Bronze caps

guidance notes

These Guidance Notes are provided to assist you with understanding what

is required for your CAPS assessment. Templates are available at

and this guide will support you

with completing each area. If however you are still unsure, please speak with

your Netball Development Officer for further assistance.

Club Contact Form

Please complete this form with your club contact details, ensuring that the declaration

Is signed and dated. It is also important that a club bank account is provided (not an individual).

Site Visit Form

Your Netball Development Officer will arrange a time to come along to a training session to do a site visit to see the club in action. The sit visit should be completed before your documentation is submitted for assessment.

  1. The Playing Programme

This is section 1 of your CAPS documentation. Please ensure you download the appropriate section assessment form. You can then work through this to provide the required information and check all evidence is in place.

1.1The coaching programme

Coaching hours during a season

Coaching hours should take place throughout the season and should be spread out evenly - for example one hour per week for 20 weeks not four hours per week for 5 weeks. Please complete the table provided to reflect your coaching hours.

1.2The club provides competitive opportunities for juniors and adults (if adult members in club)

Competitive structures

Developing a competition programme is vital for young people as it is one reason why many join a sports club in the first place. Ensuring that competition is appropriate means that your club must be aware of, for example, recommended age banding, performance standards for competition and what appropriate competition involves. Competition opportunities need not necessarily be inter-club based. A club with a suitable level of membership among young people may be able to cater for a significant proportion of this internally.Indicate in the table competitive opportunities offered for all age groups. At least one competitive opportunity per group.

If your club has U11 members then High 5 Netball is the only game that England Netball recommends.

1.3The ratio of coach to young people is 1:10. In addition there should be a maximum of 30 players per court in a coaching session

Player ratios

The table should reflect that you have a maximum ratio of 1 coach to 10 young people (U19) and a maximum of 30 players per court.

1.4The club has knowledge of player pathways, talent ID and selection process and knowledge of coaching talented players.

Netball Performance Pathway

It is important that all clubs are aware of the Netball Performance Pathwayso that they can nominate any talented athletes for the selection process. Clubs do not have to have talented athletes in order to achieve this criteria but need to be aware of how athletes are nominated and where academies are run.

If a club does have talented athletes e.g. they attend an academy, then a club coach must attend relevant Performance Pathway training. Details can be found at:

1.5.1Club Facility Requirements

Categories of Facilities Explained

Community (Level 1) – this category relates to school use, club training and recreational programmes.

Club (Levels 2 & 3) – this category relates to competition between schools and Clubs, up to County Premier League.

Premier (Level 4) – this category relates to Regional and National League competition.

International (Level 5) – this category relates to International and Super League fixtures.

For further information and guidance on facilities, please visit

Please note your facility will be checked at the site visit to ensure fits the appropriate category.

Advice for future development

Clubs that are unable to access courts with correct dimensions or have issues with sub-standard facilities are advised to let their netball development officer know so that the issues can be recorded and included in future needs assessments for the County. Many facility development projects are long term and Clubs should seek to engage with opportunities to improve their facilities as and when they arise.

1.5.2Accessible for all

Please tick the box to confirm that the venue you use provides an inclusive environment.

To view our top tips, you can read our EN Inclusive Guide at

1.5.3The club provides a minimum of one netball per four players at each session

The club confirms that a minimum ratio of 1:4 is provided by ticking the box on the assessment sheet.

1.5.4The club confirms that U11 players play High 5 Netball

If your club has U11 members then High 5 Netball is the only game that England Netball recommends.

Find out more here:

Please note this will be verified at the site visit.

1.5.5Size 4 netballs are provided for High 5 netball sessions

The club confirms that the appropriate size balls are being used by ticking the box on the assessment sheet.

Please note this will be verified at the site visit.

1.6The playing programme is regularly reviewed to ensure it continues to meet the needs of members and delivery is of a high quality

1.6.1 – Please explain how you engage with your members to review their satisfaction. For example, through questionnaires, emails, discussion with coaches. Please confirm the frequency of these communications.

1.6.2 – Please give an example where you have taken appropriate action to ensure member satisfaction with your club playing programme.

The club has completed the Club Workforce Matrix

This document is a table detailing the entire clubs workforce including names, role, affiliation numbers and details of qualifications. The clubs committee, coaches, umpires, team managers etc. should all be included on this table.

