10-23-16 – WL4J Echoes of Encouragement

Words from Founder

Praise the Lord, I wanted to share this scripture with you today, I woke up Saturday and this scripture was the scripture for the day and it was just a perfect reminder of what God does for His people.

Psalm 29: 11 -The Lord will give strength unto his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace.

Yet as I decided to read the entire chapter the following scriptures rang in my brain as yet another reminder too:

Psalm 29:2 -Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.

Psalm 29:4- The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty.

When I read the word of the Lord, it brings such comfort regardless of what kind of day I am having. It is amazing that His word is so powerful even thousands of years later, He is still speaking the same words to His people that encourage us to keep moving forward, what a mighty God we serve!!

Today since there is more in the newsletter than previously before, I wanted to just leave you with these scriptures to mediate on and see what they speak to you. Take the time today to just sit for a few moments and read the words over in your mind and heart allow them to bring you comfort and direction in your life. Enjoy your day in the Lord, God bless!

Psalm 29: 11 -The Lord will give strength unto his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace.

Psalm 29:2 -Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.

Psalm 29:4- The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty.

Sister Alissa Lynne Griffith

WL4J Updates

Coming in November – WL4J will be celebrating nine years in service!! Awesome blessing! To honor WL4J that month, we hope to have our website updated and have our social network up and running too.

Starting November 1st – we will start on Facebook our end of year things – yes end of year can you believe we are almost in November??!! (Smile). We are ending this year with the collaboration books by Sister Deborah, Sister Shasta and Sister Alissa – Bringing the Balance to Our Lives Part I and Part II

We will also bring some encouraging words on Facebook related to the writings of Sister Alissa Griffith from her book Good Morning Inspirations

Stay Tuned more to come!!!

WL4J Something to Think About

Whose report will you believe as you face life choices and decisions?

WL4J Prayer Call

Join Sister Alissa Lynne (WL4J) and Minister Mervyn (True Deliverance Ministries) for our Monday night prayer call that is at 8 PM EST. Join us for prayer and if you can’t make the call, send an email to us at with your prayer requests

Call in at 515-604-9000 – Access code 788373

WL4J Sister Fellowship

Thursday, November 3rd at 8 PM EST – Sister Fellowship where we discuss topics that are interesting to us that day. Join us for an hour of fun, laughter and even learning more in Jesus.

Call In# - 724-444-7444 – Call ID 56980

40 Fascinating Places in the Bible


Name/Meaning – From Damashaq or Dimashq, which could denote a fast-moving camel, to indicate the swift building of the city, or thegreat-great-grandson of Noah; in Arabic the cityis known as As-sham, meaning “Northern.”

Where in the World? – Damascus, the capitalof Syria, is located approximately fifty milesfrom the Mediterranean Sea, on a plateau bordered by the Anti-LebanonMountains.

Where in the Bible? – “During the night Abram divided his men to attack them . .. pursuing them as far as Hobah, north of Damascus”- Genesis 14:15 NIV

“As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashedaround him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, whydo you persecute me?”- Acts 9:3-4 NIV

What Happened There? – Damascus, which traces its history to 10,000 BC, isone of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. In fact, the book ofGenesis mentions the existence of Damascus during Abraham’s time. During anoccupation by the Arameans, Damascus came to prominence, especially during therule of Ben-Hadad around 1100 BC, a reign mentioned by the prophets Jeremiahand Amos. Conquered by the Assyrians under Tiglath-Pileser III in 732 BC,Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar in 572 BC, Persia in 538 BC, and Rome in 64 BC,Damascus was a highly contested metropolis.

During the Roman occupation, the apostle Paul, then known as Saul, a well-knownpersecutor of Christians, was stuck blind by God as he approached the city withplans to arrest believers. Following the Roman occupation, Damascus became partof the Muslim empire – and under Saladin became capital of Egypt in the AD1150s. Later, Damascus was controlled by the Ottomans for four hundred years,beginning in the early 1500s. More recently, in 1920, the French made Damascuscapital of the League of Nations mandate of Syria. In 1946 Syria gained fullindependence.

