
WNC MOAA Board Meeting, April 13, 2016

The meeting was held at noon on this date at the Hendersonville Country Club with 12 members present. The meeting opened with the invocation by Jerry Beschta followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. President Spence Campbell welcomed everyone, and lunch followed.

The minutes of the January 20, 2016 meeting were approved with one change indicating that the treasurer and not the secretary was responsible for payments to the satellite chapters (para 3, next to last line).

President Spence:

•Informed the group that he had discussed the idea of a chapter speakers bureau with a retired Henderson County School Superintendent who is a Vietnam War veteran. He thought it was a wonderful idea and would reassure leaders in schools and civic groups that the message would be appropriate for students. Spence indicated that he would visit the current Henderson County Superintendent and get his views before formalizing a process with Mike Covell, our volunteer committee chair.

•Received detailed information from the Council regarding options for participating in the Vietnam War 50th anniversary commemoration. He suggested that we consider having a ceremony at our annual meeting in November. He will ask for volunteers to plan the event at the May General Membership Meeting.

•Pointed out that the Chapter website is very much out of date and that he had begun to update it with the help of others, including Jeff Snyder, who provided a set of 2014/15 minutes and Don Jackman, who volunteered to take overall responsibility to work with our webmaster, Len Baker, to provide a comprehensive update. Spence also indicated that we apparently have two Facebook pages and, when Marleen returns, will determine what to do to keep one and promote its use.

•Indicated that Hoot Livingston brought to our attention a request from the VA for computer support (see Treasurer's recommendation below), and also indicated that Marleen has suggested that we conduct bingo games at the VA instead of ice cream socials. The board agreed by unanimous vote, and she will provide a recommendation in the near future.

•Informed the board that the next speaker will be Attorney Ed Harrelson, a local Revolutionary War re-en actor, who will speak on the Battle of Cowpens.

•Raised the possibility of subscribing to a professional phone tree service as a way to contact members between newsletter editions. The board was interested in costs, etc., which Spence will present at the next board meeting.

Rick Devereaux, Senior Adviser:

Congressman Meadows’ Service Academy Advisory Board - Looking for a West Point grad to serve on the committee as a primary or alternate. Anyone interested should contact Rick Devereaux at

Honor Air - Jeff Miller is forming an Honor Flight Hub in Western NC and plans flights to DC on September 24th (Henderson, Transylvania, Polk) and October 29th (Buncombe, Haywood) for Korean War veterans. We’ll be looking to identify any of our MOAA members who would be eligible/willing to go. Eventually will ask if MOAA is willing to sponsor a vet or two for the flights.

Past President John Knapp indicated that Chapter Hospice volunteers have conducted 116 pinnings.

Gary Gresh reported that he has been sending materials to prospective members and expects to receive the national roster of local non-member retirees in WNC shortly.

Jeff Snyder, JROTC Liaison, reported that no nominations for the NC Council of Chapter Instructor of the Year award were received from the 18 JROTC units in our area of responsibility. He also reported that he had received information from 13 of the 18 regarding their Spring activities, and that we will have representatives at each (Note: after the meeting he received input from 2 additional units and is working to have chapter representatives at their events as well). Jeff also thanked the board for its support of the funding of the proposed JROTC budget.

The following motions from the Treasurer were adopted by the Board:

Include satellite support costs in the annual budget rather than rebating $10 per satellite member as

previously decided.

Approved the attached 2016 Budget and the Satellite Chapter Funding Agreement.

All future member donations will be credited to the general fund. Disbursements to specific charities

will be as directed by the board. The board may approve fund raisers to support a specified charity.

Such campaigns will have specified dates and not be open-ended appeals.

The Treasurer raised the issue of computer support to the VA, proposed that we approve $500 for one computer, and send a check to the VA. The board approved the recommendation.

Larry Wilson, Legislative Affairs Officer, provided the board with a summary of MOAA's top ten 2016 issues. He indicated that his top three are 1. Prevent disproportional TRICARE fee increases. 2. Protect military retirement/COLA's. 3. End disabled/survivor financial penalties. 4. Assure timely access to the VA, and eliminate the VA claims backlog. These issues will be used as the focus of chapter contacts with our elected officials.

The board adjourned at 2:30 pm.

The next board meeting is Wednesday July 13, 2016

Spence Campbell

Acting Secretary