
Blog: mob marketing

Linkedin: Gonca Telli Yamamoto

Facebook: gonca.telli1

Twitter: goncatelli

Education: PhD

Nationality: Turkish

Languages: Proficient in English. Native language is Turkish. Intermediate Japanese.


Degrees and diplomas obtained / Department/Programme / University / Date
BA / Business Administration/Marketing and International Business / Marmara University / 1989
MBA / Product Management and Marketing / Marmara University / 1992
PhD / Marketing / Anadolu University / 1997

Professional Experience

Date from – to / Location / Company & reference person / Position / Description
2016- / Istanbul / Freelance / Consultant / Several projects about marketing, content management, mobile learning and technological Innovations
2015-2016 / Istanbul / Enocta, Ahmet Hancer / Academic Programmes Coordinator / Responsible for academic Programmes of enocta
2014-2015 / Northern Cyprus / European Leadership University, Alper Utku / Founder Dean / Responsible for creating a faculty and online education centre and preparing the authorization papers for Northern Cyprus Ministry of Education
2012- / Istanbul / TAGES, Leyla Arsan / Consultant / Several projects about technological Innovations and Digital Agenda
2012-2014 / Istanbul / Okan University, Prof. Dr. Şule Kut / Fatih Project Coordinator / University’s Fatih Project representative
2009-2014 / Istanbul / Okan University, Prof. Dr. Şule Kut / Director of Distance Education Center / Management of Distance Education center and academic programmes
2009-2014 / Istanbul / Okan University, Prof. Dr. Şule Kut / Distance Education Unit Coordinator / Founding the Distance Education center and constitute the courses and programmes
2008-2010 / Istanbul / Okan University, Prof. Dr. Şule Kut / Head of the Department of Information Systems and Technologies / Managing the Information Systems and Technologies Department of School of Applied Sciences
2007-2009 / Istanbul / Okan University, Prof. Dr. Şule Kut / Director of Research and Application Center of Intercultural Dialogue / Managing a center
2005 -2007 / Istanbul / Okan University, Prof. Dr. Şule Kut / Founding Chairman of the Department of Business Administration / Founding the faculty and the department
2004 –2010 / Istanbul / Okan University, Prof. Dr. Şule Kut / Consultant to Rector for PR & Promotion / Universities Public Relations consultant
2004-2006 / Istanbul / Okan University, Prof. Dr. Şule Kut / Founding Director of Social Sciences Institute / Founding the Institute and constitute the courses and programmes
2003-2004 / Istanbul / Okan University, Prof. Dr. Şule Kut / Director of School of Computers and Tourism / Management of the school
2000-2003 / Istanbul / Maltepe University, Prof. Dr. Mesut Razbonyali / Promotion Committee Member / Following universities promotional activities
1999-2003 / Istanbul / Maltepe University, Prof. Dr. Mesut Razbonyali / Deputy Head of Business Administration Department / Work as a deputy in the department responsible for programmes and students

Selected PhD/Master Theses and Projects

Şekeroğlu, Ö. E-Business in Leather Industry Ege University Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, PhD Thesis, 2010.

Kayı, A. T. The Impact Of Customer Relationship Management Application On Business Performance: Applied To The Chemical Industry, Okan University, Social Sciences Institute, PhD Thesis, 2014.


Alaybeyoğlu G., “Effects of Consumer Behavior and Brand Loyalty to Cigarette Smoking”, Yeditepe University, Social Sciences Institute, Unpublished MBA thesis, Istanbul, 2000.

Güner, Ş., Supply Chain Management Issues in Turkish Food Market Yeditepe University, Social Sciences Institute, Unpublished MBA thesis, Istanbul, 2000.

Özbek, Ö. E-learning Marketing Strategies in Turkey Maltepe University, Social Sciences Institute, Unpublished MBA thesis, 2003.

İnci, T. Sales Strategies for the Firms and their Customers Okan University, Social Sciences Institute, Unpublished MBA thesis, 2013.

İnce, E. Mobile Marketing Effects to Brands, Okan University, Social Sciences Institute, Unpublished MBA thesis, 2014.

