London Forum of FCAs Meeting

25 September 2009


The Conference Room, the Fostering Network

87 Blackfriars Road, London SE1 8HA


Tricia Connolly- Kingston FCA

Liane Barnard, Kingston FCA

Barbara Collins, Haringey FCA

Martin Williams, Croydon FCA

Angie Gayle, Croydon FCA

Janet Okeleke, Lewisham FCA

Marion Collins, Lewisham FCA

Glenda Phillips, Hackney FCA

Diana Corlis, Hackney FCA

Pearl Howard, Wandsworth FCA

Simon Hall, Lambeth FCA

Paul , Bexley FCA

Heather Hamilton-Watson, London forum coordinator, FACE - Enfield

Jamie Roome, FCA Development Worker, the Fostering Network

Jade Barton, FCA Project Administrator, the Fostering Network

The following attendees were present for specific parts of the regional forum meeting

Ali Hossain, Participation worker, Young Peoples Project, the Fostering Network

Mat Cooper, Senior Media Officer, the Fostering Network.


Brenda Thomas, Barnet FCA

1. Introductions and apologies

All attendees introduced themselves and Jamie Roome introduced herself as the FCA Project development worker. Jamie also talked about the Together for Change campaign.

2. Previous minutes & action points

The following amendments to the previous meetings minutes were requested:

·  Kingston amended details of a trip that was mentioned and stated that the trip was happening in February 2010.

·  Lambeth requested that the fourth bulletin point in their individual feedback be removed as this was incorrect.

.3. Feedback from individual FCAs

Enfield FCA ( F.A.C.E)

Enfield reported that they have now been given £5,000 funding by local authority. This is the first lot of funding they have received in four years.

Enfield are making weekly use of their local children’s centre - running a support group once a month in conjunction with the social services department and the rest of the month is used by Enfield FCA to hold coffee mornings and foster carer and toddler groups.

Foster carers from Independent fostering services were interested in coming along so these groups are now open to these foster carers for three weeks of the month,

Enfield has a quarterly meeting with the interim fostering manager and feel there is good dialogue between them.

Bexley FCA

Bexley have monthly meetings with the Children’s services department. However this may change as the unit manager is leaving shortly

Bexley have had issues with taking children and young people in placement on holiday and claiming back expenses. They have been told that holiday expenses are pro rated. Bexley have now taken this up with the fostering department.

Action: Agreed that all FCAs will bring written policies about allowances and agreed expenses to next forum meeting.

Bromley FCA

Bromley FCA reported that they had a good relationship with the fostering department management – good opportunity to raise issues. There has also been increased funding for the FCA.

Bromley FCA had organised a variety of activities including a trip to Southend and a BBQ which were very successful.

Bromley FCA has started Children’s Workforce Development Council (CWDC) TSD Standards and they have further sessions planned for early October. This has included a fast track programme for those foster carers who hold NVQ3 certificate

Bromley FCA reported that they are having some issues with increasing the attendance at FCA meetings.

Bromley also reported on life story work that foster carers are undertaking – which may lead to extra funds for holiday periods

Croydon FCA

Croydon FCA reported that they run a support group once a month and utilise their local children’s centre for this.

Recent changes to fostering allowances – no consultation with foster carers or FCA – specifically the source of funding for babysitting costs is now child’s social worker

Fee payment structure has also changed – removed structure with no consultation

Croydon FCA received information about the Personal Educational Allowance (PEA) and that not all children would be receiving this – foster carers would like guidance re PEA

Croydon reported that children and young people must have been in placement for three months before holiday money is released (in response to discussion during Bexley feedback)

Action: Jamie will send information about PEA to all forum members

Lambeth FCA

Lambeth reported on a successful trip to Brighton

Lambeth has a new head of service who values foster carers – so Lambeth FCA are building a positive relationship – head of service is supportive of the FCA expanding activities and increasing funding for projects like peer mentoring

Lambeth FCA didn’t have a great relationship with previous fostering management but there is now a new head of service who is very committed.

Lambeth FCA have had a contact with a cabinet member for children and young people’s services who has also attended one of their meetings.

Lambeth FCA will have a new updated constitution next month which will include family and friends foster carers as full members. The new constitution will also include foster carers that don’t live in the borough but have Lambeth children and young people in placement and those that live in the borough but don’t have Lambeth children and young people placed as associate members

The FCA also has a new financial document.

Lambeth FCA have a slot in new foster carers induction days and letters will also go out to the new foster carers about the FCA.

Haringey FCA

Haringey FCA plays an active role in support groups that are held fortnightly. They send out reminders about meetings via flyers and also via SMS messages. The number of attendees since April to these meeting has steadily increased. Haringey FCA organised two trips during the summer period for sons and daughters and looked after children

FCA attended senior management team meeting – this was challenging and not very positive

Haringey FCA are currently in the process of preparing for their AGM in November 2009 and planning other activities for the year which include a children’s winter party for the under 12s and also an evening workshop during sons and daughters week in October 2009.

FCA met with reviewing officer to discuss practices.

Haringey FCA are now looking into funding to support their business plan and have located appropriate office space.

Lewisham FCA

At their last meeting with service manager they were told that there were a significant number of foster carers with allegations made against them. Lewisham wondered if there had been a general increase in the number of allegations. The general feedback was that there had been large increases in some areas whilst very little in others.

Lewisham FCA now has a proper allegations procedure book.

Lewisham FCA now attends panel meetings to support other foster carers.

There is now a development day which everyone is invited to including social workers and fostering service managers. This has been arranged to help strengthen relationships between social workers and foster carers by the new fostering service manager.

