Royal Navy Association Torrevieja Branch 7th Sept 2016

Minutes of a meeting at El Paraiso Urb del mar


Chairman Paul Edwards

Vice Chairman/Membership Secy Danny Kay

Secretary Margaret Forshaw


P R O Rose Lyon

Welfare Co-Ordinator John Langford

Welfare Volunteers

Cathie Brown Robin Hargrave Pam Cluney

In attendance: 19 full members 18 associate Members

9 Visitors.

Apologies received from B & J Dalton G Burden S Kane

A & G Rapley W & E MacKenzie F & H Goodman J lovewell

S Conway Tor Stangeland K Frampton.

The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed members and visitors. Members stood for the shipmate’s prayer, a period of silence was observed for those who have fallen since our last meeting also for shipmate Alex McCallum who recently crossed the bar.

The Chairman asked if everyone had read the minutes and that they be accepted. This was proposed by Robin Hargrave and seconded by Pamela Cluney. There were no matters arising no comments on the minutes, they were then unanimously accepted.

Chairman’s Report: Paul gave members a full and comprehensive report including his visit to Armed Forces day in Plymouth. Please see enclosed sheet. Paul did point out that numbers had to be submitted at tonight’s meeting for anyone interested in attending The Battle of Britain Service on the 13th or R A F A dinner dance on 22nd.

Paul once again asked for a volunteer to be our social secretary.

Vice Chairman’s Report: As you can see we have no treasurer today he is not a well shipmate, we hope he gets well soon. Danny then added a few details to be added to the events calendar. Money/menu choices for Trafalgar night if possible today, the latest at October meeting. Names to me please if you wish to go to meal after battle of Britain service 15th September. RAFA Dinner/dance I have more information if required for 22nd September.13th November (Sunday) names to me if you wish to have the meal.13th September menu del dia list closed today. Codex Belix list of names please. Trip with ARPO see Terry Watson. I have had an email from Mike Enright sending condolences on the passing of Alex McCallum. He has known Alex for a very long time, due to a hip replacement he is not allowed to fly but he has an obituary card ready to send to the Navy News. Mike has also spoken with Mike Wright and they are well.

Secretary’s Report: Nothing to report this month

Treasurer’s Report: in John’s absence Danny gave his report including an account of the general, charity, and shipmate’s fun funds all of which are healthy.

P R O Report: Rose informed members she had submitted a report and photographs to the Female magazine also Quesada Focus and had tried with another, if anyone has any snaps of our outings please submit them to Danny and she will do her best to have them published.

Welfare Co-ordinator’s report: John gave Elizabeth our condolences at this sad time. John was unable

to be at the funeral but gave thanks to those members who had attended and said it was welcomed by Elizabeth. There is no change on Bill Turrell still sleeping a lot , Jean is going into hospital Friday for an operation on her foot we wish her well. I am not aware of any member who is encountering difficulties at this time.

Any Other Business: Poppy appeal Launch in Benidorm, a coach is being laid on as usual by Eddie Cowan. A show of hands was called for those wishing to go no names were submitted. Terry Watson explained about Codex Belix how it is a re-enactment of a battle in Normandy; this is enjoyed every year by those members who attend. This is held in Murcia transport returns approx 2100. Please see Terry if interested.

Dick Conway will be doing his parachute jump in Albacete on November 12th proceeds to Alzheimer support and Cancer Research. Dick said Sally is still poorly she fractured her pelvis and still has it stapled she is unable to get to the phone as movement is very limited.

Danny reminded anyone who has not paid for Trafalgar Night money MUST be paid at next meeting.

The meeting was closed the next one here on October 5th at 1700

Apology to shipmate Tor Stangeland for months now I have been spelling your name wrong even though Dick prints it in large letters, no excuses Tor solely my fault.

Margaret Forshaw (Secretary)