
Zion Chapel High School

Course Syllabus

Instructor: Mrs. Ashley Currie

E-mail address:

Course Description: Precalculus is a course designed for students who have successfully completed the Algebra II With Trigonometry course. This course is considered to be a prerequisite for success in calculus and college mathematics. Algebraic, graphical, numerical, and verbal analyses are incorporated during investigations of the Precalculus content standards. Parametric equations, polar relations, vector operations, and limits are introduced. Content for this course also includes an expanded study of polynomial and rational functions, conic sections, trigonometric functions, and logarithmic and exponential functions. Application-based problem solving is an integral part of the course. Instruction should include appropriate use of technology to facilitate continued development of students’ higher-order thinking skills.

Objectives: Students should come to class prepared to learn every day. Students should take daily notes consistently and in detail. Students should work sample problems in class while the teacher’s help is available. The student should be involved in cooperative learning and peer tutoring. The student should ask questions to clarify applications of concepts. The student should complete all assignments on time, showing all work. We will work together as a team to master all of the Alabama College and Career Ready State Standards.

Grading Policy: Students will have weighted grades in this class. Formative assessment grades will count for 25% of the average. Summative assessment grades will count for 60% of the average. Nine Week Exams will count for 15% of the average. Please utilize Parent Portal to see your child's grades.

●  FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT: Daily grades consist of independent classwork, cooperative group work and homework. Quiz grades consist of short, 3-10 question quizzes given at least every other week. They will included prerequisite concepts and new material.*Please note: Students may see the same concept on more than one quiz/test! Once material has been introduced, it is fair game for any assessments later on.

●  SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT: Exam grades consist of large chapter or unit tests.Students will know the dates well ahead of time, giving them ample time to prepare. All the material presented on a exam will have been previously covered in class and reviewed on a study guide.

●  NINE WEEK GRADES consist of all material covered that 9 weeks and any 9 weeks prior.

●  NO CHEATING: This includes homework, classwork, quizzes, and exams. Simply copying another student’s work is also cheating. Allowing or helping someone else cheat is the same as cheating yourself. Any student who is caught cheating on any assignment will be given a zero.

Tests: Every test that is given will be preceded by a study guide or practice test. Students will have the study guide or practice test as an opportunity for review of the material that will be on the test. Everyone should treat the study guide as if it were the actual test, and be sure to note any questions that arise. The material on the test will not be a surprise, as it will be only material that has been covered in class.

Make-up Work: A calendar will be shared through google drive with every student in the class. This calendar is intended to give you a brief synopsis of the day. If you are absent, you need to check the calendar and get any needed notes or handouts. .Students who know that they will be absent should come to me prior to being out to get their work. Students who are absent on an announced, scheduled test day will have to make up the test the day they come back. If you are out for an extracurricular activity, you are highly encouraged to complete your makeup work the day before your absence!**IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY! You have 5 days to make-up missed assignments. After the fifth day 10 points will be deducted daily. If the work is not turned in, a zero will be entered.

Classroom Expectations and Procedures: Students are required to follow all school and classroom rules and procedures. Consequences will be given to students who fail to adhere to policy. All students and parent/guardians should read and become familiar with the Student Handbook provided by the Coffee County School System. All classroom expectations will stem from this document.

Expectations Consequences (noted in Behavior Log)

➔  Be Positive 1. Verbal Warning

➔  Be Responsible ­­­­­ 2. Student Conference/Break Detention/Seat Moved

➔  Be Prepared 3. Break Detention/Parent Contact

➔  Be Polite 4. Office Referral

➔  Be Productive **Automatic office referral for severe offenses (see handbook)

Tardy Policy: Being on time to class is critical! I do take this serious. I will follow the behavior plan which follows the school handbook. Your 3rd tardy will result in an office referral. You will receive another office referral for every tardy that follows. These referrals start over every semester (not 9wks).

Entering the classroom/Warm-Up:Enter the classroom quietly and be seated BEFORE the bell rings. This means sharpening your pencil and getting your materials out. You should start working on your warm-up without being told to do so. The warm-up problems may consists of problems from the previous day, pre-requisite skills need for the current day or ACT prep questions. These problems are designed to get your brain “warmed-up” for math and to refresh your memory. This is not an option but a requirement. There will be a warm-up test given!

Hall Passes:I will only give the student a hall pass if and only if our lesson is over for the day, your work is complete, and I believe it is a justifiable reason.Do not make a habit of leaving my classroom! No student needs to miss math class!

Required Materials: Please bring these supplies as soon as possible:

●  pencil

●  loose leaf paper

●  3-ring binder (for organization)

●  graphing calculator (teacher suggestion: TI 84 CE Plus)

●  Textbooks/Workbooks/ LTF Modules (will be issued the first week of school)


Zion Chapel High School

Course Syllabus

Instructor: Mrs. Ashley Currie

I certify that I have read and understand what is expected of me in Ms. Currie’s classroom. I will do my very best to live up to the expectations she has set for me. I understand not following these expectations and procedures will result in consequences.

Student Name ______

Student Signature ­______

Student email ______

Date ______

I certify that I have read and understand what is expected of my child in Ms. Currie’s classroom. I will do my very best to see that he/she lives up these expectations and is successful in math class. I understand not following these expectations and procedures he/she will face the consequences.

I am aware of the Remind App.

I am aware of how to check my child’s grades in INow Parent Portal.

Parent/Guardian Name ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______

Best Method of Contact ______

Parent email ______

Date ______

This sheet must be returned by Friday, August 18, 2017.

Students are to keep the syllabus in the front of their notebooks for reference.

If parents would like a copy of the syllabus, I will gladly email a copy or you can view on the school website.