Early Childhood Education/Early Childhood Special Education - Blended Teacher Licensure Program
Recommended sequence of courses:
ü Courses appearing in BOLD AND RED text must be taken during the semester indicated.
Classes core to ECSE and Education Classes; Foundations classes (GE)
Semester 1American Heritage 170 (3)
Biology 100/102 (4)English 111 (3)
Religion (2)
Ed 200 Foundations of Education (2)
Total: 14 /
Semester 2
HS 131 Personal Health/Wellness (2)General/Letters (3)(Must have Eng prefix)
General/Arts (3) (Art 101, Music 101, or Hum 101)
Religion (2)
ELED 370 PE Curriculum (2)
Child 210 Child Development (3)Total: 15
Semester 3
Religion (3)Geog 120 (3)
Eng 355 Children’s Literature (3)
Child 310 EC (3)
Math 305 (4)
Total: 16 /
Semester 4
Eng 313 Adv Writing for ELED (3)Religion (2)
Math 306 (3)
ELED 375 Literacy 1 (3)
SPED 320 Exceptional Students (3)
SPED 480 Issues in Special Education (2)
Total: 16
Semester 5
Geo 110 or Phys 110 + lab (4)Child 230 Curriculum (3)
Child 230 must be taken the semester prior to ECSE 490
Methods of Instruction (2) – Take 1
(ELED 421, ELED 422, ELED 423)
ELED 380 Literacy 2 (3)
ECSE 400 Assessment/Evaluation (4)
Total: 16 /
Semester 6
ELED 385 Literacy 3 (1)SPED 323 Culture and Diversity (2)
ECSE 490 Preschool Student Teaching (6)
Methods of Instruction (2) – Take 1
(ELED 421, ELED 422, ELED 423)
ECSE 410 Strategies (4)
Total: 15
Semester 7
Religion (3)ECSE 491 Early Intervention Experience (4) ECSE 491 and Soc 430 must be taken concurrently
Methods of Instruction (2) – Take 1
(ELED 421, ELED 422, ELED 423)
ECSE 430 Primary Practicum (2)
Soc 430 Family & Community (3)
Total: 14 /
Semester 8
Religion – online (2)ECSE 492 Student Teach. – Public School (12)*
*6 credits/general education teacher
*6 credits/special education teacher
Total: 14
ü All 490 courses include a seminar
ü ALL BYU-Idaho graduates must have completed FA 100 (no credit attached)
ü For teacher licensure, the following state exams are required: Literacy 1, 2 & 3; Technology; Praxis Exams 1690 and 0021
Effective Fall, 2006 Draft: 3/14/2006