Proposed Scope of Sequence of
Positive behavior Support Training
Topic / Purpose / Agenda / Target Audience / Session Length
- Universal Supports
- Part I
/ This session is presented as a
Building Leadership Team Training. To develop foundations of schoolwide Positive Behavior Support (PBS). Descriptions and multiple examples will be provided for the various components of Universal PBS. Throughout the workshop, school teams will be given time to individualize implementation strategies to meet their school’s unique needs. /
- Strengthening Commitment for Schoolwide Supports
- Behavior Expectations Identified and Defined
- Teaching Expectations
- Data Tools
- Supervision and Monitoring Student Behavior
- Action Planning/Next Steps
/ Building Leadership Teams / 2 days
- Part II
/ This session is presented as a
Building Leadership Team Training, This day provides a workshop for school teams to further develop the foundations of schoolwide Positive Behavior Support (PBS). Information presented on this day will build upon the previous PBS training session. Descriptions and multiple examples will be provided for the various components of Universal PBS. Teams will learn about Universal Supports provided in the classroom with the expectations that this information will within each classroom. Throughout the workshop, school teams will be given time to individualize implementation strategies to meet their school’s unique needs. /
- Update on Team Progress
- Acknowledging Appropriate Behavior
- Consequences for Problem Behavior
- Classroom management
- Training school staff in classroom management
- Teach routine
- Corrective procedures
- Office vs Staff managed
- Action Planning/Next Steps
/ Building Leadership Teams / 1 day
- Administrator’s role in Universal Support
/ This session will take place during the
regional principal support meeting. Discussion will focus on the building administrators role in developing and sustaining the building leadership team’s capacity to coordinate and manage universal supports /
- Core feature of effective building leadership teams.
- Providing visibility and priority to implementation efforts
/ Building administrators / 1.5 hours
- Coach’s role in Universal Support
/ This session will take place during the
regional coaches support meeting. Discussion will focus on the coach’s role in developing and sustaining the building leadership team’s capacity to coordinate and manage universal supports. Supporting the principal in providing leadership, visibility an priority to secondary supports /
- Critical features of universal supports
- Acceptable/unacceptable variations
- Precorrects for successful implementation
- Monitoring implementation
- Problem solving issues
- Classroom management
/ Coaches / 1.5 hours
Topic / Purpose / Agenda / Target Audience / Session Length
- Secondary Supports: Targeted Intervention
- Building Leadership Team’s Role in secondary supports
/ This session is presented as a
Building LeadershipTeam Training.The Behavior Education Program (BEP) is MiBLSi’s intervention of choice for students needing targeted intervention. Your building leadership team will learn about the BEP, teaching BEP program expectations to staff and managing the secondary level interventions as a component of multi-tiered approach to behavior supports. /
- Leadership teams, Tracking Progress of secondary supports
- Staff expectations
- The Behavior Education Program overview
- Steps for Implementation
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Action Plan for Implementation
/ Building Leadership Teams / ½ day
- Behavior Education Program (BEP) coordinator’s role
/ This session is presented as a
Focused Training workshop, providing implementers with skill development in a specific practice. BEP coordinators will learn the elements of managing the Behavior Education Program. Use of the tools including the Checkin-Checkout component of SWIS will be presented. Participants will learn how to monitor and problem solve issues around implementation of he BEP /
- Staff expectations
- The Behavior Education Program overview
- Setting up Behavior Education Program
- Procedures
- Forms
- Tracking student progress
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Problem solving BEP issues
- Action Plan for Implementation
/ BEP coordinator / 1 day
- Administrator’s role in Secondary supports
/ This session will take place during the
regional principal support meeting. Discussion will focus on the building administrators role in supporting secondary level supports such as helping the building leadership team to support school staff in communication, expectations for use of BEP and also supporting the BEP coordinator in allocating resources and professional development. /
- Developing and sustaining the BEP coordinator function
- Evaluating program effectiveness
- Making it work for your setting
/ Building administrators / 1.5 hours
- Coach’s role in Secondary Support
/ This session will take place during the
regional coaches support meeting. Discussion will focus on the coach’s role in supporting secondary level supports such as helping the building leadership team to support school staff in communication, expectations for use of BEP and also supporting the BEP coordinator in allocating resources and professional development. Supporting the principal in providing leadership, visibility an priority to secondary supports /
