PowerPoint Project

Analyzing Modern Themes in The Great Gatsby

The Elements of Modernism in American Literature

·  Emphasis on bold experimentation in style and form, reflecting the fragmentation of society

·  Rejection of traditional themes and subjects

·  Sense of disillusionment and loss of faith in the American dream

·  Rejection of the ideal of a hero as infallible in favor of a hero who is flawed and disillusioned by shows “grace under pressure”

·  Interest in the inner workings of the human mind, sometimes expressed through new narrative techniques such as stream of consciousness.


-American modernist writers both echoed and challenged the American dream. They constituted a broader, more resonant voice than ever before, resulting in a second American renaissance. With all the changes, however, writers continued to ask fundamental questions about the meaning and purpose of human existence.

Objective: Create a PowerPoint presentations that analyzes a modern theme in The Great Gatsby by and provides both visual and textual mastery


1.  Choose a partner (one who will be academically and socially responsible)

2.  Choose a modern theme at random (from the magic pumpkin)

3.  Reread modernism notes to consider the complexity of the social commentary Fitzgerald is making in this text. For example in the 1900-1949 the stock market crashed, the great depression started, WWI and WWII both took place. Men returning from war had little to return too. So why do you think the theme of the “Sense of disillusionment and loss of faith in the American Dream” is so relevant during this time?

4.  Create a PowerPoint presentation (both partners must contribute equally to show mastery)

a.  (Slide 1): Provide the modern theme and an explanation of that theme based about what you learned from your notes (refer to #3)

b.  (Slide 2): 1st piece of TE supporting your theme

c.  (Slide 3): extensive analysis TE and how it relates back to your theme

(think onion)

d.  (Slide 4): 2nd piece of TE supporting your theme

e.  (Slide 5): extensive analysis TE and how it relates back to your theme

f.  (Slide 6): 3rd piece of TE supporting your theme

g.  (Slide 7): extensive analysis TE and how it relates back to your theme

h.  (Slide 8): synthesis(connect to self, text, world) and concluding statements

The PowerPoint will be completed in class on Tuesday and Thursday of this week and will be saved to my T-drive at the end of Thursday’s class. Presentations will begin on Friday. If you would like to sign up first, let me know. Both group members share the responsibility of speaking during the presentation. Please refer to the attached rubric for grading criteria.