July 11, 2017


The meeting was called to order at 10:17 a.m. by Pamela Praeger, Chairperson of COM. Prayer was led by Doug Cartwright.


A quorum was present as shown by the following roll:

MEMBERS PRESENT: Karla Anderson, Bonnie Reeves, Kathy Sandusky, Heather Clemons, Sherry Vokoun, Norman Fowler, Rebecca Madany, Pam Praeger, JoAnn Kaufman, Tom Sutherland, Marcia Taylor,Doug Cartwright,Larry Broderick

ABSENT:Steve Simon, Mark Wheeler, Kevin Kirking, John Yoder, Terry McGonigal

EX-OFFICIO/CO-OPT PRESENT: Larry Veith, Stated Clerk


  • MSC to approve the docket as amended


  • MSC to approve the April 11, 2017 minutes


Devotions were done byLarry Brodrick. Marcia Taylor will lead in September.

***A reminder was given to listen for the Holy Spirit during the meeting***

Liaison Reports

-Kathy Sandusky reported on Westminster Presbyterian Church. Missional outreach is important to them in their community with the food bank and other work. Session members claimed they were still there and doing fine! 

-Heather Clemons reported on Post Falls Community Presbyterian Church. She attended the church’s 100thanniversary celebration and session meeting – where they discussed ways to be a presence in the community. They had a successful preschool VBS with 36 kids in attendance. The church partnered with CDA first to put this on. TE Doug Cartwright has been utilizing Future Church principles in the church.

-Heather Clemons reported on Knox Presbyterian Churchand Don Meekoff’s retirement. They did a congregational survey and the main response they got was in favor of staying in their currentbuilding; possibly merging with another congregation but hoping to stay in the same model of shared ministry. TE Tim Dolan will come to gather ideas and help them through the process of what to do next.

-Rebecca Madany reported on Opportunity Presbyterian Church. They had big issues on their session agenda in June, but she noticed a spirit of one-ness as they addressed them. She sees how ties to presbytery and their togetherness have been positives for the church.

-Marcia Taylor reported on Bovill Community Presbyterian Church. Erica Waterman is currently going through some significant life issues, and she wanted COM to be aware. Her session has been very supportive of her. She is a bookkeeper at a store and that company has helped bump her hours to 32 + hours in order for her to have insurance she needs to treat her MS.

-SherryVokoun reported on Curlew Presbyterian Church. Donna has moved into the Republic church manse. Curlew’s congregation continues to meet. No changes. They continue to look for opportunities for selling their bldg. The hospital option will not work.

-Doug Cartwright reported he will preach at 1st Presbyterian Church of Sandpoint on July 30th and attend the session meeting at the church later in the summer. Report to follow.

**Reports are to be done after the liaison has met face to face with the session and/or pastor.Please remember to include this question when visiting with your churches:

What’s one thing that God has done in your context, in the last year, that could be celebrated and shared with the Presbytery?

SeptemberLiaison Reports (no meeting in August)-Kevin (Manito/Spokane First), Karla (Shadle Park/Millwood/Spirit Lake), Larry (Moscow), Norman (Pullman), Cartwright (Sandpoint/Hamblen), Marcia (Reardan), Vokoun (Republic), McGonigal (Whitworth)

Follow-Up after the Talmaks Camp and Presbytery Apology to the Nez Perce

JoAnn Kauffman reported on Talmaks Camp (120th gathering) – 6 Presbyterian churches on the Nez Perce reservation come together annually in the summer. Eric Peterson, Presbytery Moderator delivered an apology from the Presbytery of the Inland Northwest to the Nez Perce for the ways we in the Inland NW have been complicit in acts of racism, discrimination, and war against Native Americans within our bounds over the years. This apology was delivered on July 2, and LarryVeith, Stated Clerk, preached. Mary Jane Miles responded to the apology. All was well received. Questions now about what’s next and how do we move forward? How do we share this message with all churches?

Credentialing Team Report

  • MSCto approve the temporary pastor contractbetween Heather Tadlock and Bethany Presbyterian Church for 4 months beginning September 1, 2017 for 20 hrs/wk: Salary $4,477; Housing $20,000; SECA $1,873; Professional Expenses $500; CE $500; Pension Premiums $2,693; CE 2 wks; vacation 30 days
  • MSC to add Wayne Deibel to the Presbytery’s pulpit supply list
  • MSC to add Shannon Borgman to the Presbytery’s pulpit supply list
  • MSC to commission Jeff Guillory to the Nez Perce Joint Session, including the sacraments and weddings, under the authority and at the invitation of the Joint Session, for a three-year term, with Tom Sutherland as the assigned mentor.

Transition Team Report

  • MSC to change TE Bruce Glover’s status from active to honorably retired. Bruce is unsure where the Spirit will lead him next, so the COM group determined to let some time pass before contacting about possibly transferring him to a more local presbytery.
  • MSC to change TE Sherry Vokoun’s status from active to honorably retired.

Stated Clerk Report

  • TE Rick Melin reports that he will labor outside the bounds of Presbytery to officiate the marriage of his brother on October 1st in Trinidad, California (within the bounds of the Presbytery of the Redwoods).
  • TE Janice Capel Anderson reports she will labor outside the bounds when she does a very brief committal service as her husband’s parents are buried in Kenmare, ND in late July or early August.
  • Tom Sutherland officiated a wedding on June 24th in Princeton, TX.

Kathy Sandusky announced that Jeff and Christi Boyd will be at Manito Presbyterian Church on Sept 10. Kathy Sandusky invites other churches to reach out and utilize their time while they are visiting the area.

Sharing of Holy Spirit Sightings

Adjourn and Dismiss

The meeting was adjourned at 11:32a.m. with prayerby Karla Anderson.

THE NEXT MEETING IS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2017FROM 10:15 TO NOON AT THE MILLWOOD COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Teams will meet before the meeting – your Team chairperson will let you know the time.

Katie McKinstry, Communications Coordinator

Transition –Kevin Kirking (Chairperson), Heather Clemons, Sherry Vokoun, Joann Kauffman, Larry Brodrick, Marcia Taylor, Kathy Sandusky, Rebecca MadanyCredentialing –Tom Sutherland (Chairperson), Cecil Corbett, Terry McGonigal, Steve Simon, BonnieReevesReconciliationKarla Anderson (Chairperson), Doug Cartwright, Norman Fowler, Mark Wheeler, John Yoder, Pam Praeger

CRE Liaison – Kathy Sandusky