Council for Teacher Education Minutes – April 4, 2012– Page 2

College of Education

Council for Teacher Education

Meeting Minutes

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Room 316 Hughes Hall

3:30 p.m.

A meeting of the College of Education Council for Teacher Education was held Wednesday,

April 4, 2012, at 3:30 P.M. in 316 Hughes Hall.

Members present: Dr. Becky Brannock, Dr. Sunghee Choi, Dr. Hazel Coltharp, Dr. Jean Dockers, Dr. Gloria Flynn, Dr. Rob Hefley, Dr. Andy Klenke, Dr. Eric Rojas, Dr. Brenda Roberts, Dr. Julie Samuels, Dr. Howard W. Smith, and Dr. Kelly Woestman.

Members absent: Dr. Chuck Blatchley, Mr. Gil Cooper, Ms. Cris Elliott, Dr. Matthew Montague,

Dr. Lyle Morgan, Dr. Dixie Smith, and Dr. Irene Zegar.

Visitors: Dr. Tim Flood

Dr. Smith called the meeting to order at 3:30 P.M.

I.  Arts and Sciences – Math Department

A.  MATH 343: Introductory Applied Statistics – new course proposal

Dr. Tim Flood outlined the new course proposal and explained the reason it was created. He noted that this course replaces MATH 143 and MATH 543 as requirements for education majors. The program could either add another requirement in place of the three hours or allow the student to take another elective course. Motion was made by Dr. Becky Brannock, seconded by Dr. Kelly Woestman to approve the new course. Dr. Lyle Morgan and Mr. Gil Cooper submitted their vote of approval by email before the meeting. Motion passed with unanimous approval.

B.  MATH 471: Manipulatives for Teaching Mathematics – add Admission to Teacher Education as a prerequisite to emphasize that the course is designed for educators.

C.  MATH 472: Calculators in Teaching Mathematics – alter course content to accommodate students pursuing a minor in teaching middle school math. Drop Calculus I as part of the minor prerequisite. Add Admission to Teacher Education as a prerequisite to emphasize that the course is designed for educators.

D.  MATH 473: Mathematical Software – alter course content to accommodate students pursuing a minor in teaching middle school math. Drop Calculus I as part of the minor prerequisite. Add Admission to Teacher Education as a prerequisite to emphasize that the course is designed for educators.

Dr. Hazel Coltharp explained the above legislation. Dr. Jean Dockers made the motion, seconded by Dr. Julie Samuels to accept the proposed legislation. Dr. Lyle Morgan and Mr. Gil Cooper submitted their vote of approval by email before the meeting. Motion passed with unanimous approval.

Dr. Kelly Woestman explained forthcoming legislation that was approved by the Arts and Sciences curriculum committee but needs to be approved by the Council for Teacher Education. When this legislation is received by the College of Education an email notification will be sent to the council and if there are no questions, it will be voted on by email ballot.

Meeting adjourned at 3:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen LaSota

Senior Administrative Specialist