1.8 Coaches resources

A template is provided to assist you with what should be included in a session plan. Two session plans need to be provided which need to be from the current season.

They need to be dated within the current season and cover the following:

-Warm up

-Skill development practices

-Modified game

-Cool down

1.9-10The coaches responsible for overseeing the programme hold a qualification approved by England


Please ensure all coaches are listed on the workforce matrix and that copies of their certification are ready to submit.

What qualifications are approved by England Netball?

We can only accept UKCC coaching certification.

1.11 The umpire responsible for officiating for the club holds a qualification approved by England Netball and is actively involved in umpiring

Please ensure all umpires are listed on the workforce matrix and that copies of their certification are ready to submit.

What umpiring qualifications are approved by England Netball?

To achieve Bronze CAPS you need a qualified Beginner or Into Officiating Umpire.

What constitutes an active umpire?

An active umpire is someone who is regularly involved in umpiring for their club or in leagues or competitions. Tell us what your club umpire has been involved in over the current season e.g. regularly umpires at training sessions or in County League fixtures or Regional U16 League.

1.12 The club has assigned clear roles and responsibilities for all volunteers involved with managing the club and the playing programme

Roles and responsibilities

Club personal, whether lead coaches, assistants, officials or volunteers all should be aware of the club’s expectations of them. These may include where their role starts and finishes, their responsibilities to the club, participants, visitors and volunteers. Defining roles and responsibilities in a role outline will help to clarify this.

A Role and Responsibility document should be provided to all club volunteers listed on the club committee, coaches and officials, and a copy of each role and responsibility document needs to be provided in your CAPS file. The Club Safeguarding Officer’s role description must be the England Netball version.

A template is provided to assist you with what should be included in the different role descriptions. The following roles must be included:



-Junior Representative


-Club Safeguarding Officer (must be EN role description)

-Club Volunteer Coordinator

-For all other positions listed on your workforce matrix



Please ensure that all workforce are listed on the workforce matrix.

1.13 The club provides evidence of regular training opportunities (this must include the full workforce)

Please include evidence that the club provides regular/ongoing training and development for coaches, volunteers, instructors and club activators (including formal and informal training).

For example emails offering CPD/mentoring/signing up for courses/proof of coaches attending the academy session/another club for informal CPD. A minimum of two pieces of evidence are required.

1.14 Evidence of clubs holding sessions for new members to actively welcome and encourage

All sessions should be appropriately tailored to show progressions for new members at the appropriate level. This should be evidenced within your session plans.

Evidence can also include promotion via social media/flyers to encourage new members. A minimum of two pieces of evidence are required.

  1. Duty of Care and Safeguarding and Protecting Children and Young People

This is section 2 of your CAPS documentation. Please ensure you download the appropriate section assessment form. You can then work through this to provide the required information and check all evidence is in place.

2.1 The club has adopted codes of conduct for all coaches, officials and volunteers working with children and young people (U18)

Where do I find the England Netball Codes of Conduct?

The Codes of Conduct are available to download from the website

How do you ensure that your members know about the club codes of conduct?

This could be achieved by publishing them on the club notice board, in the club handbook, on the clubs website or they could be issued to members when they join the club.

2.2The club has receipt of the latest England Netball’s Safeguarding and Protecting Young People in Netball policy and is compliant with the requirements.

Where can I get a copy of the England Netballs ‘Safeguarding and Protecting Young People in Netball’ policy?

A link to the policy is available at or from your regional office.

If we want to use our club’s policy what should be included in it?

If you have your own club policy you will also need to be compliant with the England Netball Policy.

Why does the policy need to be signed and dated?

The policy needs to be signed and dated to show that the club has read the policy and understands the implications and purpose of it.

How do you ensure that your members know about the safeguarding policy?

This could be achieved by publishing them on the club notice board, in the club handbook, on the clubs website or they could be issued to members when they join the club.

2.3The club has access to First Aid equipment and a telephone at all coaching sessions and competitions

Please complete the table with details of First Aid equipment and telephone availability for both training sessions and competitions.

2.4The club has emergency procedures for dealing with serious injuries/accidents including ensuring contact through telephone/radio to emergency services and a qualified first aider

Emergency procedures

There is a template available to assist you with what should be included within your emergency procedures.

Tell us how the club’s emergency procedures are communicated to members

This could be by publishing them on the club notice board, in the club handbook, on the club website or they could be issued to members when they join the club.

