FRAMEWORK cultural agreement
In order to establish academic exchanges and mutual co-operation in the fields of scientific research and didactic activities, the Università degli Studi di Perugia (Italy) and GrandValleyStateUniversity (USA) agree to sign the present cultural agreement:
Article 1
The contracting universities shall promote mutual research and training projects undertaken by professors and researchers from both institutions. They shall also promote mutual exchange of information, publications and other research material and documentation.
Both parties agree to encourage the mobility of professors and researchers involved in research or training exchange activities offered by the partner institutions mentioned in the present agreement. The universities agree to begin to explore the possibility of addingother faculties and academic departments to this agreement.
Article 2
In this frame, the contracting universities shall encourage, with particular attention, research projects and other scientific and didactic initiatives and reinforce the existing links and collaboration between the Faculty and Department of Political Sciences, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Italy and the Department of Political Science, GrandValleyStateUniversity.
The present agreement relates to the following themes:
a) political science......
b) political thought......
c) comparative politics......
d) international relations......
e) media and politics......
f) constitutions and political institutions………………………..…….
g) international organisations and law …...... ……….…….
Research centres may set up other themes or activities in accordance with what is agreed upon.
Article 3
Provided that sufficient funding exists, each year one faculty member from each university will be invited to visit the partner university for two weeks. The visiting professor mayoffer a short course of instruction, not to exceed six hours, in an on-going host university course, the content of which will be included in the students’ final examination. A mutually acceptable seminar or set of lectures will be offered if instruction in a regular course cannot be arranged. Faculty from the University of Perugia will normally visit GVSU in September, while GVSU faculty will normally visit Perugia in May.
Applicants for faculty and staff exchanges will be selected by the home university and will be subject to acceptance by the host university. The home university will maintain their faculty/staff member on full salary and benefits for the period of exchange.
It is intended that exchanges be reciprocal. Every effort will be made to maintain an exchange balance within a calendar year. Reciprocity shall be subject to periodic review by both universities.
Article 4
Each party to this agreement shall appoint one or more professors who shall form a joint committee aiming at following up the present agreement.
Article 5
The host university shall place to the disposal of professors and researchers material and structures necessary for carrying out the activities provided by the present agreement, including courtesy office space and access to the internet
Article 6
In order to enable the carrying out of the projects stipulated in this agreement, both universities shall attempt to find and obtain financial support from international or national institutions, or other entities, be they public or private.
To this end, these financial aids may be used for limited or renewable projects which should remain as such.
Article 7
As far as Faculty members’ mobility, the sending institution will provide funding for travel expenses while the receiving institution will provide lodging and meals.
Faculty and staff must be covered by health, emergency evacuation and repatriation insurance that is valid in the host country. Faculty and staff will be subject to the immigration laws of the host country and are required to adhere to the laws, rules and regulations of the host country and institution.
Article 8
The present agreement shall come into force on the date of its signature by both legal representatives of each university. It shall be valid for three (3) years and then be renewed tacitly on maturity.
Article 9
Each party may recede from the present agreement by making a written request at least six (6) months before maturity. Each party shall receive one copy of such communication.
Article 10
In the future, and in accordance with what is agreed upon, each party may co-operate with other institutions, with the agreement of all partners involved in the programme.
In this case, and, if necessary, the parties shall draw up an additional clause in which shall be stipulated the name of the institution joining the others listed in the introduction and stated in Art. 2 of the present agreement. Any necessary adjustment concerning the programme shall be made in the additional clause stated above.
The new disposition shall come into force on the date of its signature by the legal representatives of all partner institutions.
For the Università degli Studi For Grand Valley State
di Perugia...... University
Signed: ...... Signed: ......
Prof...... Prof......
Position: ...... Position: ......
Date: ...... Date: ......