St Oswald's Catholic Primary School St Oswald’s Catholic Community:

Headteacher - Mrs B Wood With Christ at the centre of our

Chapel Lane community, our mission is to live,

Longton love and learn as Jesus taught us.

Preston PR4 5EB

Email Tel: 01772 613402

Fax: 01772 613440

9 February 2016

Dear Parents


We now have details of the final arrangements for our trip to the Manchester Arena on Wednesday 2 March 2016.

We will be leaving school at 12.30 pm (after lunch as normal). Many thanks to those parents who have volunteered to help on this trip. Please come to school for 12.20 pm and report to the office.

The children should wear their choir black trousers, black shoes and socks. T-shirts are very kindly being provided by Smart Image Workwear, thank you very much to Mr & Mrs Rawlinson. School jumpers can be worn over the T-shirt in school in the morning (to keep out the cold and protect the white T-shirt!) Please send a packed tea for your child in a disposable carrier bag. It would be helpful if school bags were not used on that day.

The organisers of “Young Voices” have requested that each child brings a tin or jar of food for the‘Fairshare Charity’ which helps the homeless people of Manchester. If you would like to send in an item of food, please do so before Friday 26 February so that we can put them all together in one bag to take with us.

Many of you have purchased tickets for the concert and we thank you for your support. Tickets have been ordered. The security staff of the Manchester Arena do not allow parents to collect their children from the arena so, at the end of the evening, all children will return to school by bus to be collected from St Oswald’s car park at approximately 10.15 pm. If you wish to check on our ETA, mobile numbers can be made available to you – please ask! For those attending the concert, camcorders are not allowed in the arena.

There is also a ‘Young Voices App’ now available to download. Using this you will be able to upload photos, take selfies, check out the shop, get information on the venue and, most importantly of all, parents can use the FIND MY CHILD function that pin-points where the choir is seated!. The code you will need in order to download the app is DCB645

I hope this answers all your questions but, if not, please do not hesitate to contact school.

Many thanks for your co-operation.

Yours sincerely

A M Powell

Choir Teacher

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