SCI403A/404A: Physics | Unit 6 | Lessons 11 and 12: Laboratory: Net Force

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Lab Report for Unit 6.11: Net Force and Vectors

Use the Unit 6.11 Lab Instructions to gather the data for this Lab Report.

Calculations and Analysis

Table 1

/ Trial / Mass (g)
from data table in the instructions / Mass (kg) / Weight (N) / Applied force (N)
from data table in the instructions / Frictional force (N) / Coefficient of friction (μ) /
Dance Shoe / Shoe alone
Shoe + 100 g
Shoe + 200 g
Shoe + 300 g
Shoe + 400 g
Athletic Shoe / Shoe alone
Shoe + 100 g
Shoe + 200 g
Shoe + 300 g
Shoe + 400 g
Dress Shoe / Shoe alone
Shoe + 100 g
Shoe + 200 g
Shoe + 300 g
Shoe + 400 g

1.  Draw a free body diagram of the shoe being pulled across the table and label all the forces on the shoe. Use a paint program or Insert>Shapes in Word. Label the graphic as Figure 1

Insert Figure 1 here

2.  Cut and Paste Table 1 t to a spreadsheet and insert calculations (if you do not know how to insert formulas watch the recording for Lab 6.11 (Calculations and Analysis)

a.  Mass (kg)=mass (g)/1000

b.  Weight (N) = force on the body due to the acceleration due to gravity=ma=Mass(kg) x acceleration due to gravity.

c.  Frictional force = the opposite of the applied force

d.  Co-efficient of friction= force of friction/normal force

3.  Plot the force of friction (y axis) vs. the weight (x axis) for each trial of each shoe on one graph. It might be helpful to create a separate table for graphing, where you organize the data. You will have three lines on the same graph, one for each shoe. Calculate and show the slope of each line using a Trend line. Insert the graph in the report as Figure 2 with an appropriate caption.

Insert Figure 2 here

4.  Calculate the coefficient of static friction for the athletic and dance shoes from the respective angle of inclination using the equation µs = tan q.

Table 2

Shoes on an inclined plane /
from data table in the procedure / /
Athletic shoe – Angle used for analysis
Dance shoe – Angle used for analysis

5.  Draw a free body diagram of the shoe on the inclined plane and label all the forces acting upon it. Use a paint program or Insert>Shapes in Word. Copy the diagram as Figure 3 into the lab report and provide an appropriate caption.

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