PRESENT: Councillors; F Gee (Chair), D Barrow, A Devy, P Bissett,M Baker, D Sykes, J Abson, C Alton, S Tate, A Flanagan (Clerk).

Members of the Public: None

1. MATTERS RAISED BY PUBLIC PRIOR TO THE MEETING –no members of the public were present.

2.APOLOGIES – All members present.

3.MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 15th MAY 2017– the minutes had been circulated to members and were proposed byC Alton and seconded by D Sykes.

4.MATTERS ARISING FROM MINUTES –P Bissett agreed with the members present at meeting held 15.5.17 regarding the proposal that F Gee should continue as Chair. He proposed that D Barrow should now be Vice-Chair as he has been working closely with himself and F Gee. C Alton agreed to step down from the role as he works full time. All members agreed that D Barrow be Vice-Chair.

a) F Gee read his Chairman’s report, this was applauded by members.


a)Edenthorpe crime figures for February & March2017 were discussed. Figures have increased dramatically. Anti-social behaviour still appears to be the main incidents occurring in Edenthorpe followed by violence and sexual offences. There has also been a spate of theft from motor vehicles and vehicle theft recently.

6.CORRESPONDENCE DOCUMENTS RECEIVED AND PLANNING – that the following applications received from DMBC since the last meeting be noted.

17/01083/FUL / Erection of dutch barn (20.7/ X 26m X 10.6m) DRAFT / Cozen Croft Farm, Hatfield Lane, Edenthorpe, DN3 2NW

No objections were raised.

17/00002/NONDET / Outline application for the erection of up to 400 dwellings (with means of access to be agreed)
Appeal against Non-determination. / Land Off Hatfield Lane, Armthorpe, Doncaster,

The Parish council previously objected to this development. These objections will have been forwarded to Bristol. It is noted that Armthorpe Parish Council do not object to this development as they have allocated this piece of land in their Neighbourhood Development plan.

a)The Edenthorpe Neighbourhood Plan drop in session held on 22nd May was attended by just over 50 residents.The follow up report was circulated. We have well over 10% of resident’s surveys returned so that will be seen as evidence for the emerging Neighbourhood Plan. Our consultant – L Brown is to write the report in the next few weeks. The general help from many residents who gladly offered to deliver the surveys was phenominal and greatly appreciated. The next step is to send a survey out to local businesses.

b) The public Open Space Improvements on Farfield, Edenthorpe have begun. The fence around the pond has been completed. The other work will be completed over the Summer period.

c) Purchase of Edenthorpe allotments - John Mcateer has advised us that the purchase price is £8000. Councillors agreed that it was a fair price and that we should buy the allotments to secure them from future housing development. C Alton agreed to look at best practice regarding the conveyancing fees. The clerk will email the documentation tomorrow.

d) The SLCC training seminar to be held on 16.8.17 was discussed, P Bissett noted that it is beneficial that the Clerk attends. However, A Flanagan is unable to attend on this date. It was noted that as a Parish Council we are doing well for the village.

e) The General Election 2017 – Main Political party manifestos was circulated to members by email.

f) A Flanagan informed members about the latest news regarding the appeal. Lichfields on behalf of Hallam Land Management have requested that the appeal is determined ‘on the basis of access being a reserved matter in full’ rather than the original ‘reserved’. This was backed by DMBC planning, however, as we have applied for Rule 6(6) status a letter has been sent to The Planning Inspectorate stating we object to the changes. The appeal should continue on the original application. This was agreed by the chair and P Bissett.Councilors noted the many houses being built in and around Doncaster and yet still over 200 houses

g) The White Rose Update May 2017 was circulated.


a) The planters were filled with summer bedding plants by F Gee, P Bissett, D Barrow and A Flanagan on Friday 2nd May. P Bissett asked that next summer we buy some trailing plants for the top tier of the planters.

b) F Gee told members who were unable to attend the last meeting about the CBC and how the improvements have changed the whole ethos of the building. D Sykes agreed and stated that the Scouts (under direction of C Tidmarsh) are now in the process of tidying all their equipment into their area. P Bissett suggested holding our meetings there in the future. Sadly, we are unable to as the 47th Edenthorpe Scout Group hold their meetings Monday - Thursday inclusive.


a) The income and expenditure spreadsheet for May2017 spreadsheet was presented at the meeting.

b) Cheques 102764 - 102768 totalling £575.21 were signed prior to the meeting by P Bissett, F Gee & D Sykes. Cheques 102769 – 102779 totalling £2969.19 were signed by D Barrow and M Baker at the meeting.

c) Direct debits for EDF monthly payments were paid on 14.5.17–£93.00 (Howard Pavilion) and £69.00 (CBC)DirectDebits were paid to NEST on 30.5.17 for £80.53. A Direct debit was paid to B. Gas on 24.5.17 for £392.60 for CBC. Ryan Leach was paid by direct payment £1840.00 for the decorating of CBC.

d) The Petty Cash account and receipts were checked by P Bissett and a cheque signed for £100.00 to top up.

e) The change of account signatories form was completed by members to add S Tate and remove retired councillor B Lyall.


A Flanagan has received a letter praising our resident Jenny Oxley who has transformed the snickets running parallel with Ridgewood Ave into Snickety Gardens as well as the semi-circle on the green off The Crescent. F Gee recognised Jen in his Chairman’s report. Edenthorpe Parish Council members were in total agreement that Jen is an inspiration to all and is a credit to the village. (See confidential Minute of the Parish Council Meeting on Monday 5th June 2017).

We have received a letter from G Robinson of 47th Edenthorpe Scout Group regarding one of her cubs - Henri Crisp, who has relapsed after suffering from a childhood brain tumour. Henri is at the moment in America receiving state of the art treatment Proton Therapy which will help him fight his battle against cancer. G Robinson has requested a donation of £100.00 to help with accommodation, food and bill costs whilst in The United States. All members unanimously agreed and a cheque was signed for £100.00. We wish Henri all the best for the future.

A Flanagan has received a call from Mrs McKone. She would like to donate the sound system that her late husband used, to sing, in residential homes. Frank was a well - known member of the community (Edenthorpe carpets) and she said he would be delighted to see the system being used for the War Memorial Remembrance Ceremonies.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING – That it is noted that the next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 3rd July at The Community Centre, Cedric Rd, Edenthorpe at 19.30.The meeting closed at 9.00pm.

Chair: ______Date: ______


5.6.17 Chairs Initials