Lakeside High School951-253-7300 x 3307
Grading Categories and Policies:
In this class, you will be graded in 3 categories. The categories and grading percentages are:
Projects / Notebook / Chapter Tests25 % / 25% / 50 %
□Notebook: A math notebook is required. Notebooks will consist of 3 parts: Warm Up, Notes, and Daily Assignments. The warm-up and notes will be on the left side of the notebook and must be dated. The Homework will be on the right side of the notebook, and must include the assignment page number.
Warm Ups: Should be included at the top of the notes page for the day.
Notes: minimum of 1 page per section of study.
Daily Assignments: Assignments will be assigned every day. Time will be given in class daily to complete the work. If more time is needed to complete the assignment, it should be done at home for homework. It is the students’ responsibility to make an attempt to solve every problem. Answers for the odd questions are in the back of the book. It is the students’ responsibility to check their work and make sure that they are doing the questions correctly. Time will be allocated daily to review the assignment. WORK MUST BE SHOWN FOR CREDIT.
□Projects: There will be 3 class projects during the semester. Each project will be given during class, and 4-5 days of class time/computer time will be provided for the student to complete the project. The projects will lose 20% of their grade for each day it is late. After 5 days, projects will not be accepted. If a student is absent on the day the project is due, it is their responsibility to make sure that their project is turned in on time.
□Tests: Advance notice will be given for all tests. There will be approximately 10 chapter tests given during the semester. . All work must be shown for credit. NOWORK, NO CREDIT. Missed tests will be made up during class the day that the student returns from their absence, unless prior arrangements are made. Calculators can be used on tests, but NOT cell phones. If you would like to use a calculator, you will need to bring one to class on the day of the test. NO phones will be allowed to be out on test days.
Missed Tests:
Students will be permitted to make up missed tests only if their absence from class is excused. Make-up tests will only be taken during class the day that the student returns from their absence, unless prior arrangements are made. A test NOT made up will automatically become a “0”. There will be no exceptions.
Grading Scale:
Your grade in this class will follow the standard breakdown, as follows.
Grades will NOT BE ROUNDED:
A / B / C / D / F90 – 100 % / 80 – 89 % / 70 – 79 % / 60 – 69 % / 0 – 59 %
Classroom expectations:
We will create an environment where everyone can feel comfortable asking questions, and where they will ask questions of each other or the teacher when needed.
We will be prepared for class by bringing appropriate supplies to class daily.
We will maintain a positive attitude.
We will create an environment that is quiet and non-distracting environment so that all students can pay attention and use the time wisely to complete their daily assignments.
We will be determined and motivated to complete our assignments and study for our tests.
We will be patient with each other, and especially with ourselves.
We will show respect to each other, guests, and school property.
Since there are rules, there must also be consequences.
1st offense: Verbally warned by the teacher
2nd offense:Parent will be contacted. After School Detention/SWS may be assigned.
3rd offense:Referral to the office.
It is my goal to make Math as understandable as possible. I am not offended by questions and welcome the opportunity to clarify any concepts and concerns that you may have, so please do not hesitate to talk to me in class or contact me via email.
I will do my best to explain things in a manner that they are understandable.
Email: one: 951-253-7300 x 3307
Student Name:
I have read and understand the class syllabus.
Student Signature: Date:
Parent Signature: Date:
If you would like to be contacted via email, please provide your email address below.
Parent email: