MI-516 Norton Shores, City of Muskegon & County CoC
TO: Muskegon County Homeless Continuum of Care Network
FROM: Judith Kell, CoC Coordinator
DATE: August 15, 2017
RE: Ranking of Projects______
The Review Committee met on August 25, 2017, and ranked the projects and placed them in Tier One and Tier Two using the HUD project ranking and scoring tool. The ranking of the projects were as follows:
Tier I
1. EWP HMIS $62,000
2. Health West Samaritan Housing $25,707
3. EWP PSH Re-Allocated $32,853
4. Health West Supportive Housing I $125,023
5. Community en Compass Veterans Housing – Families $25,333
6. EWP PSH $198,332
7. Health West Supportive Housing IV $25,686
8. Community enCompass Veterans Housing $26,796
Total (94% of ARD) $521,730
Tier II
1. Health West Supportive Housing II $20,123
2. EWP PSH 2017 Allocation $13,179
Total $33,302
It should be noted that HMIS is a non-ranked item and has to be listed as number one in Tier One.
EWP will be required to submit a renewal application for HMIS and the PSH Singles consistent with the grant inventory worksheet. Since the EWP PSH – Singles had to go into two separate categories – Tier One and Tier Two, these will need to be new applications.
I will also be sending each of the applicants feedback comments from the Review Committee about their applications including notations on incorrect match requirements in letters; as well as submission certifications being signed by staff no longer at an Agency and out of date; old information in applications as well as applications being lumped into one rather than being separated by each grant. We want to be able to make the best application submission so that we can score well and all of the projects get funded. Therefore, the feedback is meant to be helpful not critical.