Transportation and Public Works Committee Minutes

October 20, 2009

Members: / Present:
R. Hayter, Vice-Chair / R. Hayter
D. Iveson, Chair / D. Iveson
K. Leibovici / K. Leibovici
L. Sloan
S. Mandel / S. Mandel

Also in Attendance:

Councillor B. Anderson

Councillor J. Batty

Councillor T. Caterina

Councillor B. Henderson

Councillor A. Sohi

Councillor D. Thiele

J. Charchun, Office of the City Clerk

A. Sinclair, City Clerk


A.1.Call to Order

J. Charchun, Office of the City Clerk, called the meeting to order at 9:34 a.m.

Councillors D. Iveson and L. Sloan were absent.



J. Charchun, Office of the City Clerk, called for nominations for the position of Chair, Transportation and Public Works Committee.

Councillor R. Hayter nominated Councillor D. Iveson for the position of Chair, Transportation and Public Works Committee.

Mayor S. Mandel nominated Councillor R. Hayter for the position of Vice-Chair, Transportation and Public Works Committee.

J. Charchun, Office of the City Clerk, asked if there were any further nominations. There being none, J. Charchun asked for a motion to close nominations.

Moved S. Mandel:

That nominations for the positions of Chair and Vice Chair, Transportation and Public Works Committee, close.


For the Motion:R. Hayter, K. Leibovici, S. Mandel.

Absent:D. Iveson, L. Sloan.

Councillor D. Iveson was elected by acclamation, as Chair, Transportation and Public Works Committee. Councillor R. Hayter was elected by acclamation, as Vice-Chair, Transportation and Public Works Committee.

Councillor D. Iveson entered the meeting.

J. Charchun, Office of the City Clerk, vacated the Chair and Councillor D. Iveson presided.

A.2.Adoption of Agenda

Moved K. Leibovici:

That the October 20, 2009, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting agenda be adopted.


For the Motion:R. Hayter, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici, S. Mandel.

Absent:L. Sloan.

A.3.Adoption of Minutes

Moved K. Leibovici:

That theOctober 6, 2009,Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting minutes be adopted.


For the Motion:R. Hayter, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici, S. Mandel.

Absent:L. Sloan.

A.4.Protocol Items

Presentation to Chair, Transportation and Public Works Committee (J. Batty)

Former Chair, Transportation and Public Works Committee, Councillor J. Batty presented the Chair, D, Iveson with a model ETS bus stop sign which was given to her and is to be passed along to all future Chairs of the Transportation and Public Works Committee.


B.1.Items Selected for Debate and Vote on Remaining Items

The Committee selected the following items for debate: E.1., E.2., E.3., E.5., E.7., E.8., E.9., J.1., P.1. and P.2.

Moved S. Mandel:


D.1.Waste Management Update

That the revised due date of November 17, 2009, be approved. / AMPW
Due: Nov. 17/09


E.4.Earth Tech Canada Inc. - Edmonton Composting Facility Operations Contract

  1. That a three-year extension of the Edmonton Composting Facility Operations contract with Earth Tech Canada Inc., at a cost of $10.5 million per year, including GST, be approved and that the contract be in a form acceptable to the City Manager.
  2. That the amendment to Edmonton Composting Facility Operations contract with Earth Tech Canada Inc., to include the maintenance of mechanical and electrical systems of the Integrated Processing and Transfer Facility at an additional annual cost of $1.05 million, be approved, and that the contract be in a form acceptable to the City Manager.

E.6.Quarterly Update on Trenchless Project Proposals - Drainage Services, Design and Construction - January to September 2009

That theOctober 2, 2009 Asset Management and Public Works Departmentreport 2009PW4764 be received for information. / AMPW


For the Motion:R. Hayter, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici, S. Mandel.

Absent:L. Sloan.

B.2.Time Specifics and Decision to Hear

Moved K. Leibovici:

  1. That Transportation and Public Works Committee hear from the following speakers and that the speakers for item E.2. be heard in a panel:

E.2.Transit Developer Assessment Policy

  1. P. Shaver, Urban Development Institute Edmonton Chapter
  2. D. Morris
  3. R. Westren, Carma Developers

E.5.Publicly Accessible Washrooms

  1. S. Lowe, Old Strathcona Business Revitalization Zone Association

E.7.Authorization of Expropriation – North LRT Extension – Downtown to NAIT

  1. D. Green
  2. That the following item be made time specific:

1:30 p.m.E.8.Bicycles on Sidewalks


For the Motion:R. Hayter, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici, S. Mandel.

