Division III Meeting Minutes – August 15, 2003
Page 7
August 15, 2003
9:00 a.m. in Room 2204
Present: Dr. Kevin Ankoviak, Dr. Michael Ansell, Robert August, Carolyn Baranouskas, Connie Bish, Dale Boercker, Dr. Julie Bryson, Lilia Camino, Gill Cruz, Greg Daubenmire, Bill Dunn, Dr. Alex Edens, Dr. Neal Ely, Estela Guerra, Ruth Hanna, Jim Hannon, Eric Harpell, Teri Henson, Nan Ho, Jim Landre, Ron Liljedahl, Wally Mara, Jason Morris, Dr. Karen Pihl, Dick Solomon, Mark Tarte, Randy Taylor, Jennifer Whalen, Dr. Barbara Zingg
Absent: Jim Adams
Call to order: 9:00 a.m.
1. Welcome and Introductions
Dr. Ely welcomed everyone back to school and introduced Kathy Delucchi as the new Administrative Assistant II for Division III. He added that Kathy would only be staying until August 29, 2003; however, she would be available to provide any assistance to the faculty until then.
Dr. Ely also announced the addition of a new Math Instructional Assistant II, Sophon Nhong, to the College. He explained that Sophon is a replacement for the position vacated by Darcy Horne.
Dr. Ely advised that the Division is currently in the process of hiring a Lab Tech II to provide support primarily for the Microbiology discipline. Interviews are anticipated to be held sometime during the next two weeks. This position will work 24 hours per week and the cost will be paid by ValleyCare Nursing.
2. Approval of April 30, 2003 Minutes
Dick Solomon moved to approve the minutes from the April 30, 2003 meeting. Dr. Julie Bryson seconded. The motion was approved unanimously. The minutes will be posted to the intranet.
3. Committee Assignments for 2002-03
Dr. Ely asked all full-time faculty to sign up for Committee assignments. He advised that the Institutional Planning Committee and the Budget Committee are now combined into one committee, the Institutional Planning and Budget Committee.
Dr. Ely also advised that there are discussions currently being held to extend the service of some committee positions to longer than one year. He indicated that this is only in the discussion stages; however, it may apply in the future.
The following is a list of committees for which faculty signed up:
· Academic Senate
(Meets 2nd & 4th Weds 2:30-4:30 p.m. - 4 Reps from the Division)
1. Jason Morris
2. Ruth Hanna
3. Dr. Alex Edens
4. Dr. Kevin Ankoviak
· Institutional Planning and Budget
(Meets 1st Thurs 2:30-4:30 p.m. - 1 Rep from the Division)
1. Eric Harpell
· Curriculum
(Meets 2nd Wed 2:30-4:30 – 2 Reps from the Division)
1. Teri Henson
2. Carolyn Baranouskas
· Staff Development
(Meets 2nd Mon 2:30-4:00 p.m.- 1 Rep from the Division)
1. Mark Tarte
· Student Success
(Meets 2nd Thur 1:30-3:00 p.m. – 1 Rep from the Division)
1. Bill Dunn
· Technology
(Meets 4th Mon 2:30-4:30 p.m. – 1 to 2 Reps from the Division)
1. Dick Solomon
2. Dr. Julie Bryson – Fall Only
· Bookstore
(Meets 3rd Tue 3:30-4:30 P.M. - 2 Reps college wide)
1. Bob August
· Food Services
(Meets 4th Mon 2:30-3:30 p.m. - 2 Reps college wide)
1. Ron Liljedahl
· Health & Safety
(Meets 1st Mon 12:30-2:00 p.m. - 2 Reps college wide)
1. Jim Landre
2. Dr. Michael Ansell
· Scholarship
(Meets at year end - 4 Reps college wide)
1. Randy Taylor
2. Gill Cruz
· Graduation
(Meets once a year - 2 Reps college wide)
1. Estela Guerra
4. Tenured Faculty Peer Review Process
Dr. Ely indicated that there have been a few changes in the new contract. One of those changes states that the tenured faculty peer review process can be held anytime during the year, Fall or Spring semester, though it must be done entirely in one semester. Division III currently has three people due for review, Dale Boercker, Jim Landre and Barbara Zingg.
