May 1-3rd, 2015

The Stonewall Jackson Hotel

24 South Market Street, Staunton VA 24401

Friday May 1st

6:00-9:00 - Registration and President’s Reception Cash Bar, Light Hors d’oeuvres

Saturday May 2nd

8:30-9:00 - Registration

9:30-3:30 - Spouse’s Program “ Tour of Historic Town of Staunton”

9:00-12:00 - Watchmaker’s Program, Joseph DeFilippo, CMW21 Lititz Watch Technicum

9:00-12:00 - Clockmaker’s Program, Rory DeMesey

12:00-1:00 - Lunch (on your own)

1:00-4:30 - Watchmakers Program, Joseph DeFilippo, CMW21 Lititz Watch Technicum

1:00-4:30 Clockmaker’s Program, Rory DeMesey

5:00-6:00 - Dinner Reception and Social Hour

6:00-7:30 - Annual Banquet and Awards Ceremony

7:30-10:30 - Annual Horological Auction

Sunday May 3rd

9:00-10:00 - HAV Board of Directors Meeting (open to all members)

10:00-12:00 - Watchmaker’s Lecture and Discussion -Mr. Dan Fenwick, CMW21 SGUS

10:00-12:00 - Clockmaker’s Lecture and Discussion - Rory DeMesey

12:00-1:30 - Lunch

1:30 - Convention adjourns

Program Details on Back

2015 Convention Programs

Saturday May 2nd

Watchmaker’s Program – Joseph DeFilippo, CMW21 Lititz Watch Technicum

“Balance Staff Replacement”

- Use of the Horia tool for staff replacement

- Truing and static & dynamic poising of the balance wheel and rate check

Clockmaker’s Program – Rory DeMesey

“Rapid Prototyping and Reverse Engineering using 3D Scanning and Printing”

-From scanning to Refining and printing of actual parts

-All processes of 3D printing will be discusses and demonstrated

Sunday May 3rd

Watchmaker’s Lecture and Discussion – Dan Fenwick, Swatch Group, U.S.

“Chronology of Daniel’s Co-Axial Escapement”

-Exploring Omega’s use of the Co-Axial escapement

“Omega Watchmaker’s Evaluation Program”

-Mr. Fenwick will be offering an in-depth look at Omega’s new OWME program

Clockmaker’s Lecture and Discussion – Rory DeMesey

“Restoration of the E. Howard #3 Gravity Clock”

-Discussion of Mr. DeMesey’s restoration of the E. Howard #3 Gravity clock for the Old red Courthouse overlooking Dealy Plaza in Dallas, Texas. John F. Kennedy’s final stop.

Spouse’s Program

Saturday May 2nd

A Tour of Historic Town of Staunton, VA

-Stops include hosted waking tour of Downtown, The American Shakespeare Center, Lunch at the Depot Grill ,Ride the Trolley and The Frontier Cultural Museum.

Look for further details in the upcoming issue of ‘’Loupes and Tweezers’’


-Call out of State Watchmaker/Clockmaker friends & invite them to the convention

-Bring your spare books and parts, so Ronnie can auction it off after dinner