2.5The club has information on any medical or disability conditions of young people at the club and informs club personnel where appropriate and whether there are any required needs from the young person.

Medical details of young people

There is a template to assist you with what should be included in this form.

Please note that you are required to store all personal and private data securely to meet data protection regulations. We therefore advise that you use My Net to securely upload data ensuring that each individual record is correct.

2.6 Your club has robust responding and reporting processes

Please see guidance for reporting processes here:

2.8 How do I complete the checklist?

The check list is available as a template and guidelines on how to complete it are provided.

2.9-10One member of the club who coaches young people (U19) has attended the Time to Listen coursewithin the last three years.

Where can I find out about safeguarding courses?

Your County Sports Partnership or regional office will be able to tell you when safeguarding courses are running. You can also visit the sportscoach UK website for details of the Safeguarding and Protecting Children in Sportworkshop at

What safeguarding courses are accepted for CAPS?

Child Protection Awareness trainingdelivered by your Local Safeguarding Children Board (formerly called Area Child Protection Committees) is accepted for CAPS.
We also accept sportscoach UK’sSafeguarding and Protecting Children in Sport workshop which is a sports-specific basic awareness module available all over the country. Please contact your Netball Development Officer, England Netball Regional Office or County Sports Partnership for more details.

The course must be attended by a coach who works with young people and the Club Safeguarding Officer.

From 1st April 2015 all Club Safeguarding Officer’s within CAPS clubs must have attended a Safeguarding and Protecting Children and Time to Listen courses. Further information will be available on our website.

2.11-12The club has a copy of the venue risk assessment for their training venue (s) for current season and uses a checklist to check for potential risks prior to each coaching session

Club Venue(s)

It is important that the club ensures that both the venue and equipment it uses are fit for purpose and appropriate for the age groups and ability levels of the performers using them.

A copy of the venue’s risk assessment for the current season should be obtained from any venues used. A checklist should be completed by the lead coach (must be Level 2 or above) before the commencement of each session to ensure that any potential risks have been identified for that session.

A template is available to show you what should be in the checklist.

2.13 The club uses an appropriate accident reporting form

There is a template available to assist you with what should be in your accident reporting form.

2.14 What first aid courses are accepted?

In order to achieve this criteria an affiliated member of the club must have attended an emergency first aid course. All new Level 2 coaches require a first aid certificate, CAPS follows the criteria set by the Coach Education team.

2.15 The club has the contact details of parents/carers and emergency/alternative contacts

Contact details and emergency contact details for parents/carers

There is a template available to assist you with what should be in your player registration form.

Tell us how this information is collected and who has access to it.

  1. Knowing Your Club and its Community

This is section 3 of your CAPS documentation. Please ensure you download the appropriate section assessment form. You can then work through this to provide the required information and check all evidence is in place.

3.1The club has adopted a sports equity policy

Sports Equity Policy

There is a template to assist you with what should be included in this policy.

This must be signed and dated by 2 committee members.

How should you communicate your club’s sports equity policy to members?

This could be achieved by publishing the policy on the club notice board, in the club handbook, on the club website or it could be issued to members when they join the club.

3.2Theclub engages with and demonstrates an awareness and appreciation of who your members and workforce are

How do you measure overall member satisfaction and act on the feedback?

You could capture this information by email, questionnaires, conversation or via another method. Please detail in this section how you act on member feedback.

How does you recognise the contribution of your workforce and volunteers?

To ensure that your workforce continue to contribute in your club it is important that they are happy, feeling valued. Please detail how you thank the work of your workforce and volunteers.

3.3Your club has an appointed person for new member enquiries and has an agreed approach to raising participation

Please detail your club contact for new members. We suggest that you allocate a volunteer role of ‘Meet & Greeter’ or similar and that this person potentially wears a specific t-shirt to make them stand out. New members should be told to make themselves known to these people when they arrive for their first session.

Meet & Greeter – Role, is to:

- welcome potential/new members,

- introduce them club members, coaches,

- show them around the venue

- be the point of contact for the first couple of weeks

- follow up with new/potential members, check in outside of club sessions.

Waiting List

Please details what actions are taken if the club is operating at full capacity. What processes are in place for a waiting list? How is this managed and communicated?

Approach to Raising participation

What approach does the club take to raising participation? Please details how you encourage new members and further participation in the game. This should also be included in your action plan.