Durlanık S. Mobile Marketing: An Evaluation for the Turkish Construction Industry, Okan University, Social Sciences Institute, Unpublished MBA thesis, 2014.

Erdoğan, E.A. Customer Focused Marketing Strategies for Customers Okan University, Social Sciences Institute MBA Project 2007.

Aydın, Z. Innovation Okan University, Social Sciences Institute MBA Project 2007.

Koç, D. Churn Management Marmara University, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, MSc Project 2010.

Gürçeşme, V. E-Loyalty, Marmara University, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, MSc Project, 2010.

Güçer, M. Mobile Government Issues, Marmara University, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, MSc Project, 2010.

Memişoğlu, E. Mobile Government Integration, Marmara University, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, MSc Project 2011.

Demir Sayım, U.H. The Problem Handling (Ticketing Process) In A Telecommunication Company Considering E-Tom, Marmara University, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, MSc Project 2011.

Yıldırım, B, Human Resource Management In Call Center, Marmara University, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, MSc Project 2011.

Büdeyri, M, Operational CRM, Marmara University, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, MSc Project 2011.

Kasımoğulları, E. Effects of Social Media on Marketing Techniques, Customers Okan University, Social Sciences Institute MBA Project 2011.

Sayman, Ö. CRM and CRM Scorecard Marmara University, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, MSc Project 2012.

Ergin, A. Social Media and Social Media Economy, Okan University, Social Sciences Institute MBA Project 2012.

Balkaç, B. Social Media Analysis for Food Retail Sector, Marmara University, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, MSc Project 2013.

Uyar, A.O Public Sector Customer Relationship Management (Crm) Software Projects, Marmara University Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, MSc Project 2014.

Berber, E. E-commerce and Iron & Steel Industry Applications, Marmara University, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, MSc Project 2014.

Yürük, S. Most Used CRM Software and Their Efficiency, Marmara University, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, MSc Project 2015.

Yalçın, G. Online Marketing: A CRM Perspective, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, MSc Project , 2015.

Aydınol, A. Factors Affecting The Usage Of Social CRM Applications, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, MSc Project 2015.

Başaran, V. Social Media Analytics, Marmara University, Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, MSc Project 2015.

Ekşioğlu H. Internet of Things and Business Model for Communication Service Providers (CSPs), Marmara University Institute of Pure and Applied Sciences, MSc Project 2016.

Project Experience


• Istanbul Development Agency (ISTKA) KBO45, KOBIM-E (E-Learning for SME’s), Project Leader, 2011-2012.

• British Council UK-Turkey HE Knowledge Partnership Programme ‘A Multiplatform M-Learning System for More Qualified Courses in the ICT Era [MMSQC], Project Leader.

• 2011-2013 AB Project AB INTOUCH-ICT ETHICTED, 2012, starting November 2013.

• Digital Agenda, Turkey, The EU ICT-Based Benefits Group Leader for Society, 2013.

• Mmanual – an Interactive Mobile Learning Manual under the Erasmus+ programme, 2015.


• Eastern Anatolia Development Agency (DAKA) TRB2 Area Life Sciences and Health Technologies Center Feasibility Study, Social Studies Specialist, 2013.

• Revealing emotional flows towards humanizing urban environments, FIRE, 2015


• Analysis of Factors Influencing Adoption of Mobile Learning by the Higher Education Students, Anadolu University Scientific Research Project 2012-2014.

Selected several technical projects consultancies;

Ecemer Rehabilitation Center, Autism School Project 2014-2015

European Leadership University, Founder Dean, 2014-2015.

Enocta, Academic Programs Coordinator, 2015-2016.

Teaching experience more than 20 years

Research experience more than 20 years

Membership of professional bodies:

The Academy of Marketing Science, 1993-

Turkish Marketing Association, Member 1994-

Society for Human Resource Management, Member 2008-2010.