Dr. Ely suggested that it might be more convenient to do the tenured faculty peer reviews during the Spring semester. He explained that there are currently 10 untenured faculty to review and that the untenured reviews must be done in the Fall. He also said that there are still some tenured faculty reviews remaining from last year which should be completed as soon as possible since those would be governed by the previous year’s contract guidelines. Dr. Ely then opened the issue up for discussion. Jim Landre moved to have the tenured faculty peer reviews held in the Spring semester. Dale Boercker seconded. The motion was approved unanimously. Dr. Ely added that anyone who has not completed their tenure review from last year should see him if they wish to have their review done during the Spring semester as well.
5. Untenured Faculty Activities
As previously stated, Dr. Ely advised that there are currently 10 untenured faculty. He also advised that it will not be required for him to do a supervisory review for the untenured faculty by September. Dr. Ely advised that Kathy Delucchi will be scheduling individual meetings between untenured faculty and their committees to meet with him beginning mid-September to discuss the process for the coming semester. Dr. Ely further advised that these meetings will run approximately 30 minutes.
6. Substitutes
Dr. Ely advised that there will be no changes in this area. We will continue to post classes or try to work some swaps or trades between faculty; however, the current budget cannot support the utilization of substitutes.
7. Curriculum, Course Syllabi and Course Outlines
Dr. Ely reiterated comments made at the recent Convocation about the Accreditation Committees findings regarding the course outlines not meeting Title 5 requirements. He advised that the College must have all course outlines completed this academic year and stressed the importance of meeting this deadline. Teri Henson suggested that all revisions be made and submitted to the Curriculum Committee by January, 2004. Lilia Camino added that she will be able to assist faculty with formatting and putting outlines into the proper template.
Dr. Ely advised that only courses currently in the catalog will need to be put into the correct Title 5 format. Eric Harpell pointed out that there are some inconsistencies with information provided on the Web. Dr. Ely indicated that this concern is being reviewed and more accurate information is being formulated to replace that information.
Teri Henson advised that the GE pattern requirements are currently being reviewed. She also indicated that although the categories and number of units must be consistent between Chabot and Las Positas, the actual courses can be different. Teri invited anyone who might have issues with this to bring them to her.
8. Title III – Guest Speaker
Dr. Ely invited Lucy Sponsler to speak to the group. Lucy gave a short presentation about the Title III grant which exists for transferring students and referred to pages 114 and 115 in the class schedule. Lucy requested everyone’s help in encouraging students to complete the 9 modules. Teri Henson noted that the catalog is reflecting incorrect dates.
Lucy advised that Elena Cole will be taking over Sophie Rheinheimer’s responsibilities for the Honors Program. Both Teri Henson and Dick Solomon confirmed that their experiences with this program were very positive and agreed that it benefits everyone involved.
Lucy mentioned the open math lab and writing labs and advised that an e-mail will be sent out confirming the times.
Lucy stated that Leslie Gravino runs the Internships program which has been very successful.
9. Enrollment Management
a. Fall Enrollments
Dr. Ely advised that he has been reviewing enrollment data on a daily basis. He also advised that with some exceptions, Division III’s classes are full. He attributes this in large part to the raised fees at California State and UC campuses and the growing need in the surrounding community.
Dr. Ely stressed the importance of faculty referring to the student priority numbers due to the high enrollments and demand. Dr. Julie Bryson advised that it is only necessary to refer to the last 3 numbers of the priority number and that the higher numbers are better. (It was later clarified that it is actually the last 4 numbers which reflect the priority, and everyone could refer to page 16 of the College’s class schedule catalog.)
Dick Solomon asked Dr. Ely to clarify the targets which were discussed at Convocation. Dr. Ely explained that the College receives monies based on certain growth targets of FTES; however, these targets will be difficult to obtain due to the state of the current budget and cuts in the FTEF’s.