Absent:L. Sloan.


E.1.Natural Areas Advisory Committee Progress Report - Annual Report and Committee Reporting Structure Update

L. Brenneis,; and C. Cassady St. Clair, Chair, Natural Areas Advisory Committee, made a presentation. L. Brenneis, Asset Management and Public Works Department; G. Pearsell, Asset Management and Public Works Department; C. Cassady St. Clair,Chair, Natural Areas Advisory Committee; V. Gunderson, Corporate Services Department; and J. Charchun, Office of the City Clerk, answered the Committee’s questions.

Environmental Committee of Council

Moved K. Leibovici:

That Administration review the need for a corporate environmental committee providing information on the benefits of being a Council created or Administration created committee and provide information on the Administration review of internal advisory committees and their role in governance. / Corporate Svcs.
Deputy City Manager
Due: Mar. /10

A. Sinclair, City Clerk, answered the Committee’s questions.


For the Motion:R. Hayter, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent:S. Mandel, L. Sloan.

E.2.Transit Developer Assessment Policy

B. Latte and H. Mahmoud, Transportation Department, made a presentation. P. Shaver, Urban Development Institute Edmonton Chapter; D. Morris; and R. Westren, Carma Developers, made presentationsand answered the Committee’s questions.

B. Latte, H. Mahmoud and K. Koropeski, Transportation Department; and J. Johnson, Corporate Services Department (Law), answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved K. Leibovici:

Revised Transit Developer Assessment Policy
That the Transit Developer Assessment Policy C540, as outlined in Attachments 1 and 2 of the September 22, 2009, Transportation Department report 2009TD7999, be referred back to Administration to work with the Transportation Working Group of the Urban Development Institute-City of Edmonton Efficiency Committee to redraft the policy, to meet the intent of providing transit service for a specified time,and return February 2010. / Transportation
Due: Feb. /10

B. Latte, Transportation Department, answered the Committee’s questions.


For the Motion:R. Hayter, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent:S. Mandel, L. Sloan.

Moved K. Leibovici:

That the Committee recess for five minutes.


For the Motion:R. Hayter, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Absent:S. Mandel, L. Sloan.

The Committee recessed at 11:13 a.m.

The Committee reconvened at 11:18 a.m.

E.3.Policy for Purchase of Land at Pre-Development Prices

L. Rosen, General Manager, Asset Management and Public Works Department, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions.

Alternative Methods to Purchase Land at Pre-Development Prices

Moved S. Mandel:

That Administration provide a report on alternative ways to develop better market scenarios for purchase of land, for all civic purposes, at pre-development prices. / AMPW
Due: Jan. /10


For the Motion:D. Iveson, R. Hayter, K. Leibovici, S. Mandel.

Absent: L. Sloan.

Mayor S. Mandel left the meeting.

Moved R. Hayter:

That item P.2. be dealt with now.


For the Motion:D. Iveson, R. Hayter, K. Leibovici.

Absent: L. Sloan.


P.2.Civic Agency Recruitment – Chair Interview

Moved K. Leibovici:

That the Committee meet in private pursuant to sections 17, 23 and 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.


For the Motion:D. Iveson, R. Hayter, K. Leibovici.

Absent: L. Sloan.

The Committee met in private at 11:36 a.m.

Moved K. Leibovici:

That the Committee meet in public.


For the Motion:D. Iveson, R. Hayter, K. Leibovici.

Absent: L. Sloan.

The Committee met in public at 11:46a.m.

Moved R. Hayter:

That Transportation and Public Works Committee recommend to City Council:

  1. That the individuals as outlined in Attachment 1 of the October 20, 2009, Transportation and Public Works Committee report be re-appointed to the Edmonton Transit System Advisory Board for the term January 1 to December 31, 2010.
  2. That the October 20, 2009, Transportation and Public Works Committee report CR-01 remain private until approved by City Council, pursuant to sections 17, 23 and 24 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.


For the Motion:D. Iveson, R. Hayter, K. Leibovici.

Absent: L. Sloan.

The Committee recessed at 11:46 a.m.

The Committee reconvened at 1:30 p.m.

Councillors K. Leiboviciand L. Sloan were absent.

