A league computer was purchased to store all of the bookkeeping notes as well as minutes from our monthly meetings.

We are phasing out cash membership payments and are only allowing players to pay in cash at our advertised pub nights. This will reduce the number of the players that need to be chased after during the season for membership fees. The league has had another healthy financial year:

Equip & Clothing Sales / 1,028.00
Registration - Adult: Fall / 12,010.00
Registration - Adult: Summer / 15,350.00
Registration - Adult: Winter / 11,160.00
Registration – Junior / 2,067.00
TOTAL REVENUE / 41,615.00
Banking Fee / 828.71
Facility Rental: Summer / 7,067.41
Facility Rental: Winter / 22,209.02
Meals & Entertainment / 446.33
Membership Dues (ODSA) / 3,648.74
Miscellaneous / 1,185.91
Office Supplies / 92.15
Sponsorship / 1,300.00
Website Hosting / 222.01
Advertising / 628
Refunds: Registration and Apparel / -70
Tournaments: End of Summer Season / 197.93
TOTAL EXPENSES / 37,756.21

On July 16, 2015 $20,000 was invested in a non-redeemable GIC for a one year term. The league currently has $ 66,402.87 (as of January 20, 2016); it is recommended that another $ 20,000 be invested in GICs. We are currently investing in RBC GICs which have less than ideal interest rates 0.85% it is recommended that we acquire another GIC through tangerine where the interest rate is 1.00%.

New merchandise, specifically discs, need to be purchased. We currently have 23 discs, 69 mens shirts and 18 womens shirts. We are hoping to switching to disc craft and we are in the process of pricing out that option. We will order these discs once we have finalized a logo and price.

Currently Alicia Kimberley, Julianna Lerch, Nadine Leiper and Diana Davis have signing authority on our account and two signatures are required for our league cheques. Since Diana and Julianna will be stepping down another member of the exec will need to acquire signing authority.