- Critical features of Secondary supports
- Acceptable/unacceptable variations
- Precorrects for successful implementation
- Monitoring implementation
- Problem solving issues
/ Coaches / 1.5 hours
Topic / Purpose / Agenda / Target Audience / Session Length
- Tertiary Supports: Intensive Intervention
- Leadership Team’s Role in Tertiary Supports
/ This session is presented as a
Building Leadership Team Training.The Behavior Education Program (BEP) is MiBLSi’s intervention of choice for students needing targeted intervention. Your building leadership team will learn about the BEP, teaching BEP program expectations to staff and managing the secondary level interventions as a component of multi-tiered approach to behavior supports. /
- Communication staff expectations in tertiary support process
- Referral process
- When should referrals be made
- What information do you need
- What is functional-based supports
/ Building Leadership Teams / 1 day
- Administrator’s role in Tertiary Supports
/ This session will take place during the
regional principal support meeting. Building capacity within school for intensive supports, developing local expertise and developing system for referral process, implementing and monitoring supports /
- Developing building capacity for function-based supports
- Developing local expertise
- Developing and managing the tertiary support process
- Making it work for your setting
/ Building administrators / 1.5 hours
- Specialists’ role in Tertiary Supports Part I
/ This session is presented as a
Focused Training workshop, providing implementers with skill development in a specific practice. The training is intended for building/district specialist responsible for conducting functional assessment and development/management of behavior intervention plans. The focus on this training is on logic of function-based supports, roles in the tertiary support process and how to conduct a functional assessment of behavior. /
- Conducting functional assessments
- Interview (FACTS)
- Direct observation
- Summary statements
- Multiple functions
- Training school staff in functions of behavior
- Responsibilities of functional assessment/intervention/implementation
- Assignment: complete FBAs on three students
/ Behavior specialist/ building/district intensive behavior support experts / 1/2 day
- Specialists’ role in Tertiary Supports Part II
/ This session is presented as a
Focused Training workshop, providing implementers with skill development in a specific practice. The training is intended for building/district specialist responsible for conducting functional assessment and development/management of behavior intervention plans. Focus of this session will be on linking functional assessment results to behavior intervention plans. /
- Competing pathways analysis
- Review completed FBA
- Summary hypothesis statements
- Evaluation of confidence in hypothesis
- Behavior intervention planning
- Assignment: Create two behavior intervention plans
/ Behavior specialist/ building/district intensive behavior support experts / 1/2 day
- Specialists’ role in Tertiary Supports Part III
/ This session is presented as a
Focused Training workshop, providing implementers with skill development in a specific practice. The training is intended for building/district specialist responsible for conducting functional assessment and development/management of behavior intervention plans. Focus of this session is to review progress of behavior intervention plan and problem solving around student progress. /
- Behavior plan implementation updates
- Monitoring effectiveness
- Problem solving
- Fidelity of intervention
/ Behavior specialist/ building/district intensive behavior support experts / 1/2 day
- Specialists’ role in Tertiary Supports Part IV
/ This session is presented as a
Focused Training workshop, providing implementers with skill development in a specific practice. Focus of this session is modify/improve success of behavior plan. /
- Behavior intervention plan review
- Evaluation
- Plan modification
- FBA evolution through process
- Link supports across agencies (mental health, justice system, social services)
/ Behavior specialist/ building/district intensive behavior support experts / 1/2 day
- Coach’s role in Tertiary Support
/ This session will take place during the
regional coaches support meeting. Discussion will focus on the coach’s role in supporting tertiary level supports such as helping the building leadership team to support school staff in communication, expectations for use of function-based support, supporting local experts in coordinating and managing tertiary supports through allocating resources and professional development. Supporting the principal in providing leadership, visibility an priority to secondary supports /
- Critical features of Tertiary supports
- Acceptable/unacceptable variations
- Precorrects for successful implementation
- Monitoring implementation
- Problem solving issues
/ Coaches / 1.5 hours
revised 3/22/09