Goal 2: Expansion and Reform Study Guide

Textbook Chapters 3, 4, and 5 and internet resources

Terms and Concepts to Understand:

Chapter 3 Nationalism and Sectionalism / Chapter 4, Expansion and Reform / Chapter 5 – Manifest Destiny
Industrial Revolution
Interchangeable Parts
Spoils System
Panic of 1819
Monroe Doctrine
Election of 1824 ("corrupt bargain")
Henry Clay's American System
Tariff of Abominations
John C. Calhoun
Nullification Crisis
Election of 1832
Pet Banks
Hudson River School
Cotton gin
Steel plow
Erie Canal
Cotton Kingdom
Sewing machine
Era of Good Feelings / Second Great Awakening
Neoclassical Architecture
Universal White Male Suffrage
Election of 1840
Abolition Movement
Seneca Falls Convention
Declaration of Sentiments
Temperance Movement
Women's Rights
Utopian Communities
"Necessary evil"
Second Great Awakening / Manifest Destiny
James K Polk
Lewis and Clark
Missouri Compromise
The Indian Removal Act (1830)
Trail of Tears
The Alamo
Texas Annexation
Oregon Trail
"54º40' or Fight!"
Election of 1844
Wilmot Proviso
Mexican American War
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
Mexican Cession
Gadsden Purchase
Adams-Onis Treaty
Historical Figures – Why are these people important?
Henry Clay
John C. Calhoun
Francis Lowell
Andrew Jackson
Joseph Smith
Brigham Young
Grimké Sisters
Charles G. Finney
Samuel Slater
Eli Whitney
John Deere
Cyrus McCormick
Samuel Morse
Robert Fulton / Noah Webster
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Henry David Thoreau
Alexis de Tocqueville
William Lloyd Garrison
Frederick Douglas
Nat Turner
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Susan B. Anthony
Sojourner Truth
Dorothea Dix
Horace Mann
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Lucretia Mott / Stephen Austin
Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana
Sam Houston
James K. Polk


2.01 Analyze the effects of territorial expansion and the admission of new states to the Union

2.02 Describe how the growth of nationalism and sectionalism were reflected in art, literature, and language

2.03 Distinguish between the economic and social issues that led to sectionalism and nationalism

2.04 Assess political events, issues, and personalities that contributed to sectionalism and nationalism

2.05 Identify the major reform movements and evaluate their effectiveness

2.06 Evaluate the role of religion in the debate over slavery and other social movements and issues


Answer on your own paper and for clear, detailed answers, you can earn up to 2 points per question to be added to your unit test grades. You can only do test remediation for grade below 70% These MUST be turned in within 1 week of the test to earn credit.

  1. How did transportation change after the War of 1812?
  2. How did tariffs after the American Economy?
  3. Explain the transcendentalist movement.
  4. Detail three contributions by women during this time period.
  5. What inventions were produced during the 1st Industrial Revolution?
  6. Explain the differences in the economies between North and South.
  7. Who was John Marshall and how did he help the national government? Detail one of his famous court cases.
  8. Explain the Missouri Compromise. Why was there an ongoing debate about slavery?
  9. Detail what led up to the events at the Alamo and what happened? How did Texas finally become a state?
  10. Why did South Carolina oppose the Tariff of Abominations?
  11. How did the Second Great Awakening create a fracture in nationalism?
  12. How did Manifest Destiny lead to a war with Mexico?
  13. Explain nationalism and give one example of this during the mid 1800’s.
  14. Explain sectionalism and give one example of this during the mid 1800’s.