American Marketing Association, Member, 2008-

Turkish Informatics Association, 2009-

IAMLEARN (International Association of Mobile Learning), Member, 2009-

Marketing and Marketing Research Association, Member, 2009-

Turkish European Union Association, Member, 2011-

Other Memberships

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey Women Entrepreneurs Council, Member, 2011-

Ministry of Development, Small and Medium Enterprises and Development of Tradesmen and Craftsmen Special Commission, Member-2012

Istanbul Entrepreneurs Support Committee, Member 2013-

Istanbul Representative of Turkey Unobstructed Information Technology Platform, 2014-

Other relevant information:

Prof. Gonca Telli Yamamoto is a professor of marketing in Turkey. She was formerly the founder and director of the Social Sciences Institute, Business Administration Department and Distance Education Center at Okan University. She has been teaching, consulting and conducting research on mobile and integrated marketing, and new learning technologies in business for more than a decade in the academic field. Recently she has been giving e-marketing and CRM classes at Marmara University MIS program. Her minor is Technology Management.

She is also interested in broader implications associated with the emerging information society. She has written more than 100 articles, 30 chapters and 10 books and other academic works, in sales, integrated marketing, mobile marketing, IT Ethics and E-learning published in several journals and publishing companies. She has also received two outstanding paper awards from the International Academy of E- Business and the best paper award from Association for Global Business Conference. She is also the one of the organisers of Mobile Learning workshops and Mobile Life & Applications Conferences in Turkey. She has also completed some national and international projects as a partner, project manager and /or member. She has been working as a member of ad hoc committees (SME's and Entrepreneurship) of Turkish Ministry of Development. She has worked as a coordinator of FATİH ("Movement of Enhancing Opportunities and Improving Technology") Project of Okan University in 2012-2014.

Her “Education 2.0” paper selected COURSEWeb 2.0 Best Articles in University of Northern Texas Department of Learning Technologies (, UNT-CECS5200 New Technologies of Instruction.

She has done several editorships, reviewerships in different journals, and given speeches as a keynote conferences and congresses.

Selected Publications

YAMAMOTO,G.T. (2006). University Evaluation - Selection: A Turkish Case. International Journal of Educational Management, Vol. 20, No. 6-7,559-569 ( Indexed Abstracted: A+ Education, Australian Education Index, Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Educational Psychology and Administration, Contents Pages in Education, Educational Administration Abstracts, Educational Research Abstracts, Emerald Management Reviews, Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), Human Resources Abstracts, OCLC, Publishing in Academic Journals in Education, School Organisation & Management Abstract, Scopus).

AYDIN, K, SAY, A.T, USTAAHMETOGLU, E. & YAMAMOTO, G.T. (2007). Attitudes of Students toward Country-of-Origin and Auto Brand Images. Serbian Journal of Management, 2 (2) 205 – 216 (Indexed by: EBSCO).

YAMAMOTO, G.T., AYDIN, K. & CANDAN, B. (2008). Mobilizing World: New Challenges for Advertising. E-Business Review, Vol. 8, 278-281.

CANDAN, B., YAMAMOTO, G.T. & AYDIN, K. Attitude of Master’s Students, Through E-Learning Towards E-Learning. E-Business Review, Vol. 8, (2008).

CANDAN, B., AYDIN, K. & YAMAMOTO, G.T. (2008) “A research on measuring consumer ethnocentrism of young Turkish customers purchasing behaviors” Serbian Journal of Management, 3 (1), 39-60 (Indexed by: EBSCO).

YAMAMOTO, G.T & KARAMAN F. (2011). “Education 2.0” On the Horizon (OTH), May 2011 (Indexed by: A+ Education, Academic Search Alumni, Academic Search Complete, Academic Search Premier, Academic Source Complete, Academic Source Premier, Australian Education Index, Cabell's Directory - Educational Psychology & Administration, Current Abstracts, IEE INSPEC database, Publishing in Academic Journals in Education, Scopus).

Selected Conference Papers

YAMAMOTO, G.T and TELLİ, A. “High Technology for Marketing: New Applications & Integrated Circuits” Science Marketing 4th International Science-to-Business Conference,

YAMAMOTO, G.T, TELLİ, A. FEATHERSTONE M and BORSTORFF P. “Virtual Environments, Virtual Works, Virtual Lives?” PICMET’06 (Portland International Conference on Management Engineering and Technology), July 8-13 2006, Istanbul.