Pursuant to Section 151(1) of the Procedures and Committees Bylaw 12300, Councillor D. Thiele was named a Member of the Transportation and Public Works Committee in order to maintain quorum.


E.8.Bicycles on Sidewalks

B. Latte, Transportation Department, made a presentation. B. Latte and C. Ellick, Transportation Department, answered the Committee’s questions.

Councillor K. Leibovici entered the meeting.

There being a quorum from Members of the Committee, Councillor
D. Thiele’s appointment ceased.

B. Latte and C. Ellick, Transportation Department, answered the Committee’s questions.

Councillor K. Leibovici left the meeting.

Pursuant to Section 151(1) of the Procedures and Committees Bylaw 12300, Councillor B. Henderson was named a Member of the Transportation and Public Works Committee in order to maintain quorum.

Councillor K. Leibovici re-entered the meeting.

There being a quorum from Members of the Committee, Councillor
B. Henderson’s appointment ceased.

Moved K. Leibovici:

Shared-Use/Multi-Use Trails along Arterial Roadways
That Administration provide a report to Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting on the number and location of sidewalks that could safely be designated as shared-use or multi-use trails along Arterial roadways. / Transportation
Due: Jan. /10

B. Latte and C. Ellick, Transportation Department, answered the Committee’s questions.


For the Motion:D. Iveson, R. Hayter, K. Leibovici.

Absent: L. Sloan.

E.5.Publicly Accessible Washrooms

L. Rosen, General Manager, Asset Management and Public Works Department, made a presentation. L. Rosen, General Manager, and R. Daviss, Asset Management and Public Works Department;
G. Goulet, Corporate Services Department; and J. Sirovyak, Transportation Department, answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved D. Iveson:

Location and Cost of Public Washroom Facilities
That the September 23, 2009, Asset Management and Public Works Department report 2009PW0766 be referred back to Administration to provide options on public washroom facilities as outlined in Attachment 2, 1a), b), d), e) and f) and return to the November 3, 2009, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting. / AMPW
Due: Nov. 3/09


For the Motion:D. Iveson, R. Hayter, K. Leibovici.

Absent: L. Sloan.

Public Washrooms in Transit Centres Under Construction

Moved K. Leibovici:

That Administration provide a report on the possibility of including public washrooms in the design of transit centres under construction (Meadows and Lewis Estates), including the capital and operating costs, and return to the November 3, 2009, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting. / AMPW
Due: Nov. 3/09


For the Motion:D. Iveson, R. Hayter, K. Leibovici.

Absent: L. Sloan.

E.7.Authorization of Expropriation - North LRT Extension – Downtown to NAIT

D. Green, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions.

P. Sande, Asset Management and Public Works Department; and
D. Piecowye, Corporate Services Department (Law), answered the Committee’s questions.

(continued on page 10)


Moved R. Hayter:

That the Committee meet in private pursuant to sections 25 and 27 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.


For the Motion:D. Iveson, R. Hayter, K. Leibovici.

Absent: L. Sloan.

The Committee met in private at 3:26 p.m.

Moved R. Hayter:

That the Committee meet in public.


For the Motion:D. Iveson, R. Hayter, K. Leibovici.

Absent: L. Sloan.

The Committee met in public at 4:19 p.m.

E.7.Authorization of Expropriation - North LRT Extension – Downtown to NAIT

(continued from page 9)

P. Sande, Asset Management and Public Works Department, answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved R. Hayter:

That Transportation and Public Works Committee recommend to City Council:

  1. That expropriation of the properties shown in Attachment 1 and legally described in Attachment 2 of the October 5, 2009, Asset Management and Public Works Department report 2009PW4610 be approved.
  2. That Administration enter into Section 30 Agreement(s) with the owner or owners of any property described in Attachment 2 of the October 5, 2009, Asset Management and Public WorksDepartment report2009PW4610, where the owner is willing to consent to the expropriation of the land by the City.


For the Motion:D. Iveson, R. Hayter, K. Leibovici.

Absent: L. Sloan.

E.9.Policy and Plan for Paid Park and Ride Lots

B. Latte and T. Golly, Transportation Department, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions. C. Stolte, General Manager, Transportation Department, answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved K. Leibovici:

That Transportation and Public Works Committee recommend to City Council:

That the Park and Ride Policy C554, outlined in Attachment 1 of the September 22, 2009, Transportation Department report 2009TD7864 be approved.