Lewisham had arranged a children’s party towards the end of term but the turn out was half of what was expected.

Foster carers in Lewisham are now given ‘Placement Information Records’ which include information about medical consent and education. Lewisham FCA are not sure how much information of a personal nature will be included on the records.

Wandsworth FCA

Wandsworth FCA are currently going from strength to strength. Their office is now up and running and the offer of funding from their fostering service has been confirmed although they are unclear about of the amount of funding at present.

Wandsworth FCA will be running a coffee morning for foster carers soon.

Wandsworth FCA are working with the fostering department on consultations regarding both allowances and allegations and complaints procedures. There are also ongoing discussions with the department about allowances for CWDC and NVQ qualified foster carers. They are also involved in updating the consultation papers for annual reviews.

Wandsworth FCA held a Christmas party event last year which was successful and there is now a sub-committee planning another for Christmas 09. The FCA is also holding pamper days for foster carers and are in discussions about holding pamper days for male foster carers.

The FCA is currently looking into putting a paper together on Peer mentoring and 18plus placements.

Wandsworth have a good relationship with the fostering department with meetings three times a year with director of services and there is also a new fostering service manager in place.

Kingston FCA

Since the last meeting Kingston FCA has met with the fostering service to discuss the allegations policy including detailed timescales of investigations. This information is to go in the foster carer’s handbook.

Kingston FCA has been asked to draw up a list of frequently asked questions.

Kingston FCA also had a packed social event calendar in which they ran a weekly summer picnics programme during the summer holidays which was open to anyone that wanted to come along, horse riding workshops for children which were very successful and also organised a female foster carer trip to see the Calendar girl’s theatre show.

Kingston FCA get some of their funding through charging a £10 per year subscription fee to the FCA - members then receive discounted event tickets.

Kingston FCA also receives a small grant from the local authority – which is specifically for workshops - this was used to fund horse riding workshops.

FCA has developed a folder for information about the children and young people placed. The folder is not being used by the FSP and not being sent to placement.

Action: Kingston FCA will bring a copy of the folder for looked after children to the next forum.

Hackney FCA

Hackney FCA are thinking about applying for charity status

Hackney foster carers are undertaking the CWDC TSD standards.

Hackney FCA reported that the activities they organise are going very well which is helped by having a vibrant activities coordinator. For the last four years Hackney FCA has been involved with the celebration of black history month.

Hackney FCA reported that there are some issues with trying to increase attendance at meetings and that possible options would be to make the invitations more attractive and also to perhaps call foster carers just before the meeting as a reminder.

Hackney FCA currently have 175 members. The FCA has the input of children’s services with a representative from the department attending meetings in order to liase between department and foster carers. Hackney FCA do feel that sometimes this input isn’t helpful - they sometimes feel that they are being told to do things rather then having a discussion.

4. Media participation

Matt Cooper from the Fostering Network’s media team came in to the meeting to talk about the growing need for foster carers to participate in media activities. The media team would like to create a pool of foster carers who are willing to talk about their experiences of fostering or about the issues and challenges that arise for foster carers. Matt linked this to the upcoming launch of the Together for Change campaign and the importance of foster carers having a media presence about the key issues. If you would like to be on the media teams contact database please contact the team on 020 7620 6425 or

5. Consultation on Sons and Daughters

Ali Hossain, Participation worker for the Fostering Network’s Young people’s project came into the meeting to update the FCAs about the work of the project. This included information about a consultation on sons and daughters of foster carers, information gathering about award ceremonies for sons and daughters, and to request participants for a working group that is being formed to discuss these issues further.

The Young Peoples project has also received funding from the Children’s Workforce Development Council to conduct research on the subject of separation and loss for sons and daughters of foster carers. If you have information about these issues or if you wish to involved in research please contact Ali:

6. Update from the FCA Development worker

Jamie Roome FCA development worker gave an update on the project. Jamie reported that although the funding from the big lottery fund ended in April we now have further funding from the John Ellerman foundation. This funding will last for one year and allow the project to continue building on the work already undertaken.

Jamie spoke about the aims for the project in the coming year including dedicated training for FCA members to help increase their skills in running effective FCAs. Further information on this will be provided in due course.

Jamie also spoke about the national forum and the plans to rotate the location to give FCAs in other regions the opportunity to attend.

The next national forum is being held in Manchester on 1 December 2009.

7. CWDC Training, Support and Development standards

A discussion took place on the progress each FCA had made with the CWDC Training support and development standards and individual FCAs gave their feedback.

Croydon FCA has been given their workbooks but no further developments.

Lambeth FCA have been provided with training sessions for the CWDC standards with each foster carer attending a dedicated training session. But feel that it is difficult to understand the standards and requirements of foster carers. Foster carers who have English as a second language may find it even harder.

Kingston FCA stated that they receive their supervision notes back and that they need six different types of evidence for each standard. Kingston FCA felt that there should be a checklist that the department used so they could tick off what has been completed.

Enfield FCA reported that they have had seven workshops for existing and new foster carers for the CWDC standards. Foster carers have sent completed work off but not received any feedback which doesn’t help to motivate them.

Haringey FCA rolled out training in May with four groups which involved supervising social workers. The next round of training will be from September- March 2010. Haringey FCA feels that the work books are not very user friendly.

Tower Hamlets FCA reported that foster carers in Tower Hamlet are quite advanced with the standards as a large number of foster carers have already taken their NVQ level 3.

The general feeling about the CWDC standards was that they were a good idea but that there needed to be better implementation and at times the local authority had issues with implementing the standards, had little knowledge of how to measure work completed and evidence given.