Summer Assignment for AP
Literature and Composition 2016-17


Difference between AP Literature and AP Language: AP Literature is focused on always looking at the elements of style (diction, detail, syntax, figurative language, imagery and tone) and other literary devices in FICTION writing, whereas AP Language is focused on always examining the rhetorical devices (elements of persuasion) in NON-FICTION writing. Both classes are intense, but AP Literature is focused on longer reading selections overall; obviously, you will have to read well and fast.

Texts: The Bedford Introduction to Literature and multiple novels/plays. Class sets will be provided each teacher. Most of the required novels/plays are available online, as well.

Caveat: This is NOT a writing class. Of course, we will work on your writing, but this is NOT the primary focus on the class—and you are expected to already possess strong writing skills when you enter the classroom in September.

Dropping the class: Don’t count on it. There will likely be no room in the other senior English class for you. Besides, you will be greatly supported in this class.


Directions for Dialectical Journals

Directions: You will be “journaling” your response to various quotes from all of the literature you read over the summer. The following specifications, which you MUST follow—apply to your journal; therefore, be sure to use them:

  • Choose nine significant quotations/passages fromeach novel/play. If it is a quotation, be sure to indicate who said the quote and to whom.
  • Indicate the name of the literature you are journaling at the top of each page.
  • Type (word process)a response (60-100 words long) to each quotation/passage. Each response MUST include all of the following:
  • What does the quotation mean in terms of the meaning/message of the book?
  • How does the quotation fit into the plot of the story?
  • What does the quotation mean in terms of your life? In other words, how does it relate to your life in the most meaningful way?
  • Submit your dialectical journal to when you return to school. During the first week of school you will be provided by your teacher the needed information to do so.


  • Only TYPED journals will be accepted. Proofread your work. Use complete, well-constructed sentences, precise, appropriate word choice, correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.

Dialectical Journal Grade Sheet

Grade of “A”

  • Detailed, meaningful passages, plot and quote selections
  • Thoughtful interpretation and commentary about the text; Avoids clichés.
  • Includes comments about literary elements such as diction, imagery, syntax, and how these elements contribute to the meaning of the text.
  • Makes insightful personal connections and asks thought-provoking, insightful questions
  • Coverage of text is complete and thorough
  • Journal is neat, organized and professional looking; student has followed directions in the organization of journal

Grade of “B”

  • Less detailed, but good plot and quote selections
  • Some intelligent commentary; addresses some thematic connections
  • Includes some literary elements, but less on how they contribute to the meaning
  • Some personal connection; asks pertinent questions
  • Adequately addresses all parts of reading assignment
  • Journal is neat and readable; student has followed directions in the organization of journal

Grade of “C”

  • Few good details from the text
  • Most of the commentary is vague, unsupported, or plot summary/paraphrase
  • Some listing of literary elements; virtually no discussion on meaning
  • Limited personal connection; asks few, or obvious questions
  • Addresses most of the reading assignment, but is not very long or thorough
  • Journal is relatively neat, but may be difficult to read. Student has not followed all directions in journal organization: loose-leaf, no columns, not in separate notebook, etc.

Grade of “D” or “F”

  • Hardly any good details from the text
  • All notes are plot summary or paraphrase
  • Few literary elements, virtually no discussion on meaning
  • Limited personal connections, no good questions
  • Limited coverage of the text: way too short
  • Did not follow directions in organizing journal; difficult to read or follow