Dr. Ely announced that because of cancellations in other disciplines, we were able to add a late start Math 65 class to the Fall semester.
b. Concurrent Enrollment
Dr. Ely advised that in order to be eligible to add classes, high school students must have an approved application on file with Admissions and Records. He also advised that faculty will not have to confirm that this has been done before processing add cards. If an approved application is not in place, the add will be void. Dr. Ely added that this may be of some concern to faculty in that someone who may be eligible to add may be overlooked for a student they believe is eligible but who may not be.
Dr. Ely invited Dale Boercker to give her presentation on Enrollment Management.
Dale thanked everyone in Division III for leading the College in enrollment management last year. She also advised that no further cuts are anticipated and that the Enrollment Committee will have a better idea of FTEF’s for next year at the end of the Fall semester.
Dale advised that she has accepted the responsibility of chairing the Enrollment Management Committee. She provided some discipline related handouts to everyone including: data for 3 Fall semesters, data for 3 Spring semesters and information explaining the Mini Program Review.
Dale explained that the Committee is on a fact-finding mission in order to become more familiar with all of the disciplines and determine proper distribution of FTEF allocations. She advised that the Committee is trying to understand who you are, what your needs are, how you can serve students better and how you can be more productive. Dale asked that everyone complete the Mini Program Review and return it to her by September 12, 2003. Dale advised that she will be completing the review for Math and will provide everyone with a copy to use as an example upon its completion. She also indicated that she would be available Monday and Wednesday mornings or Friday’s, all day, to answer any questions or assist in any way possible.
Dale advised that the Committee would be meeting with the disciplines on Fridays, usually between 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. beginning September 19, 2003 through October 17, 2003 (and possibly October 24, 2003). She also indicated that if anyone has an issue regarding the time, please advise her, and she will work with you to either have the Committee meet with you earlier or later in the day to accommodate your schedule.
Dale advised that once allocations have been announced, faculty will be required to prepare a discipline plan. She asked that the reports be as brief but comprehensive as possible. She suggested a bulleted format may be easiest to review. Reports will be due to Dr. Ely at the end of October, beginning of November and will be reviewed and evaluated by the Enrollment Committee beginning November 14, 2003. Dale indicated that the Committee hopes to finalize everything by the end of the semester, and she does not anticipate allocations to be significantly different from previous years.
10. Viticulture and Enology
Dr. Ely announced the creation of a Viticulture and Enology program, under the Horticulture discipline. He advised that the goal is to phase this program in gradually next year utilizing existing FTEF’s. Dr. Ely stated that they have been meeting with other schools in the Napa and Santa Rosa area who have existing programs. He also indicated that there are state-wide standards already in place for the College to follow. Dr. Ely advised that there is local community interest which may have very positive effects for the College in general and that the local Winery Growers Association has acknowledged their interest to explore how they can help with Bonds, etc.
Dr. Ely acknowledged Ron Liljedahl’s support of the program and his interest in teaching a couple of the classes in his area of expertise.
Dr. Ely explained that this program will provide the necessary access for people looking for additional knowledge in this area to support their business goals and not necessarily used as a vehicle for students transferring to state colleges or universities.
11. Budget
Dr. Ely advised of the likelihood of mid-year cuts and suggested the need to be prepared. He stressed that we need to be mindful that cuts usually start in the areas of supplies and equipment. And, he urged faculty to utilize budget monies while they are available for any supplies and any equipment they anticipate needing unless consumable items.
12. Good of the Order
Dr. Ely mentioned Rich Butler’s e-mail regarding the smoking shelters installed on campus.
Dr. Ely advised that Eric Golanty asked that he announce that the first Technology meeting will be held on August 25, 2003 at 2:30 p.m.
Dr. Ely advised that there is a website (4 faculty.org ) available from for online professional development of resource and learning modules for faculty. He stated that there is a cost for the College to subscribe, and it is currently being reviewed. However, Dr. Ely further advised that there is a 60 day free demo available for interested individuals by logging onto www.4faculty.org/index.jsp.
Lilia Camino reminded everyone that schedules, office hours and Syllabi are all due next week. Dr. Ely also advised that only one Syllabus is necessary if you are team teaching.
The meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
Submitted by Kathrine Delucchi