Rural Transport Network (RTN) & National Transport Authority (NTA)
Quarterly Meeting
28thJanuary 11:00 am
NTA Offices
NTA –Gerry Murphy (CEO), Anne Graham (Director of Public Transport Services),Pádraig Ó Ruairc, Joe O’Sullivan,
RTN –Kevin Traynor (Chairperson), Alan O’Connell (Secretary), Fiona O’Shea (Vice Chairperson), Brian Bonham
Pobal- Rachel Cusack (by teleconference)
Item of Discussion / Assigned TaskChairperson of the RTN, Kevin Traynor thanked the NTA for the meeting. Brian Bonham provided an introduction and circulated a meeting agenda prepared by the RTN.
1 / NTA Update on the Future Structure of the RTP
Brian Bonham queried the content and the current status of the NTA’s November 2012 Report which outlinesproposals for the restructuring of the Rural Transport Programme (RTP).
Anne Graham briefly outlined the Report advising that it is based on the Value for Money (VfM) Report prepared by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport. It was noted that the NTA’s Report recommends the rationalisation of the existing 35 RTP Groups, which serve individual geographical areas, into a minimum of eight regional structures based on Government’s proposals to reorganise local government nationally, as recommended in ‘Putting People First: An Action Programme for Effective Local Government’. The governance arrangements of the eight separate regional structures are to be determined.It was further noted that restructuring recommendation contained in the Report currently rests with the Allan Kelly, TD, Minister of State at the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport and that Minister Kelly is in discussions with the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government in respect of the recommendation at this time. A separate Report prepared by the Department of Transport,based on the NTA’s Report, was sent to CCMA and discussions with the Local Authorities (LAs) are ongoing and are yet to be concluded. The RTN attendees were advised that the overarching ‘social inclusion’ ambition of the RTP programme remains the same and that the framework for the future implementation of the ‘social inclusion’ policy is the matter that is to be determined.
It was noted that the Authority may be in better position to update and advise the RTN following the meeting with Minister Kelly which is due to be convened on 30th January 2013. / NTA
2. / Six Month Period – January to June 2013
2.1 Pobal’s Role Going Forward
Pobal’s role during the six month period from January to June 2013 hasn’t altered and will remain the same. Pobal’s involvement post the restructuring is to be determined. It was noted that Pobal’s expertise and knowledge in the area of ‘social inclusion’ would be a valuable input into the programme.
2.2 Free Travel Pass Service
Review of the Free Travel Pass (FTP) scheme is on-going in the interest of reducing spend and achieving savings to the Exchequer. It was further noted that no decision has yet been made in relation to the scheme.
2.3 Six month PoA
A brief discussion ensued around the six months Programme of Activities (PoA) which previously covered the standard 12 month period.It was confirmed that administration costs that are incurred in the first six months would be dealt with on a case by case basis, if presented in the PoA.
2.4 Financial Treatment at 30th June 2013
Treatment of financial statements of the RTP Groups at the 30th June, 2013,is to be as per the standard treatment of the Groups financial statements at the 31st December, noting that all expenses and costs incurred in the period between 1st January and 30th June 2013 are to be accounted for within the statements.
2.5 National Journey Planner
Work is on-going on the National Journey Planner to include all ‘open’ services being provided nationwide by the RTP Groups. It was noted that services provided by private operators can also be found on the Journey Planner provided that it is an ‘open’ service and the operators are compliant with all licencing conditions. The NTA is looking for feedback on the services as presented in the journey planner.
2.6 Branding / Publicity of RTP
Branding and publicity of the RTP Programme, as previously discussed, is on hold pending direction from Minister Kelly on the restructuring of the Programme.
2.7 National Integrated Rural Transport (NIRT) Committee Update
The work of NIRT is on-going. The Committee last met in October 2012. Discussions and negotiations are continuing with the HSE and Bus Éireann in relation to health care services and school transport runs respectively. A brief discussion ensued around the potential synergies that exist between the service runs provided by the RTP Groups, for those in need and school transport runs in relation to return journeys. It was noted that each individual RTP Group could be written to and requested to identify the most suitable route within the Groups geographical area,as a possible method of establishing the appropriate journey routes where potential synergies could be tapped into, as part of a pilot scheme.
2.8 PSO Review
Work on the PSO Review is on-going. The NTA has received some data from Bus Éireann in relation to the South East Region. However, the Authority awaits further data from Bus Éireann in relation to patronage and routes for specific regional areas to conclude the Review. Any potential amendments to the PSO will require the approval of the NTA.
2.9 Route Licences
There are no plans to licence RTP services as they are not commercial services. ‘Direct Award’ is a potential method of contracting with the fleet owning groups,in the future, which is permitted under EU Regulation. However, this approach would require an amendment to the Dublin Transport Authority Act 2008. The matter is under review.
2.10 IT Update
Implementation of an overall integrated management system for the RTP Groups is on hold pending direction from Minister Kelly on the restructuring of the Rural Transport Programme. A number of potential suitable systems have been reviewed and considered.
2.11 Rural Hackneys
The Rural Hackney service has not been resolved at this stage. Rural Hackney service is likely to require the same level of insurance as a taxi which is currently prohibitive. / NTA
3 / AOB
3.1 Meeting with Minister
It was noted that the RTN is due to meet with Allan Kelly TD, Minister of State at the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport towards the end of February to discuss the RTP Programme.
3.2 Next Meeting
It was agreed that the RTN & NRA meetings are to continue on a quarterly basis or in between, as appropriate, as events develop. The time and date of the next meeting is to be agreed.
3.3 Conclusion
There being no further business the meeting concluded at 5.00pm.