Subject to change
Implementation of the National Strategy for Development of Statistics of the Kyrgyz RepublicProject Terms of Reference for the Expert on the Assessment of NSC KR Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
Table of contents
Table of contents………………………………………………………………………………2
Acronyms and abbreviations…………………………………………………………………..3
1. Background Information………………………...... 5
2. Tasks of the Expert...... 7
2.1. Analysis of current state and usage of the NSC computer information system
2.2. Improvement of NSC IT-Systems...... 9
2.3. Elaboration of the KGSTAT Project Activity Plan...... 10
2.4. Coordination of KGSTAT Project Activities
2.5.Interaction of NSC ICT with external information systems
2.6. Elaboration of Terms of References, Technical Requirements and Specification for Procurement within the KGSTAT Project. 10
2.7.Project Performance Assessment...... 11
3. Requirements for Regulatory Compliance...... 12
4. Terms and Stages of Activities
5. Documentation and Reporting...... 12
6. Rights to the Developed Materials...... 13
7. Liaison……………………………………………………………………………………..14
8. Qualification of the Expert...... 14
Acronyms and abbreviations
# / Abbreviation / Meaning1 / BSDB / Branch Statistics Database
2 / CNS / Computation and Network Infrastructure
3 / CSDB / Central Statistics Database
4 / CWS / Corporate Web-system
5 / DPC / Data Processing Center
6 / DS / Digital Signature
7 / EDMS / Electronic Document Management System
8 / EMS / Electronic Mail System
9 / FDB / Bank of Finalized Documents
10 / FDW / Data Warehouse
11 / FN / Full Name
12 / IBRD / International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
13 / ICT / Information and Communication Technology
14 / IP / Internet protocol
15 / ISR / Integrated System of Registers
16 / ISO / International Standardizations Organization
17 / IT / Information Technologies
18 / ITIL / IT Infrastructure Library
19 / ITSM / Information Technology Service Management
20 / KPI / Key Performance Indicator
21 / LAN / Local Access Network
22 / MCC / Main Computing Centre
23 / MPTS / Multipurpose Transport Subsystem
24 / MS / Microsoft
25 / NSC / NSC
26 / NSC HQ / NSC Headquarters
27 / PROJECT / Implementation of the National Strategy for Development of Statistics
28 / PS / Publishing System
29 / RAPS / Statistical Reports Acquisition and Processing System
30 / RD / Regulation on Standardization
31 / RDW / Regional Data Warehouse
32 / ROI / Return On Investment
33 / RRI / Regulatory and Reference Information
34 / RSDB / Regional Statistics Database
35 / SCS / Structured Cable System
36 / SDS / Strategy for the Development of Statistics
37 / SIC / Catalog of Statistical Indicators
38 / SOMS / Monitoring Subsystem for Fulfillment of Work Plan and Accounting of Labor Intensiveness of Statistical Operations
39 / SS / State Standard
40 / SSESC / System of Standard Economic and Statistical Classifications
41 / SWDS / IT-systems Software Development and Support
42 / TCO / Total Cost of Ownership
43 / TSB / NSC Territorial Statistical Bodies
44 / TTT / Computer Information System
45 / UNO / United Nations Organization
1. Background information
Services within the current assignment should be provided in the interests of NSC KR is the Beneficiary, the Client.
The services rendered on the assignment are financed within the “Implementation of the National Strategy for Development of Statistics” project, which is financed from a grant provided by the ECA STAT Multi-donor Trust Fund managed by the
World Bank. A coordinating organ between NSC and Consultant is the Project Management Group for the “Implementation of the National Strategy for Development of Statistics” Project.
Efficient social and economic arrangement and development of the state, activities of the organs of government and public authorities are inseparably connected with activity of the state statistics– the essential constituent of information support countrywide.
Mission of the state statistics is to provide the public with trustworthy, timely and exhaustive information on social, economic, demographic and ecological situation in the country.
