Texas Regional Collaboratives

MSP Annual Performance Report TIP Sheet

Updated 8_28_08

  • MSP APR Login page URL
  • Username: FirstLast name (i.e., the first letter in both first and last name arecapitalized)
  • Password: password
  • Report for funding period: August 1, 2007 – July 31, 2008
  • Report due to State: September 22, 2008

Completing the forms *******************************************************************

I. MSP Project Information

A. Project

5. Sources of funding – MSP Grant funded through State: this is your TRC grant

B. Lead Organization

1. ESCs are considered NONPROFIT

C. Partner Organizations

List only STM districts for science. For math, list only schools or districts in which at least 10 or more teachers have received training.

III. Responsibilities

G. Target for Intervention – easiest answer is to say Individual Teacher unless you are systematically targeting whole schools

IV. Professional Development Participants – Only STMs should be counted in science.

A – C Stephen Gray () will disaggregate this data for you by teaching level. It will be available by September 7.

D. It isn’t possible to pull numbers for administrators based on grade band. Please make your best estimate for administrators served from STM schools or districts.

E. Teacher and Student numbers by grade band can be found through the Servoy site.

V. Professional Development Models

A. Contact Hours

For science, list average contact hours for STMs. For math, calculate average for all teachers.

B. Type of Professional Development – the MSP definition of a summer institute is 2 weeks.

C. Description

SCIENCE: The Texas Regional Science Collaboratives model of professional development builds leadership capacity by focusing on long-term and intensive teacher training. Each Science Teacher Mentor (STM) participates in an average of 105 contact hours of professional development. This professional development takes many shapes including college course work, workshops, field experiences, technology integration training, and collaborative pedagogical problem solving. The purpose of the program is to improve teacher science content knowledge within the context of standards-based instructional materials that focus on guided inquiry and conceptual growth. STMs are also expected to provide mentoring, support and guidance for their colleagues at the campus and district levels to scale up the impact of training and improve teacher collaboration locally.

MATH: The Texas Regional Mathematics Collaboratives model of professional development has focused in its inception years on maximizing statewide teacher exposure to state-developed, standards-based professional development modules in targeted areas of mathematics. The purpose of the statewide program was to reach as many mathematics teachers as possible with high quality, relevant training in mathematics specifically correlated to the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills.

VII. Program Evaluation

  1. Evaluation Method – this depends on the evaluation you did at your site and may be different for each project. If you only did a teacher content test or survey with no comparison groups, click “Other” and describe this.
  2. Assessment Measures – you should have measured teacher content knowledge at a minimum (i.e. geometry survey or earth science test). List and describe under “Other.”

K. Upload Report – you can upload a PDF version of your entire final report here. Contact Angela Milliman () in our office for a PDF if you do not have one.

VIII. Government Performance & Results Act Reporting (GPRA)

  • Frequently Asked Questions about using the spreadsheet can be found at

A. Teachers – Use the spreadsheet provided to enter data about teacher content knowledge gains from pre to post test. The first question that asks for “number of teachers receiving MSP professional development in math/science” refers to the total number of STMs trained (in science) or total number of teachers trained in math. This is not necessarily the first number in the results section of the spreadsheet since you may have trained many more teachers than you administered a survey to.

  1. Students – Since Texas does not have a “basic” or “proficient” level for the TAKS test, you may use “met standard” as a substitute for “basic” and “commended” as a substitute for “proficient” for questions 3, 4, 7, & 8.

For questions about MSP report site and submission, please contact Todd Sherron, TRC Evaluation Coordinator:


Things you should know:

  • An APR Report status will show as 'incomplete' while being worked on. When ready for submission to the state, a project director will use 'Edit' link to change status to 'Complete', which will show a 'Submit to state' link for submission. Clicking on the 'Submit to state' link will submit the report to the state, and then the status will become 'Approval pending'. Finally, once approved by the state and submitted to Department of Education, the status will show as 'Approval Granted'. However, if not approved by the state, the status will show as 'Revisions Needed', and the report will be available for more updates by project directors and staff.
  • You can begin completing the report online, leave, and return to finish. Just remember to save each page.
  • Narrative boxes autosave every 30 seconds.
  • Please note that while navigating the report system, toggling between tabs may lose the data that you are entering. To save data, make sure you press the "Save Report" button before leaving a page.