-potężny, silny)
patient -more patient-the most patient( patient-cierpliwy)
comfortable -more comfortable-the most comfortable ( comfortable-wygodny)
excellent -more excellent-the most excellent ( excellent-doskonały, znakomity)
hopeful -more hopeful-the most hopeful ( hopeful-pełen nadziei)
wonderful -more wonderful-the most wonderful( wonderful-cudowny, wspaniały)