Activity of the state statistics is aimed at achievement of the strategic goals of the country’s development, and, first of all, at establishment of conditions to enhance performance of the executive authorities.The activity is intended to advance information and statistical support for progress of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development2013-2017 in Kyrgyzstan to build the foundation for further country development, medium-term programs of social and economic development of the Kyrgyz Republic, laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic, regulations and orders of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic on socio-economic and population policy, and meeting international information commitments in order to increase openness of Kyrgyz Republic economy, its fuller integration into the world economic relationsin accordance with the international standards.
A specific feature of Kyrgyz Republic state statistics is that main results of the NSC activity underlie the annual collection and processing of over 8million statistical indicators. In accordance with the Program of statistical work more than 24 thousand statistical works, including more than 4 thousand in addition to the Statistical Work Programare beingperformed for the whole of the NSC system, taking the periodicity and developmental sections into account. The territorial bodies of state statistics enter more than 430 thousand forms of state statistical reporting.The annuallygenerated state statistical information resource to be used for publications and access of users to the statistical information is the outcome of work.
Except state bodies, statistical data are used in their work by business community, scientific community, mass media, and population.
The objective of the Project is the institutional development, strengthening and upgrade of the technical and technological bases of the state statistical system in the Kyrgyz Republic to meet the needs of users in reliable and impartial statistical data.
The following basicissuesneed to be resolved in the course of project implementation:
- Improvement of organization, strategy, management and perspective planning of NSC, training the staff members in statistics standards and methodology;
- Fostering knowledge of standards and methodology in the NSC employees;
- Improvement of procedures for data collection, processing, and dissemination;
- Institutional strengthening and technical assistance to the government agencies participating in the Project;
- Improvement of the capabilities of the Government regarding usage of statistics to monitor economical circumstances, predict economics and elaborate economic policy.
The accumulated potential of Kyrgyz Republic state statistics needs continuation of the reforms, implementation of which is the goal of the“National Strategy for Sustainable Developmentof the Kyrgyz Republic for the period2013-2017”,approved by the Decree of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic on January 21, 2013, No.11 at the meeting of the National Council for Sustainable Development of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The "Implementation of the National Strategy for Development of Statistics" project provides measures for development of the NSC information technologies (IT).
Basic tasks of the KGSTAT Project are to strengthen technological capacity, develop information and communication technologies, and update and expand statistical infrastructure.
Within the project, the following activities are envisaged:
-(i) introduction of the most advanced data processing systems;
-(ii) updating the data storage system and creating an information security system;
-(iii) modernization and updating of computer stock and quick printing system.
The main objective of the technical and technological development of the NSC, defined in the SDS is to provide modern ICT technologies for all employees at central and regional levels that will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of statistical system. The level of development of modern ICT in the NSC and oblast departments can be considered appropriate. After updating the ICT at the district and ayilokmotu level and strengthening the capacity of the MCC, the system of official statistics of the country will be technologically integrated.
It is intended to carry out development of the computer information system (TTT) of ICT NSCin an integrated manner by fulfillment of general tasks on:
-Development of web technologies-based corporate IT-solutions
-Advancement of the unifiedintegrated system for collection, processing and dissemination of statistical data
-Development of an efficient integrated protection system for statistical information resourcesagainst unauthorized access to ensure high immunity and confidentiality of information in the NSC IT-systems.
To enhance effectiveness of implemented solutions in the field of information technology, it is intended to use some part of project funds to procure consulting services to work out a concept of NSC IT-development, elaboration of the terms of reference and technical project for the NSCTTT development, provision of system integration for the introduced new solutions and provision of their succession. Within the framework of this activity it will become possible to make a comprehensive inventory of availability and usage of NSC IT resources taking account of actual business processes. Proposals on development of common IT-solutions for various kinds of tasks (surveys / observations) shall be drawn up on the basis of analysis of resources and their usage. Recommendations on optimization of investments in information technology shall be developed as well.
Software products.
In the Central Office of the NSC KR, regional offices and district departments of state statistics the electronic data processing complexes are used to process the current statistical reporting data, which are developed in the Clipper programming language for 274 forms of statistical reporting.
