Youth Dream Hunt Foundation

Referral Application

Applicants Information (Please enclose a picture for our files. Thank you.)

Legal/Full Name: ______

D.O.B. ______

Age: _____ Illness / Disability: ______

Sex (Check One): Male _____ Female _____

Height: _____ Weight: _____ Eye Color: _____ Hair Color: _____

Clothing Sizes: Jacket: ______Pants: ______Boot: ______

Hand Preference (Check One): Right Handed _____ Left Handed _____

Parents/Guardian Information (Legal names as they appear on your licenses. Nicknames may slow your application process.)

Father’s Name: ______

Address: ______City: ______

State: ______Zip: ______Phone: ______

Email: ______

Mother’s Name: ______

Address: ______City: ______

State: ______Zip: ______Phone: ______

Email: ______

Medical Information

Physician’s Name: ______Address: ______

City: ______State: ______Zip: ______

Office Phone: ______Fax: ______

Treatment Facility/Hospital: ______

Summary of Physical Limitations: ______


Special Needs or Accommodations: ______


Wheelchair Bound (Check One): Yes _____ No _____

If yes (Check One): Power _____ Manual ______

Dream Hunt Information

What type of dream does applicant have? (Check One): Hunt _____ Fish _____ Exotic Animal _____

Has the youth ever hunted/fished before? ______

Do they presently have a license? ______

Have they ever had a hunter’s safety course? ______

Do they have their own (Check One): Shotgun: _____ Rifle: _____ Fishing Pole: _____

Have you ever participated in any other program such as this? ______

Have they ever fired a weapon before? Yes_____No______

If yes, please explain: ______

Additional Information

How did you hear about Dream Hunt Foundation: ______


NOTE: If the child has a life threatening illness have the physician please ATTACH a statement as to the type of life-threatening/terminal illness the applicant has. Thank you!

Please initial that you understand that a physical statement must be attached to this application: ______

If the applicant has a life threatening illness, do they know about it? (Check One) Yes _____ No _____

I certify that the above is true to the best of my knowledge.

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______