TheJDRF Tampa Bay Youth Ambassador Program is made up of local youth ages 8-18 with type one diabetes (T1D) who are interested in becoming involved with the outreach and volunteer efforts of the JDRF Tampa Bay Chapter.

As a JDRF Youth Ambassador, you will be providing awareness to our community while giving volunteer hours to JDRF to help support its mission to decrease the burden of T1D until we achieve a world where type one becomes type none. Attached you will find further details regarding the requirements, guidelines and volunteer opportunities that are involved with becoming a Youth Ambassador. In addition to these responsibilities, the JDRF Youth Ambassador Program provides members with ways to socialize with other T1Ds and to promote friendship and support of each other while earning community service hours and being the face of T1D for the local community!

JDRF strives to integrate resources that make the Outreach Program stronger and more beneficial to its participants. Our goal for the Youth Ambassador Program participants is to feel ownership and pride in the program and contribute to furthering the JDRF mission during their involvement. We will offer a number of opportunities to stay engaged throughout the term, such as participating in JDRF fundraising and outreach events (i.e.TypeOneNation Summit in January , the One Walk in April or the Gala in November), meeting to make thank you cards for our sponsors or posters for our Ride to Cure Diabetes participates, making a visit to a sponsor to thank them and drop off a gift, or visiting our National Corporate Sponsors during their JDRF fundraising campaigns (i.e. Wawa, Marshalls, Advanced Auto Parts,etc.).

We hope you will choose to participate in the JDRF Tampa Bay Youth Ambassador Program. You have the ability to spread T1D awareness in ways that only you can – we need your voice, your participation, your leadership! Attached you will find further details on the responsibilities that you will be asked to fulfill, as well as the Youth Ambassador Program application.

If you are interested, please complete the form and return to by Friday, February 2, 2018to:

Dori Rivers


Fax: 727-384-9009

Mail:9600 Koger Boulevard, Suite 103, St. Petersburg, Florida, 33702

If you have questions, please feel free to contact us at (727) 344-2873. Thank you!

Youth Ambassador Program

JDRF Tampa Bay Chapter

February 2018 – January 2019


  • Youth Ambassadors are limited to children between the ages of 8 – 18 living with T1D.
  • Youth Ambassadors are limited to active participants in the local chapter only.
  • Youth Ambassadors must commit to participating in either the JDRF TypeOneNation Summit or the JDRF One Walk, in addition to at least one other event/activity throughout the term. In addition, all Youth Ambassadors must be available to participate in projects dedicated to thanking our donors and supporters.
  • Youth Ambassadors will not be permitted to make any false statement, or offer any opinion that is not in agreement or accordance with JDRF.
  • Youth Ambassadors will provide a photo to the JDRF Tampa Bay Chapter which may be shared on Chapter website, social media pages, and/or chapter marketing materials.
  • Parents of the Youth Ambassador must give permission for their child to become a Youth Ambassador and must be willing to support their child in this program and provide transportation to and from Youth Ambassador events and activities and assist them in fulfilling their duties as needed.


  • The Youth Ambassador would be willing to speak at Chapter-sponsored events such as the Walk, Walk Kick-offs, internal Walk Corporate Kick-offs, Corporate Sponsorship asks and stewardship visits, T.V. and radio interviews, third party events, Government Day and related government activities, outreach programs and the Gala.
  • The Youth Ambassador would write thank you notes, make posters or make follow up thank you calls related to Chapter events.
  • The Youth Ambassador would be required to visit JDRF National Sponsors (i.e., Wawa, Advanced Auto Parts, Marshalls, etc.) during their JDRF campaigns to thank store managers and take a photo with them which will be shared by JDRF.
  • The Youth Ambassador may be asked to accompany JDRF office staff to corporate meetings to support the fundraising efforts of the Chapter.
  • The Youth Ambassador may be asked to attend volunteer sponsored and third party events to support the fundraising efforts of the Chapter.
  • Youth Ambassadors will, at all times, represent JDRF and will follow all mission statements and talking points created by JDRF.
  • Youth Ambassador should be willing to speak publicly, be comfortable and at ease with adults, have a congenial personality and a willingness to speak about life with diabetes and why he/she wants a cure.
  • The term limit is February 2018 – January 2019.

JDRF Tampa Bay Youth Ambassador Program

2018-2019 Application

Name ______Male ____ Female ____

Date of Birth ______Current Age _____ Date of T1D Diagnosis ______

Email Address ______

School ______Grade______

Parent/Guardian Name ______

Parent/Guardian Email Address ______Cell Phone ______

Mailing Address ______

City ______State ______Zip Code ______

Please tell us a little about yourself: ______

What are your hobbies/interests? ______

Why do you want to become a JDRF Youth Ambassador? ______

I will commit to being a Youth Ambassador Representative at (must choose at least one of the three):

____ TypeOneNation Summit (Dec./Jan.) _____ One Walk, April 14, 2018 (Tampa) _____ One Walk, April 7, 2018 (Sarasota)

I hereby give my child permission to participate in the JDRF Tampa Bay Youth Ambassador Program for the February 2018 – January 2019 term.

Parent Name ______

Parent Signature ______Date ______

Youth Ambassador Name ______

Youth Ambassador Signature ______Date ______

Please return your application along with a photo of yourselfto the JDRF Tampa Bay Chapter via:

Fax: 727-384-9009 Email:

Mail: 9600 Koger Boulevard, Suite 103, St. Petersburg, FL, 33702


I, ______(please print) as the parent or guardian of ______who is not of legal age, do hereby consent and authorize JDRF to use and reproduce video and or photographs taken of him or her and circulate same for promotion of JDRF events and purposes. I further release JDRF from any and all claims of damages for libel, slander, invasion of the rights of privacy, or any other claims based on, arising from, or connected with the use of said video and photographs. No representations have been made to me.

Witness Signature ______

Signature of Parent/Guardian ______

Address ______


Telephone # ______

Date ______

JDRF Tampa Bay Youth Ambassador

Code of Conduct

As a JDRF Tampa Bay Chapter Youth Ambassador, you are valued and appreciated for your commitment to the organization. By accepting the title of JDRF Youth Ambassador, your behavior directly reflects upon JDRF’s reputation. Youth Ambassadors are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that allows the furtherance of the JDRF mission. You will be expected to treat others with respect, be punctual, have a willingness to help and learn and have a positive attitude.

Youth Ambassador Expectations:

  • Be courteous and respectful to your peers, JDRF staff, donors, supporters and guests.
  • Cell phones at JDRF events will be allowed for emergency purposes only or to communicate with parents/guardians or JDRF staff.
  • Youth Ambassadors must stay in groups of two or more at all times and must notify a Youth Ambassador leader of whereabouts at all times.
  • Be punctual and arrive at events 10-15 minutes prior to scheduled time.
  • Attend all events and opportunities that you have committed to participate in.
  • Dress appropriately for all events/activities when representing JDRF.

I agree to adhere to the JDRF Tampa Bay Youth Ambassador Code of Conduct as outlined above and agree to represent JDRF in a positive, appropriate manner at all times.

Youth Ambassador Signature ______Date ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______