KARAMAN, F. & YAMAMOTO, G.T “Controlling the Pace and Direction of Technological Change” International Academy of E-Business 7th Annual Conference, April 5 -8 2007, Vancouver, Canada.

YAMAMOTO, G.T. AYDIN, K. “Supermarket Chains & Technology Usage in Turkey” 14th International Conference on Retailing and Services Science, 2007, San Francisco, USA.

AYDIN, K. YAMAMOTO, G.T. “Service Quality Measurement for a Foundation University in Turkey” 14th International Conference on Retailing and Services Science, San Francisco, USA.

ÇANCI, M., YAMAMOTO, G.T & YILMAZ, Ş. “Mass Catering Logistics: Evaluation on Institutional Catering Logistics in a Metropolitan Area” First International Symposium on Supply Chain Management, 2008, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.

YAMAMOTO, G.T. “Next Generation Sales Force Organizations”, Poznan University 2008, Poznan, Poland.

YAMAMOTO, G.T, “M-learning Concepts and Reflections”, Mlife 2009, Barcelona, Spain 2- 2009.

YAMAMOTO, G.T., BAYRAMOGLU, E.E, YILMAZ, B. & SEKEROĞLU, Ö. “E-Commerce Entrepreneurship and E-Marketing in Leather Industry” International Entrepreneurship Congress 2009, 2009, İzmir, Turkiye.

YAMAMOTO, G.T. “E-Learning Developments in Turkiye” 2nd International Conference on eGovernment and eGovernance, 11-12 Mart 2010. Antalya, Turkiye.

YAMAMOTO, G.T., OZAN, Ö. & DEMIRAY, U.” Drugstore for Learners:

Learning Vitamins D-E-M-T-U Learning”, 3rd International Future-Learning Conference, 10-14 Mayıs 2010, Istanbul, Turkiye.

YAMAMOTO, G.T., OZAN, Ö. & DEMIRAY, U. “Mobile Learning Technologies & Educational Applications, IODL & ICEM 2010 Joint Conference and Media Days, 4-8 October 2010 Eskişehir, Turkiye.

YAMAMOTO, G.T, GUÇER, M & MEMİŞ E.” E-government and m-government integration” M4Life 27-28-29 October 2010, Brighton, England.

YILDIRIM, F., YAMAMOTO, GT. (2011). Integration and System Failures of E-Governmental Procurement Systems in Turkey and More Efficient Systems with B2B, International Conference on E-Business and E-Government (ICEBEG 2011). Kusadası, Izmir, Turkiye.

YAMAMOTO, G.T, CANDAN, B. (2011). “Mobile Life and Trends in Turkey”, 8th CIRCLE Conference, 26-29 April 2011, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

ÖZDAMAR KESKİN, N., YAMAMOTO, GT, TRAXLER, J., ROYLE,K. & DEMİRAY, U. (2012) A Multiplatform M-Learning System For More Qualified Courses, Futurelearning 2012, Istanbul, Turkiye.

YAMAMOTO, GT, ÖZEN, Z. VE BEDEN, Ş. (2012) Examination of LMS Logs in Academic Education Platforms: A Case Study, Futurelearning 2012, Istanbul, Turkiye.

ALTINAY,Z. ALTINAY,F, YAMAMOTO, GT, EMİROGLU,BG. (2015). E-learning practices as quality strategy in Turkish Higher Education System, İlearning Forum, Paris, France.

YAMAMOTO, GT, SEKEROGLU, O.K, KAYKUSUZ, M. (2015). Brand Management Benchmarking (BMB) for Global Arena ICOVACS 2015, International Conference on Value Chain Sustainability, March 12-13,2015 Istanbul, Turkiye.

Book(s) and Book chapters

YAMAMOTO, G.T (2009). Mobilized Marketing and the Consumer: Technological Developments and Challenges, Hershey, USA: IGI Global, (November 2009) (Author).