NEW & REVISED Schedule for

International Club

January – June 2015

Thursday, January 7 / Mr. Andrew Beiter, social studies teacher and Director of the Summer Institute for Human Rights & Genocide Studies, will present. Title: “Not on Our Watch: Meeting the Challenge of Genocide.” Room 114.
Tuesday, January 13 &
Thursday, January 15 / First two planning meetings for the International Carnival celebration with food and traditions from around the world. Room 114.
Wednesday, January 21 / Learn about the holocaust. Mrs. Morgan, French and German teacher, will present on her recent trip to Auschwitz-Birkenau near Krakow, Poland. Room 114.
Tuesday, February 3 & Thursday, February 5 / Final two planning meetings for the International Carnival celebration with food and traditions from around the world. Room 114.
Thursday, February 11 / Celebrate Carnival around the world with food and regional traditions! Sign up and pay $2.00 in advance. Takes place in cafeteria.
March 2-6 / National Foreign Language Week: Numerous speakers, movies and other events will be announced in classes.
March 7-15 / Students from Sakurai High School in Japan will visit us.
Monday, March 9 / Fan Painting in Cafeteria with Japanese students. Pay $2.00 and sign up is required in advance.
Thursday, March 12 / Japanese Dance Performance & Kendo demonstration plus Ice Cream Social. Location: Cafeteria
Wednesday, March 18 / Frontier Math teacher Ms. Malesa will present on her trip to Papua New Guinea. Location Room 114.
Wednesday, April 15 / Film “The Lady” about the woman Aung San Suu Kyi, leader of Burma’s democracy movement. Won International Human Rights Award in 2012. Room 114. Burmese food served.
Wednesday, May 13 / Documentary “Five Broken Cameras” Palestinian-Israeli-French co-production about life in the West Bank. Academy Award nominee. Room 114.
Wednesday, June 3 / Final Meeting of year – food, prizes, trivia contest! Rm 114