Note Taking Organizer Answer Key
Topic: Global Warming
Greenhouse Effect
pp. 386-388
- Heat is trapped by gases in the atmosphere.
- Gases are released quickly into the atmosphere causing the climate to change.
- 19 of the 20 hottest years since 1980, 30% more carbon dioxide in the air than 150 years ago.
- Carbon dioxide entering atmosphere faster than forests and oceans can absorb.
- Release of other gases adds to speed of climate change.
- Makes Earth warm enough for life to exist.
- Human activities (cutting down trees, driving cars, burning oil) cause a huge increase in greenhouse gases.
- Billions of tons of carbon dioxide in atmosphere from car exhausts, planes, factories.
- Trees and forests have been cut down.
- Other greenhouse gases being released from cattle and other farm animals. Also in soil.
Arctic Region
pp. 389-391
- Ward Hunt Ice Shelf started to crack in 2000 and split in 2002.
- Ice disappearing from Arctic Ocean.
- Polar bears running out of food.
- Glaciers in Alaska are receding.
- 24 glaciers out of 150 left in Montana, icy coverings on mountains disappearing.
- Temperatures in northern regions are rising.
- Climate changes.
- Melting ice cuts off their food supply.
- Melting snow.
- Snow melting earlier in spring and falling later in the fall by a week or more.
pp. 392-393
- Ocean/sea levels rising by a half foot to 3 feet.
- People forced to move.
- Major flooding in coastal areas possible.
- Coral reefs dying along with animal life.
- Heavy rainstorms in some areas, droughts in others leading to forest fires.
- Temperatures rising, causing Greenland’s ice sheet to melt.
- Rising water will cover low lying lands.
- Risk of Antarctic ice cap melting, sea levels rise.
- Rising temperatures in the oceans.
- Rising temperatures add more heat and water vapor to the atmosphere and cause the soil to dry out where there are droughts.
Plants and Animals
pg. 394 /
- Cold places becoming warmer.
- Checkerspot butterfly disappeared from Mexico.
- Species may become extinct.
- Ice melting sooner, fewer cold days.
- Animals migrating to colder places to survive.
- Crowding into colder places and travel.
What Can We Do? /
- Not much we can do.
- People trying to use less energy, using wind/solar power, reduce release of gases, protect wildlife.
- People are walking, biking or using public transportation, using reusable bags, taking shorter showers, planting trees.
- People using fans, energy saving light bulbs, turning off electrical appliances, installing doubled paned windows and solar panels on their house.
- Planet may be going through a warming cycle.
- Nations are trying to slow down climate change.
- Nations and governments are trying to help use less energy.
- Families are trying to slow down climate change.
Office of English Language Arts, Pre K - 12 May, 2014