In addition, there are a number of developed software products based on MS Sql Server 2005/2008 that allow to enter data in real time and off-line mode.
Under the Norwegian Project, the NSC is working on development and implementation of the Automated Information Statistical System "Electronic Reporting" which consists of several stages of creating a software product.
Currently, the first stage, which includes a module ofdesigning of statistical forms of reporting, collecting, arithmetic and logical control (validation) of statistical data within forms has been completed. Starting from 2017, the software is being tested, and by the end of 2017 it is planned to complete the process of designing and writing of control for 89 forms of statistical reporting.
The second stage of creation the software product "Electronic reporting" includes the processing of data entered and the formation of the structure of a generalized database. After the end of the second stage, the data will be presented in the database in the form of tables for unloading.
The third stage of creating the software product "Electronic reporting" is the development of tools for obtaining output tables.
2. Tasks of the Expert
The Expert’s main tasks include:
- analyze current stateand efficiency of the NSCcomputer information system on the basis of information, which are provided by Beneficiary, and data, which are collected by the Expert in the course of fulfillment of the assignment by means of personalinterviews and other necessary information gathering exercises;
- elaborate the Development Conceptfor the NSC IT-Systems for2018-2022andbasic lines of development for the period up to 2020;
- elaborate the roadmap for NSC IT technical developmentfor 2018-2022,(coveringthe assignmentsto be financed within the Project KGSTAT, and other sources) on the basis of theDevelopment Concept;
- prepare proposals to optimize investments in NSC IT;
- elaborate TORs and technical requirements (specifications) for procurement of services and goods (regarding IT);
- analyze and proposeto coordinate the NSC IT development arrangementsdirected at the system integration for the solutions procured, designed and introduced;
- work on efficiency assessment for KGSTAT project implementation on the basis of developedassessment indicatorsthat will be used by NSCregarding the IT-part of the project.
Under the framework of the TOR, the Expert will deliver services for 5 monthsfrom the date of signing the contract, from 01 November 2017 to 30 March 2018. Particular terms for delivery of services are stated in Section 4.
2.1. Analysis of current state and usage of the NSCcomputer information system
The Expert shall analyze current state and usage of the NSCcomputer information system at regional and district levels on the basis of information, which is provided by Beneficiary, and data, which are collected by the Expert in the course of fulfillment of the assignment by means of questionnaire polls.
In the course of this assignmentcomplete, actual and reliable information shall be obtained for each object, and such information shall cover:
- Business processes, which are carried out by each NSC object under examination;
- Requirements for IT-resources, which are required for optimum accomplishment of business processes;
- Current level of technological environment (amount of all kinds of computer, communication and office equipment; software (taking into account kinds of licenses); condition of the resources, maintenance arrangements; usage intensity with time distribution,etc.);
- Parameters of existing data networks (SCS, LAN, telephony);
- Degree of optimization for costs of traffic maintenance and architecture of the telecommunications system (including usage of IP to transfer voice between distant objects);
- Arrangements to access external global networks, including issues of LAN protection against unauthorized access;
- Analysis of engineering support systems for computer facilities (mainly air conditioning and power supply);
- Management processes for IT-infrastructure and business applications, user satisfaction degree;
- User qualification assessment;
- IT TCO assessment (total cost of operation and maintenance of software and hardware);
- Analysis of existing information security system.
Composition and type for presentation of information on analysis of current state and usage of NSC IT-resourcesshall be developed by the Expert subject to a written endorsement by NSC.
The Expert shall summarize, arrange in a system and fully analyze the results for the NSC objects.
Collection and processing statistics, needed to analyze current state and usage of NSC IT-resources, shall be aimedto reduce the burden on NSC staff, who are engaged in the process of information preparation. When it is possible, the Expert shall use analyzable relevant data, which are available in NSC divisions. The Expert shall state its approach and intended methodology for arrangement of information collection in the NSC divisions and analysis of condition and usage of IT-resources in the bid in details.
