Guide’s Greatest Change of Heart Stories
Lori Peckham, editor

Readability Level 4.2 / Points 5/ Interest Grade Level 7-14

Pages 155 / Word Count: 32,000

1. / What happened when Jack got too close to the edge of the cliff? (Chapter 1)
a. / He fell into the water
b. / He got caught on a root
c. / He tripped and broke his leg
d. / None of these
2. / What was Paulette doing when she was supposed to be watching Mrs. Schneider? (Chapter 4)
a. / Reading a book
b. / Swimming
c. / Watching TV
d. / Talking on the phone
3. / What happened when Brad took the Sea Queen out in the bay? (Chapter 6)
a. / He got pulled out into the ocean
b. / He got lost
c. / He wrecked the boat on a floating log
d. / He broke his arm
4. / What did Liz lose when she rode Buck? (Chapter 8)
a. / Her boots
b. / Her eyelashes
c. / Her watch
d. / Her phone
5. / What did Caroline steal from Mrs. White? (Chapter 10)
a. / Her silk hairnet
b. / Her broach
c. / Her favorite writing pen
d. / Her collar and cuffs
6. / Why had Mary got caught in the quicksand? (Chapter 13)
a. / They wanted to see the mansions up close
b. / They wanted to see what quicksand felt like.
c. / They weren’t careful to follow the map.
d. / They were in a hurry.
7. / Why did the crocodiles grab Sally’s flip flop? (Chapter 15)
a. / They were hungry
b. / It was bright colored.
c. / She was pushing gravel on them with it.
d. / All of these
8. / Why did the family invite Nat home? (Chapter 17)
a. / He was hungry
b. / He was cold
c. / He was homeless
d. / All of these
9. / After being a bad boy what did John become? (Chapter20)
a. / A conference president
b. / A doctor
c. / A fisherman
d. / A police man
10. / What had Kelsey mocked about Christina? (Chapter 21)
a. / Her clothes
b. / Her hair
c. / Her teeth
d. / All of these
Correct Answers / 1-b 2-a 3-c 4-b 5-a 6-c 7-c 8-d 9-a 10-b