For the Motion:D. Iveson, R. Hayter, K. Leibovici.

Absent: L. Sloan.

A. Sinclair, City Clerk, answered the Committee’s questions.

LRT Park and Ride Reserved Stall Pass Program

Moved Iveson:

That Administrative provide a report in the first quarter of 2010 on the particulars of the implementation of fees for reserved stall pass program at LRT park and ride locations. / Transportation
Due: Mar. /10

C. Stolte, Transportation Department, answered the Committee’s questions.


For the Motion:D. Iveson, R. Hayter, K. Leibovici.

Absent: L. Sloan.


J.1.ETS Smart Card (D. Iveson)

C. Stolte, Transportation Department, made a presentation. C. Stolte, General Manager, P. Waisman andA. Peterson, Transportation Department; and R. Brokop, Finance and Treasury Department, answered the Committee’s questions.

Transit Smart Cards – Business Case and Recommended Funding Strategy

Moved D. Iveson:

That Administration provide a report on the business case and recommended funding strategy for the implementation of Transit Smart Cards with the project to commence in 2010 and return to January 12, 2010, Transportation and Public Works Committee meeting / Transportation
Due: Jan. 12/10

C. Stolte, Transportation Department; and A. Sinclair, City Clerk, answered the Committee’s questions.


For the Motion:D. Iveson, R. Hayter, K. Leibovici.

Absent: L. Sloan.

A. Sinclair, City Clerk; and L. Rosen, General Manager, Asset Management and Public Works Department, answered the Committee’s questions.


P.1.Drainage Design and Construction Review

Moved K. Leibovici:

That the Committee extend Orders Of the Day to complete item P.1. and meet in private pursuant to section 25 of the Freedom ofInformation and Protection of Privacy Act.


For the Motion:D. Iveson, R. Hayter, K. Leibovici.

Absent: L. Sloan.

The Committee met in private at 5:24 p.m.

Moved K. Leibovici:

That the Committee meet in public.


For the Motion:D. Iveson, R. Hayter, K. Leibovici.

Absent: L. Sloan.

The Committee met in public at 5:36 p.m.

Moved K. Leibovici:

  1. That the October 7, 2009, Asset Management and Public Works Department report 2009PW1723 be received for information.
  2. That the October 7, 2009, Asset Management and Public Works Department report 2009PW1723, remain private pursuant to section 25 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.


For the Motion:D. Iveson, R. Hayter, K. Leibovici.

Absent: L. Sloan.


Councillor D. Iveson asked whether there were any Notices of Motion. There were none.


The meeting adjourned at 5:37 p.m.


ChairCity Clerk

Transportation and Public Works CommitteeMinutes | October 20, 2009, to1 of 12



October 20, 2009


A.1.Call to Order......

A.2.Adoption of Agenda......

A.3.Adoption of Minutes......

A.4.Protocol Items......

Presentation to Chair, Transportation and Public Works Committee (J. Batty)


B.1.Items Selected for Debate and Vote on Remaining Items......

B.2.Time Specifics and Decision to Hear......


D.1.Waste Management Update......


E.1.Natural Areas Advisory Committee Progress Report - Annual Report and Committee Reporting Structure Update

Environmental Committee of Council......

E.2.Transit Developer Assessment Policy......

E.3.Policy for Purchase of Land at Pre-Development Prices......

Alternative Methods to Purchase Land at Pre-Development Prices..

E.4.Earth Tech Canada Inc. - Edmonton Composting Facility Operations Contract

E.5.Publicly Accessible Washrooms......

Public Washrooms in Transit Centres Under Construction......

E.6.Quarterly Update on Trenchless Project Proposals - Drainage Services, Design and Construction - January to September 2009

E.7.Authorization of Expropriation - North LRT Extension – Downtown to NAIT /10

E.8.Bicycles on Sidewalks......

E.9.Policy and Plan for Paid Park and Ride Lots......

LRT Park and Ride Reserved Stall Pass Program......


J.1.ETS Smart Card (D. Iveson)......

Transit Smart Cards – Business Case and Recommended Funding Strategy


P.1.Drainage Design and Construction Review

P.2.Civic Agency Recruitment – Chair Interview



INDEX - Transportation and Public Works CommitteeMinutes | October 20, 2009, to1 of 1