2.2. Improvement of NSC IT-Systems
2.2.1. Elaboration of the Development Concept for the NSCcomputer information system in 2018-2022, and basic lines of development for the period up to 2020
The Development Concept for the NSCcomputer information system for 2018-2022 shall be worked out in details for the period up to 2020 (medium-term activity). The Concept shall also identify outlooks for development for the period up to 2022 (long-termoutlook).At the end of the project implementation(in 2015-2017), the basic directions for the NSCICT development for the period up to 2022 shall be additionally brought up to date and revised taking into account the outcomes of the NSCICT development, available technological capabilities and IT-trends.A development strategy for IT and telecommunication resources shall be defined on the basis of conducted survey and analysis of current state and level of usage of NSCICT, degree of conformity of existing IT and telecommunication resources to NSC business processes, IT-infrastructure management processes, taking into account international practices and basic IT trends.The unified development program shall be presented both for each NSC object and for NSC in whole.
Medium-term activities shall be divided from the viewpoint of dates andsources of finance.Basic medium-term activities on development of IT (IT infrastructure, business applications, administration, management, support, security,etc.) and telecommunication (including telecommunications systems, video conference systems,etc.) resources of NSC shall be divided from the viewpoint of dates and sources of finance: within the framework of programs and current budgetary financing. These activities shall be described in details, necessity of the activities shall be justified, and cost and duration of implementation shall be estimated.
2.2.2. Elaboration of the Terms of Reference
The Expert shall elaborate the Terms of Reference within the Development Concept for the NSC IT-Systems for 2018-2022 which will provide the solution of the following tasks:
- Propose web-technologies-based corporate IT solutions
- Advance the unified integrated system for collection, processing and dissemination of statistical data
- Propose an efficient integrated protection system for statistical information resources against unauthorized access to ensure high immunity and confidentiality of information in the NSC IT-systems.
2.3. Elaboration of the KGSTAT Project Activity Plan
As a result of the study of the conformity of the ICT state of the NSC for technical project NSC IT-systems development for2018-2022, the Expert shall prepare and submit its proposals on revision of the current NSC IT systemThese proposals, which are submitted for endorsement and subsequent approval by the concerned parties for further funding (a loan) bydonors or from republic budgetfunds, shall contain a revised list of activities, proposed dates and sequence of activities, budget estimates, expected outcomes and their efficiency. When drawing up a project activity plan, the Expert shall provide estimates for cost of ownership of the NSC information, computation and telecommunication system after the intended advancement. Estimates on expected operation and depreciation costs, which are necessary to maintain operation of the upgraded ICT, shall be provided apart.When drawing up proposals for aConcept, the Expert shall take into account general objectives of the loan, available funds, connections of the IT-infrastructure modernizationwith other activities. When planning terms and sequence of activities, one shall take account of duration of preparation and carrying out of procedures for procurement of goods and services; time, which is required for acceptance and obtaining endorsements for the results of activitieswithin contracts’ stages.
2.4. Coordination of Activities
Activity on wider usage of information technology and development of the NSCICT are financed from different sources. To enhance effectiveness of spending funds, which are allocated for the NSCICT development, and to prevent parallel accomplishment of the same activities within different projects, it is necessary to arrange strict coordination of future funding. After review the information on the results of activities carried out under other donors, the Expert is expected to provide the scope and timing of the NSC ICT development activities at the expense of funds of other programs, will recommend the establishment of the coordination of IT-related project activities with the activities of the NSC at the expense of funds of other programs and loans.
2.5. Interaction of NSCICT with external information systems.
The specific character of NSC activities implies a need for regular data exchange with other agencies. To provide prompt, reliable, convenientand secure data exchange, it is necessary to provide interaction of NSCICT with information systems of other agencies and organizations (external information systems).To ensure convenient inter-departmental information interaction, the Expert shall take into account aspects of inter-departmental information exchange in the undergoing NSCICT development project and propose recommendations to provide ability of prompt, reliable, convenient and secure interaction of NSCTTT with external information systems.