Players are expected to:

  • Work hard! Playing time will be determined by how hard you work in practice and in games. Effort should be 100% at all times.
  • Listen and follow directions from your coaches.
  • Always practice and play as safely as possible. Never put you or your teammate’s safety at risk.
  • If you are unable to attend a practice or game, please let the coach know ahead of time via text message.
  • Be early to practice. If you are on time, you are already late.
  • Maintain a positive attitude. Put the team before your own ego. Play for the front of your jersey, not the back.
  • Respect your coaches, teammates, team parents, opposing teams and officials. Discuss questions or concerns with your Coach in a positive and respectful manner.
  • Encourage your teammates at all times. Cheer for the Georgia Impact and not against the opponent.
  • Display good sportsmanship behavior at all times.
  • Participate in fundraising deemed appropriate by Georgia ImpactSoftball.
  • Maintain, label, and keep track of your own equipment. Be respectful of all equipment, whether it belongs to you, your teammates or Georgia ImpactSoftball.
  • Player’s will address coaches as: Coach “Jon”, Coach “Jason”, etc.
  • Player’s response to coaches and parents will be “Yes Sir”, “Yes Ma’am”, no exceptions!
  • Players are required to participate in some type of private lesson each week.
  • Refrain from posting anything degrading, derogatory, obscene, or profane on any social media sites in reference to yourself, the team, the organization or other teams.
  • Players will provide all social media accounts to the Head Coach to be monitored by the team Social Media Monitor (SMM).
  • Player’s will not have their cellphones during tournaments.

Parents are expected to:

  • I will be sure that my child’s schoolwork is my first priority.
  • I will remember that softball is for my child and not for me.
  • I will have my child at practice, games, and tournaments on time or be sure that the coach is aware of any situation beforehand. Players should arrive at designated time set by Coaches for all games. I further understand that practices are what will prepare my child and her team for success and attendance is expected.
  • I will conduct myself at practices, games, and tournaments like a responsible adult and model good sportsmanship for the players. I will refrain from coaching or correcting my child during play. I will not yell at them, the umpires, or chastise the coaches. My child belongs to the Coaches during practice & games. Players should be loose and relaxed prior to game time. I will be respectful to opponents, other Coaches and players; encourage the team at all times; and cheer for the Georgia Impactand not against the opponent.
  • I will maintain good communication with Coaches, other parents and players. If I have a problem or concern, I understand that it should be discussed with the person who can help address my concerns and NOT others on the team. I will wait at least 24 hours after a practice, game or tournament to discuss any concerns with the Head Coach.
  • I understand that the coach has the right to make any equipment adjustments deemed necessary. (Please talk to the Coach before purchasing any new equipment to ensure appropriateness and conformity.)
  • I understand that any money paid to the team is non-refundable. I further understand that any money paid to the team is for the sole purpose of my daughter to be on the team and does not guarantee position or playing time.
  • I will respect the Coach’s decision as to when and where my daughter will play.
  • I will NOT enter the dugout during a tournament unless requested by a coach or to attend to an injured player. (We will alert you if your child needs you.)
  • I understand that every player has to follow the team rules and will be sure that my child understands and abides by those rules.
  • I understand that what my child gets from this experience depends upon what she and we (her parents) put into it.
  • Parents will NOT coach their child from outside of the fence.
  • Parents are not to come onto the field to warm up their child prior to games. Players will warm up with other players. Any odd player out may warm up with a Coach. Parents may warm-up with their child before games in off-field or other available open areas.
  • Any requested sit down meetings will be conducted with the Head Coach and will also include an Assistant Coach or an organizational representative if needed.
  • Parents will NOT post anything in reference to the Team on social media sites without the prior approval of the Head Coach.
  • Commitment to the Team will be from August of the present year to August of next year.
  • Team fees/dues are to be paid no later than the last day of August or first weekend of September of the present year. No refunds will be given and any issued equipment and uniforms will be returned at the end of each season orif the player leaves the team either voluntarily or involuntarily prior to the end of the season.

Coaches are expected to:

  • Maintain good communication with each family.
  • Always teach and coach using sound safety practices.
  • Behave in a sportsmanlike manner.
  • Be on time for practices and games.
  • Be positive and respectful towards each player.
  • Set reasonable expectations for each player.
  • Be positive and encouraging whether we win or lose.
  • Strive to make this an enjoyable experience for all players.



Coach DatePlayerDate


Coach DateParent/GuardianDate