What’s Up Today? – Damascus (population approximately two million), apredominantly Sunni Muslim city that boasts ancient ruins and modernuniversities, has experienced unrest due to Middle Eastern conflicts.

What’s in It for Me? – The story of Saul on his way to Damascus shows us thatanyone – no matter what their past – can become a new person in Christ Jesus.

199 Reasons to Be Thankful

#28 – Medical Know – How

How wonderful that we live in such a technologically advanced age,where medical research is going on around us. Thank God for modernmedicine!

#29 – Modern Conveniences

Fifty years ago, there were no personal computers, no Internet, no cellphones, no ATM machines, no microwaves. We didn’t use debit cards,and we couldn’t watch televised images from the other side of the worldin real time. This twenty-first-century world we live in is amazing! Wehave so much to be thankful for.

Lord, I’m thankful for modern conveniences. Sometimes I take them forgranted, but I’m so grateful for the blessings they bring to my life. Amen.

#30 – Quiet Time with God

When we slip away to a quiet place – a time with our Father God –we’re reminded of His love, His grace, His mercy. We lean our headagainst His chest and call out to Him then listen as He whispers HisWords of love to our souls. Where would we be without this special timewith our heavenly Father?

You will seek me and find me when you see me with all your heart. –Jeremiah 29:13 NIV

It’s A Heart Condition – 10 Week Series

Lesson One

It’s My Heart Lord . . .

Psalm 51:9-11 (KJV) - Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.

It was 4 AM, 6 AM, 8 AM as I was trying to sleep in but it was not working . . . the word was pounding in me; the need to write and get it out haunted me. He gave the word to me to start writing about the heart and I kept ignoring it.

Elder Rob gave a word the week before about fear and one of the things he said Jesus had said to me . . . It’s In There. Was that by chance. . . I don’t think so. . . then my pastor called me into her office to see how I was doing and she mentioned the same thing about the heart. “Okay Lord, I got it”, I said.

Many times we do not want to address the heart due to the pain we start to feel or the fact of not wanting to let go of the hurt due to fear or just not wanting to change because it requires effort on our part. Once we are aware of the word, we are held accountable for it and we must fall in line. Yet many of us do not . . . why?

It is our heart condition that keeps us most times where we are . . .

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. . .

It is so important that we realize that our hearts need to be right before the Lord. There is so much to our hearts; so much of who we are is connected to our hearts. We feel with our hearts, we make decisions via our hearts, we base our lives on the lessons that we have learned by our hearts, and many times we have ignored what we know in our minds to be right by follow our hearts.

We teach our children to ‘follow their hearts” – yet we are not even sure what is in our hearts. What are we truly about and where are we headed and is in our hearts most of us need a check up on our hearts. Our heart needs cleaned in Jesus.

We cannot move forward in our lives until we have our hearts checked by Jesus and cleaned up to move to the next level. Many are suffering from things in this life that they cannot figure out as they are still doing the same things as before. There are some who are trying to lose weight only after losing it all, to gain it all back and then some. There are some who are finding themselves attracted to the same dead beat type of guys, or having random sex with men that they do not know. How about those that are just angry all the time, or walking around with the world on their shoulders? It’s A Heart Condition Create In Me A Clean Heart Lord

All of this and then some is related to our hearts and what is in our hearts. This study of ourselves will bring us to a better place in Jesus and show us how awesome He truly is. . . Are you ready?

Assignment One

Psalm 51:9-11 (KJV) - Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.

Look at this scripture and then look within yourself. Take a piece of paper and write down some things that you know in your heart that needs to be taken care of and it just seems no matter how much you try – things are not going the way that you thought they would.

For example: I am on a weight loss journey and I will go great for a while and then all of sudden I am tired and stop. . . what is this related to for me? (Still working on it with Jesus – will keep you posted). I have talked with sisters who are struggling with sex addictions, drug addictions, and all kinds of addictions such as masturbation, attitudes and pain . . . all of these things can affect our hearts and how we related to all things around us. . .

Time to release stuff and move forward in Jesus . . . This week take time to look over your life and see the areas that you know need work, and let’s get ready to journal our way to a new us. Read the scripture above and for a week, write what that scripture means for you that day . . . don’t worry if it is the same thing . . . just write what is on your heart.