Atlanta City Council

Meeting Minutes

August 19, 2014

OPEN: The regular meeting of the Atlanta City Council was held on Tuesday August 19, 2014 at the Atlanta Golf Course. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Fred Finchum at 7:30pm.

ROLL CALL: Mayor Fred Finchum, Billie Cheek, Matt Clemmons, Bill Moore, Amber Finchum and Adam McVey were present. Bob Polley was absent.

Motion by Adam McVey second by Billie Cheek to approve minutes as presented.

Roll Call:

Polley-A Cheek-yes

Clemmons-yes McVey-yes

Moore-yes Finchum-yes Motion Carries.

Motion by Adam McVey second by Amber Finchum to pay all bills approved by their respective chairmen or as far as money allows.

Roll Call:

Polley-A Cheek-yes

Clemmons-yes McVey-yes

Moore-yes Finchum-yes Motion Carries.

Dale Colaw addressed the Council on the latest Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting. Information was given to the council. Colaw was at the meeting as Planning Commission Chairman. He felt that the City pursue turning over the decision.

The Mayor outlined the rules governing the Zoning Board of Appeals actions. The Mayor told the council he will have more information available for the council so it can be reviewed.

Dale Colaw reported that Bob Hildebrand will be contacted by the City Engineer on his easement. Progress was being made.

Randy Brooks gave the council his Golf Course Report. The first High School Golf Match was complete. 5 Teams participated.

Mike Harrison gave his report. Sidewalk work was beginning. Salt will be in short supply this winter. Brine from the Water plant will be utilized.

Testing is continuing on the new Main on Sharon St.

Well #9 was repaired and operating again.

Harrison explained that Bob Veach was going to work on Roger Cooper’s drains to find his problem.

The City Attorney reported that the trial began on the Armstrong property. Bates felt that the problem lies with the City inspecting the finished work. Armstrong, for some reason, is opposed to inspection.

The council took up the Economic Development Commission Ordinance. Changes were given to the council as submitted by the attorney. The council recommended wanted changes. The council discussed terms of the Members. 3 members for 3 years and 2 members for 2 years initially staggering years there after each term will be 3 years.

Motion by Matt Clemmons second by Adam McVey to approve the Economic Development Commission Ordinance

Roll Call:

Polley-Absent Cheek-Abstain

Clemmons-yes McVey-yes

Moore-yes Finchum-yes Motion Carries.

The Mayor presented the Façade Improvement Grant Program and TIF Ordinance.

Motion by Adam McVey second by Matt Clemmons to approve the Atlanta Façade Improvement Program as presented.

Roll Call:

Polley-A Cheek-yes

Clemmons-yes McVey-yes

Moore-yes Finchum-yes Motion Carries.

The bid for the painting of the Firehouse from D3 Services is a total of $15(blank)

Motion by Adam McVey second by Billie Cheek to accept the proposal by D3 for paint and repair to the Firehouse.

Roll Call:

Polley-Absent Cheek-yes

Clemmons-yes McVey-yes

Moore-yes Finchum-yes Motion Carries.

Alderman Adam McVey asked the council to consider rate increases ahead of the actual water project. This could put us ahead of costs. Review again the first meeting in October 7th for recommendation.

Alderman Bill Moore asked if Pistol Prep is holding classes other than Concealed Carry for women only on Thursday nights. These classes are Concealed Carry for women only.

He also stated that speeding was taking place at the 4-way STOP on the service lane. The police will be informed.

Motion by Adam McVey second by Matt Clemmons to adjourn.

Roll Call:

Polley-A Cheek-yes

Clemmons-yes McVey-yes

Moore-yes Finchum-yes Motion Carries.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm

Kenneth Martin

City Clerk