Homework 37 - Chapter 33: The Conservative Tide

Read pages 1034 to 1063. Answer the questions.

Section 1: A Conservative Movement Emerges

  1. What did Peggy Noonan find appealing about Ronald Reagan?
  2. Who was the man who began the conservative movement in 1964?
  3. What are entitlement programs?
  4. How much did they cost by 1980?
  5. What is the New Right?
  6. What is affirmative action and reverse discrimination?
  7. Why did the New Right criticize this?
  8. Who were the members of the conservative coalition?
  9. Who are Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson?
  10. What is the goal of the Moral Majority?
  11. What role would conservative Christians play in future elections?
  12. Who ran against Jimmy Carter in 1980?
  13. What qualifications did Reagan have?
  14. What was the outcome of the 1980 election?
  15. Why did Americans quickly connect with Reagan?
  16. What did Reagan say in a Feb. 5th speech to the nation?
  17. What are the 3 parts to Reaganomics?
  18. What was Reagan’s strategy to downsize government?
  19. What are the negatives to Reagan’s targets for cuts?
  20. What are supply side economics?
  21. What made supply side economics popular?
  22. What major spending increases did Reagan start?
  23. What is Strategic Defense Initiative?
  24. How much was it going to cost?
  25. What was the nickname for SDI?
  26. What happened to the US economy between July 1981 and November 1982?
  27. How had things changed by 1983?
  28. What was the condition of Wall Street and the stock market by 1987?
  29. Look at page 1041 in the box. What is the trickle down theory?
  30. Who were the only people to benefit from this?
  31. Because of Reaganomics, what happened to the national debt?
  32. Who was Sandra Day O’Connor?
  33. What major changes happened on the Supreme Court because of Reagan’s appointments?
  34. What is deregulation?
  35. How would deregulation help Reagan downsize the role of the federal government?
  36. What is the Environmental Protection Agency?
  37. How did Reagan operate this agency while he was President?
  38. In the election of 1984, what kind of voters did Reagan recruit to win reelection?
  39. Who were the candidates for President and Vice President for the Democrats?
  40. What made Geradine Ferraro an overnight sensation?
  41. Look at the box on page 1043. What happened to Reagan on March 30th?
  42. Who was the assailant?
  43. How did Reagan use humor to defuse the seriousness of the crisis?
  44. How did this event help Reagan more than it hurt?
  45. Who were the candidates for President in 1988?
  46. Who won?
  47. Why?

Section 3: Social Concerns of the 1980s

  1. What astonished Trevor Ferrell?
  2. What did this 11 year old decide to do about it?
  3. What did this reveal about economics in American in 1980s?
  4. What is AIDS?
  5. Why was this a defining cultural issue in the 1980s?
  6. What position had the Supreme Court taken on the issue of Abortion?
  7. What did the Supreme Court say about the powers of states in abortion in the case of Webster v. Reproductive Health Care?
  8. What position did Reagan take on illicit drug use?
  9. What was Nancy Reagan’s slogan for drug use prevention?
  10. What did the federal commission report A Nation At Risk say about US schools?
  11. What did the commission suggest to make things better?
  12. Did it work? You should know since you grew up with the changes.
  13. What crisis threatened urban cities?
  14. What happened in 1992 in south central Los Angeles?
  15. What did this event reveal about America?
  16. What happened to the Equal Rights Amendment?
  17. How did women assert themselves politically in the 1980s?
  18. What did statistics reveal about the earning power of women compared to men?
  19. How did higher divorce rates hold back many women?
  20. What changes were made in the work place to improve working conditions and pay for women?
  21. Who was L. Douglas Wilder?
  22. Where is he from?
  23. Why did he make history?
  24. What did Jesse Jackson do to become notable in US History?
  25. How did Latinos emerge as a force in the US during the 1980s and 1990s?
  26. How did Latinos assert themselves politically?
  27. What are the positives and negatives a bilingual nation?
  28. What became a strong source of revenue for Indians on the reservations?
  29. Who were the second fastest growing minority in the US?
  30. What advances did the Gay Rights Movement achieve in the 1970-1990?

Section 4: Foreign Policy After the Cold War

  1. Who was Colin Powell?
  2. What did he observe about the Soviet Union?
  3. How did Mikhail Gorbachev change course of Soviet history?
  4. What problems did the Soviet Union have in the 1980s?
  5. What is glasnost?
  6. What is perestroika?
  7. Did the reforms work?
  8. What is the INF Treaty?
  9. What happened to the Soviet Union in December of 1991?
  10. Who became the first democratic president of Russia?
  11. What happened to communist governments all over eastern Europe?
  12. What happened on November 9th, 1989?
  13. How did peace and democracy avoid Yugoslavia in the 1990s?
  14. What was the result?
  15. What happened in Tiananmen Square?
  16. What was happening in Nicaragua in the 1980s?
  17. Who were the Sandinastas?
  18. Who were the Contras?
  19. Which side of the civil war did the US support?
  20. What military action did the US take on the island of Grenada?
  21. Why did the US send 20,000 men to Panama?
  22. Who were the players involved in the Iran Contra Scandal?
  23. What was the Boland Amendment?
  24. What did scandal accomplish?
  25. Why did this scandal make the people question the government again like Watergate did?
  26. Who take the blame for the scandal?
  27. How did the Persian Gulf War begin?
  28. How did President Bush respond to Iraq?
  29. What is Operation Desert Storm?
  30. Who was the military hero of the war?
  31. How many Americans died?
  32. How many Iraqis died?
  33. What pledge did George Bush make to taxpayers?
  34. Why did he change his mind?