Neighbourhood Contacts: Key local contacts

Name of Neighbourhood: Portslade & Portland Road

Position / Occupation (in no particular order) / Name and contact details (if active in neighbourhood)
Community Development Worker / Lorette Mackie
The Trust for Developing Communities, Manor Office, Emmaus, Drove Road
Telephone: 01273 430176
Mobile: 07809 830 029
LAT chair / Portslade Local Action Team
Trevor Alford email:
Forum/Community Association chair / Portslade Community Forum:
Penny Gilbey email:
West Hove Forum:
Ron Gurney email:
Portslade Youth Forum
Joe Prodger email:
CAPS – Community Association of Portslade South
June Lucas email:
Tenants/Residents Association(s) chair(s) / Portslade:
Downland Court RA: Tina Urquhart 07599769785
North Portslade RA: Muriel Briault (01273) 270543
Evelyn Court RA: Jean Carter (01273) 422945
Valley Rd Action Group: Cameron Ellis
Portland Road:
Woods House RA: Roy Crowhurst(01273) 278996 email:
Muriel HouseRA: Mary Moore (01273) 414673
Sanders House RA: Rose Haines (01273) 416572
Ingram Crescent RA:
Ward Councillors / North Portslade
Bob Carden(L)Tel:
Penny Gilbey(L)Tel: 291142
South Portslade
Leslie Hamilton(L)Tel:
Alan Robins(L)Tel:
Anne Pissaridou(L)Tel:
Garry Peltzer-Dunn(C)Tel:
Housing & Neighbourhood Officers / Housing Customer Service: Tel: 01273 293030

Resident Involvement Officer / Pat LidellTel: 01273 293374

Registered Social Landlords participation officers / Hyde Martlett:
Angela Pricket
Sanctuary Housing:
Alisa Pohl
leigh c
Environmental Improvement Team / Tony BakerTel:
Simon BannisterTel:
Matt EastealTel:
Communities Against Drugs / Sue BowesTel
Cally SykesTel 292967
Parent Involvement workers / Jan SinkfieldTel 294062
Youth workers / Peter TrenholmeTel
PCSOs / Portslade
Clare Cates
Brenda McKenna
Emma Swann
Portland Road
Martina Mindekova
Active for Life workers / Vanessa Lynham (Mon, Wed, Thurs & Fri am)All age groups
Tel: 01273 430176

Adult / Community Learning / Tel: 01273 294287 email:
Local CVS groups / orgs. / Friends Of StonehamPark(formerly SPARKS)
Chair- Merlin Matthews email:
Sundowners (Over 50’s activity group Portland Road)
Chair – Muriel Briault 01273 270543
Foreganics (Community Allotment Project)
The Freedom Club (Over 50’s activity group in Portslade)
Portslade Art and Crafts Group
Chair – Wendy Moore email:
North Portslade Community Allotment Group
Chair – Saskia Wesnigk- Wood email:
The SecretGarden
Contact Robert Nemeth email:
Mile Oak WI
Chair – Valerie Farrell email:
Hove YMCA – Marmion Road
Contact Adam Ransom email: