Evolution Learning Institute


Successful completion of the Evolution Learning Institute Application Form will allow you to apply for an ACCESS(200 hour) or EMPOWER(500 hour) teacher training program.

1. Please read and fill out this application in its entirety.

2. Send your completed application, as well as a recent photo of yourself, via one of the following options:

● Email:

● Mail to: Evolution Power Yoga, Evolution Learning Institute

℅ Julie Mathers

515 Harrisburg Avenue

Lancaster, PA 17603

●Drop off at either studio location

3. Next steps will include a phone interview, formal enrollment agreement requiring a $1,000 deposit and a review/decision on payment options. ACCESS Full Tuition Cost is $3,495. EMPOWER Full Tuition Cost is $3,995. These prices include a $200 non-refundable administrative fee.

Visit our website: for full details as well as frequently asked questions.


Full Name and Nickname (if any):

Home Address:

Email Address:

Phone Number(s):

Date of Birth:

Gender: M / F:

Home Yoga Studio:

Please circle the training you are applying for: ACCESSEMPOWER

How did you learn about this training?

How long have you been practicing yoga?

How often do you practice yoga?

Do you currently teach yoga? If so, what style?

Describe how yoga has impacted your life?

What are your expectations from this training program?

What do you hope to gain or lose from this experience?

How do you hope to utilize the skills gained?

What inspires you?

Initial ______I have read and commit to The Evolution Power Yoga Way. (see below)

Initial ______I hereby declare the information in this application is true and complete and that providing false information is grounds for rejection of application, expulsion without refund from the program or revocation of certification.

Initial ______I understand that the Evolution Learning Institute Teacher Training course is, in no way a substitute for mental health support or therapy.




The Evolution Power Yoga Way

Evolution Power Yoga is an inclusive Community that inspires and empowers through transformation and awareness.

As a participant in our Community, I will

1. LISTEN GENEROUSLY. I am fully engaged and avoid distractions (i.e. cell phones/email/side conversations) when I communicate with Evolution Power Yoga students and staff. I am present in my listening and am aware of how my words land with others.

2. SPEAK HONESTLY & DIRECTLY. I speak clearly with integrity and positive intentions. I speak about what I know and have the ability to say, “I do not know.” I speak up when I have a contribution or concern, and I do not gossip about those in the community

3. SUPPORT MY COMMUNITY. I empower the Evolution Power Yoga community by holding space for its members to reach their fullest potential. I understand that each teammate is responsible for his or her own personal journey, and I allow them the opportunity to be who they are now not who I think they have been in the past. I attend classes at the studio and give constructive feedback to my instructors & peers. I make an effort to participate in community events when I am available.

4. HONOR MY COMMITMENTS. I believe in and uphold my participation in this teacher training program.

5. ACKNOWLEDGE & APPRECIATE OTHERS. I value the efforts and contributions made to my community by all Evolution Power Yoga staff, instructors, and students. I show my peers respect by allowing them to focus on their work while they are “on the clock,” and show gratitude through my actions and my words.

6. EMPOWER & INSPIRE. I actively create and generate the Evolution Power Yoga community and give of myself without expecting more in return. I am dedicated to my own growth and know that I empower myself by empowering those around me. I am generous with my community and will share its value with others.



Updated 11.2016