Appendix 1

NMH Central Database - Kingston Maurward College

Section 1 – The information below will be displayed on the DSA QAG website

Name of HEI / Kingston Maurward College
Address / Learning Support, Kingston Maurward College, Dorchester, Dorset, DT2 8PY
Contact Name(s) / Nicky Porter, Helen Burleigh, Liz de Iongh, Deborah Daw
Telephone Number(s) / 01305 215118 / 215251 / 215221 / 215207
Email Address(s) /

Website /
Rates last updated / January 2015

HEI Only: If your institution has a single NMH quote for a designated external supplier(s) authorised/agreed by SFE, please complete the details below: N/A.

NMH Provider (s)
Authorised by SFE Contact Name
Date of SFE Authorisation

Section 2 – Below is the standard NMH service and rates table to be displayed by NMH providers.

Note: Please enter the NMH Support Rates per hour in the table below.

Band 1 Support Assistants / Note below the NMH provider with whom the institution has an agreement in place with. / Net / VAT / Total
Practical Support Assistant / In-house – Kingston Maurward College / £15 / £3 / £18
Library Support Assistant / In-house – Kingston Maurward College / £30 / £6 / £36
Reader / In-house – Kingston Maurward College / £15 / £3 / £18
Scribe / In-house – Kingston Maurward College / £15 / £3 / £18
Workshop / Laboratory Assistant / In-house – Kingston Maurward College / £30 / £6 / £36
Sighted Guide
Proof Reader
Band 2 Enhanced Support Assistants
Study Assistant / In-house – Kingston Maurward College / £24 / £4.80 / £28.80
Examination Support Worker / In-house – Kingston Maurward College / £24 / £4.80 / £28.80
Manual Note Taker / In-house – Kingston Maurward College / £24 / £4.80 / £28.80
Band 3 Specialist Enabling Support
Communication Support Worker
Electronic Note taker
Specialist Transcription Services
Mobility Trainer
Band 4 Specialist Access and Learning Facilitators
Specialist Mentor / In-house – Kingston Maurward College / £59 / £11.80 / £70.80
Specialist One to One Study Skills Support / In-house – Kingston Maurward College.
Qualified tutors, including for SpLDs / £59 / £11.80 / £70.80
BSL Interpreter / In house and external / £15 in
£35 external / £3
£7 / £18
Language Support Tutor for deaf students / External / £40 / £8 / £48
Assistive Technology Trainer

NMH Template V2.0