Ms. Gulitti Extra Help: T/Th, 8:25-8:55, in Room 259,
2015-2016 and by appointment
COURSE DESCRIPTION: As you begin your first year at Jericho High School, it is my goal to provide you with a strong foundation in reading and writing to help you meet and exceed the Common Core standards and to enjoy the study of English. We will read and study works from various genres, such as poetry, short stories, novels, and plays that are concerned with the human condition and our place in a global society. We will also study works from non-fiction and complete a research assignment connected to a literary unit. As a student in this class, you will be expected to read and write often and to be a positive contributing member during class sessions. Please read the following expectations carefully to help ensure your success in the upcoming year. Keep this as the first page of your notebook.
REQUIRED MATERIALS: You are to bring the following materials to class every day:
1) pencil, pen, and highlighter
2) Looseleaf Three-Ring Binder that is divided into the following sections:
--Literature/Articles --Writing/Grammar
--Reader/Class Response --Vocabulary
**Homework assignments should be completed in the appropriate notebook section. Each night’s homework assignment will be written on the board every day for your convenience. Copy each assignment into a planner or page in your notebook and take note of where the assignment should be placed.
**The homework will also be available on-line through the Jericho Schools Web site, using the address: or through Edline (be sure to obtain your password). This homework page is updated daily, and will usually allow you to download handouts that you were given in class.
3) notebook paper
4) English text or book for reading
CLASS BEHAVIOR/PARTICIPATION: Participation in discussion is an integral part of this course and should affect your grade in a positive manner. Your responsibilities in this class are:
a. to attend class regularly
b. to be on time
c. to be prepared
d. to meet deadlines (all assignments are due at the beginning of each class on the due date and must already be printed if typed –LATE WORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNLESS APPROVED BY THE TEACHER.)
e. to ask questions when you don’t understand
f. to pay attention when others are talking, be interested, and do not prevent others from learning
g. to have a positive attitude, be open to ideas, and show respect
To help ensure success in these areas, a daily participation sheet system has been designed to hold you accountable. Such a sheet will be filled out by you and monitored by me daily. It will account for your class participation grade each marking period.
***Note on cell phones, i-Pads, and other technological devices: These are major distractions to class instruction, so the use of these items and their visibility are NOT permitted during class time (unless given permission by me). Use of these items will negatively affect your daily class participation grade. They MUST be turned OFF while you are in class.
ATTENDANCE AND MAKEUP WORK: You should be seated at your desk with the required materials when the bell rings. This will maximize our learning time and prevent unnecessary interruptions. If you are legally absent the day an assignment is due, it is expected that you will submit the assignment via email at . You will be given two days to make up any nightly homework assignments that may have been given while you were absent. The best way to stay up to date with work is to access the homework page on Edline or on the Jericho Schools Web site, as I will often leave up the assignments for the week. Another good idea is to get the phone numbers of students in your class to find out the work you missed that day, or see me when you return. If you are absent for an in-class group activity, I may give you an alternative assignment and you will need to confer with me about options. If you know beforehand that you will be absent, please inform me, so I can help you plan your makeup work. If you are absent for a series of days, please refer to the homework page or have your parent/guardian call the Guidance Office and request that work is prepared for you to pick up.
**Remember, it is your responsibility to make sure that you have made up all work. This includes obtaining handouts and any notes that were given and submitting your work to me.
GRADING: Keep all graded papers and handouts in your English notebook and class portfolio for reference. Your grade each marking period is based on the following:
**Class participation, behavior, and preparation (attendance)
**Homework (Collection of homework will not always be announced. To promote responsibility, a student may only make up one delinquent hw assignment per marking period. This assignment must be made up and graded during extra help only.)
**Tests and quizzes (vocab, literary units, pop quizzes for reading assignments)
**Essay assignments/Exams and projects (Written assignments
must follow the rules of grammar and spelling. You may also be asked to digitally submit your work through ) Late work will not be accepted!
**Class work and other assignments
Your grade for each marking period will be determined by the number of points that you earn, divided by the possible number of points available (this number will vary each marking period). This final number will then be converted into the letter grade that you receive on your report card. Once I have graded work and posted it on PowerSchool, class time will be devoted to the return of graded assignments, whereby you will make a record of them on the grade sheet provided. Keep a record of your work so that there are no surprises. Your grade for the year will be the numerical average of the four marking quarters and the final exam.
EXTRA HELP AND EXTRA CREDIT: Use the extra help sessions that are available to you. It is suggested that you attend before an assignment is due or before a test date, so you are most successful. Occasionally extra credit options will be offered that have a due date. These options are only available to those students who have completed all required assignments and homework and would like to improve their grade. “Extra” credit is not “in place of” an uncompleted assignment!
**In order to complete this course successfully, you must be willing to devote your time and effort. If you do this, I promise that you will notice a remarkable change in your reading and writing skills, and gain an appreciation for some wonderful works of literature.
I hope that this year will prove to be a productive and positive experience. I look forward to working with you.