The Deeper Christian Life Ministry, Benelux (hereafter referred to as “The Ministry”), is committed to the commission of Jesus Christ to make disciples of all men and teach them to observe all things that He has taught. We take the Bible as our final authority in all matters of religion and conduct and we seek to use the same as yardstick for all our ministerial activities. It is in this sense that we require from all aspiring and active workers personal commitment to a set of regulations outlined by the Ministry to maintain a wholesome spiritual climate in the Church and a noble testimony to the world. The leadership does not intend to, and will in no wise bring anyone into bondage in anything. But it is required for us to comply with the standard laid down for us by the Lord Jesus Christ in a practical and wholehearted way. Therefore we hereby outline a set of minimum requirements for a worker in the Ministry.

Please read the following regulations carefully before subscribing to them in the Workers Application Form.

  1. A worker is defined as a born-again believer of proven testimony and commitment, to whom a fitting leadership role can be appointed in any of our Churches in the Benelux or in any other country.
  2. Admission as a worker is subject to recommendation of the authority designated by the Ministry after duly completing the appropriate application form and the corresponding interview.
  3. Every worker is expected to commit himself wholeheartedly to Bible Doctrine as outlined by the Ministry and to the leadership of the Ministry under which he is to operate.
  4. A worker shall be required to be consistent in all Church meetings and fulfil any role that the Ministry may appoint to him from time to time.
  5. Attendance at the workers’ meeting locally and corporately is mandatory. Where for legitimate reasons a worker cannot attend a meeting, due exemption must be sought from the Pastor in charge of the particular meeting.
  6. Each worker must have a specific engagement in any of the ministry areas like the Home Caring Fellowship, evangelism, teaching, choir, etc. The Ministry shall always strive to engage the worker in the area best suited to his capabilities and interests. However, he shall be required to serve in any area allocated him by the Ministry.
  7. The performance of the worker shall be evaluated from time to time to ensure quality and growth. Where a worker comes short of the standard in service, or his commitment is known to be below that which is required of him, appropriate remedial actions shall be taken by the Ministry.
  8. It is the expectation of the Ministry that each worker shall live above sin and maintain a pure conduct at all times. Each worker should represent the interest of Christ’s Kingdom everywhere and in no way bring reproach to the Lord or to the Church.
  9. Total openness shall be required of the worker in his personal life and service. The Ministry shall definitely respect the privacy of each worker. Openness in this sense concerns giving all information about himself and his circumstances that will be helpful to the Ministry to engage the worker appropriately and fit him for the work of the Ministry.
  10. The worker is expected to submit himself wholeheartedly to godly leadership. Where disciplinary action is required, the worker is expected to comply humbly. It shall be regarded as inappropriate to engage in abusive or disrespectful confrontation with Church members, other workers and the leadership. Maturity is required in the worker to seek amicable ways to resolve differences. Where there is conflict of opinions, the Ministry shall resort to open and fair means for resolution. The Ministry is however responsible for final decisions after due consultation with all concerned parties.
  11. In case a worker is involved in an error, the worker must disclose this immediately to the local Pastor who shall convey the same to the Ministry. If there is proof that a worker has covered up his error, appropriate remedial action shall be taken by the Ministry.
  12. The Ministry maintains the right to suspend or dismiss an erring worker from the team if there is sufficient evidence that he has been involved in anything that undermines his profession and the interests of the Ministry. There shall always be a fair handling of each case by the Ministry.