South Dakota Association of County Commissioners

Board of Directors Meeting

Thursday, January 24, 2008


The SDACC Board of Directors met on Thursday, January 24, 2008 in the Lake Sharpe Meeting Room, Ramkota Hotel, Pierre, SD. President Nancy Hansen called the meeting to order at 1:05 pm CT. Roll call by Districts was made with the following members present: Nancy Hansen, President; Mike Ortner, 1st Vice President; Jim Schmidt, 2nd Vice President; Jack Thomas, Treasurer; Anne Hajek, Casey Krogman, Bill Floyd, Gene Mann, Oscar Thompson, Gale Holbrook. Staff present: Bob Wilcox, Executive Director; Kris Jacobsen, Administrative Assistant. County Commissioners from various counties were also present. Directors not present: Shirlee Leighton, Past President; Delvin Worth. Quorum was established.

A motion to approve the agenda was made by Gene Mann, seconded by Mike Ortner. Motion carried.

Minutes of the December 12, 2007 Board meeting were read. A motion to approve the minutes was made by Bill Floyd, seconded by Jim Schmidt. Motion carried.

Treasurer Jack Thomas presented the financial report. A motion to approve the financial report was made by Mike Ortner, seconded by Oscar Thompson. Motion carried. A motion to grant SDACC Executive Director Bob Wilcox signature authority on the COM-PAC account was made by Jim Schmidt, seconded by Casey Krogman. Motion carried.

Executive Director Bob Wilcox gave the board an overview of the County Day agenda. Several bills currently being dealt with by the 2008 Legislature were discussed. (see attached) House Bill 1245 dealing with water districts was addressed by Jay Gilbertson and Darrell Raschke. This legislation will redraw the boundaries of the East River Water District. The also answered questions from the membership. Various property tax bills and several concerning wind energy were also discussed.

NACo Board member Don Larson presented his report to the attendees. Various topics being dealt with on the national level are the Secure Rural Schools Act, Farm Bill Reauthorization, Health care funding, Meth, PILT, Interoperability service, CDBG, Water and Food safety, and a possible 40 cent gas tax hike. He mentioned that attending the national convention in Kansas City would be very important for the membership. Don has also been appointed to several NACo committees – Waters of the US committee, renamed from Navigable waters, and Green Government Advisory Board. He also asked for the best way to stay in communication with the membership.

Rolf Kraft, Bennett County Commissioner delivered information concerning tribal lands and the financial impact this is causing counties. He will be delivering a survey to the membership and stressed the importance of returning the information.

A motion to form a Ballot Question Committee concerning the Liquor tax petition and appoint Bill Floyd as Treasurer was made by Mike Ortner, seconded by Casey Krogman. Motion carried. Other committee members appointed include Gale Holbrook, Casey Krogman, and Jack Thomas.

A motion to adjourn was made by Mike Ortner, seconded by Gene Mann. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Bob Wilcox

Executive Director

South Dakota Association of County Commissioners

ADDENDUM: The County Day agenda also included an Alcohol Tax Petition Briefing. Jennifer Stalley presented ideas to the membership to help in the petition drive. She also answered questions from the membership.

A social and dinner with the Legislators was held later that evening.