Review: Chapters 10 & 11

The Emergence of America as a World Power

Quiz: Friday, November 18

I can statements:

û  I can identify the causes of World War I.

û  I can explain why America abandoned isolationism as its foreign policy and joined the Allies.

û  I can describe what America’s home front was like during the war.

û  I can identify the impact of Wilson’s 14 Points on the post war world.

Learning Targets:

1)  American imperialism: political and economic expansion,

2)  War in Europe and American neutrality,

3)  The First World War at home and abroad,

4)  Treaty of Versailles, and

5)  Society and economy in the postwar years.

Danzer (p. 340-407)

Chapter 10: America Claims an Empire

I.  Imperialism & America (Section 1)

A.  American Expansionism

1.  Global Competition

2.  Desire for Military Strength

3.  Thirst for New Markets

4.  Belief in Cultural Superiority

B.  The US Acquires Alaska

C.  The US Takes Hawaii

1.  Cry for Annexation

2.  End of a Monarchy

II.  The Spanish-American War (Section 2)

A.  Cubans Rebel Against Spain

1.  American Interest in Cuba

2.  Second War for Independence

B.  War Fever Escalates

1.  Headline Wars

2.  The De Lome Letter

3.  The USS Maine

C.  War with Spain Erupts

1.  War in the Philippines

2.  War in the Caribbean

3.  Rough Riders

4.  Treaty of Paris

5.  Debate over the Treaty

III.  Acquiring New Lands (Section 3)

A.  Ruling Puerto Rico

1.  Military Rule

2.  Return to Civil Gov’t

B.  Cuba & The US

1.  American Soldiers

2.  Platt Amendment

3.  Protecting US Business Interests

C.  Filipinos Rebel

1.  Philippine-American War

2.  Aftermath

D.  Foreign Influence in China

1.  John Hay’s Open Door Notes

2.  The Boxer Rebellion

3.  Protecting American Rights

E.  The Impact of US Territorial Gains

IV.  America as World Power

A.  TR & The World

1.  TR as Peacemaker

2.  Panama Canal

3.  Constructing the Canal

4.  The Roosevelt Corollary

5.  Dollar Diplomacy

B.  WW Missionary Diplomacy

1.  Mexican Revolution

2.  Intervention in Mexico

3.  Rebellion in Mexico

4.  Chasing Villa

Chapter 11: The First World War

I.  World War I Begins

A.  Causes of WWI

1.  Nationalism

2.  Imperialism

3.  Militarism

4.  Alliance System

B.  An Assassination Leads to War

C.  The Fighting Starts

D.  America Questions Neutrality

1.  Divided Loyalties

E.  The War Hits Home

1.  British Blockade

2.  German U-Boat Response

3.  The 1916 Election

F.  The US Declares War

1.  German Provocation

2.  America Acts

II.  American Power Tips the Balance (Section 2)

A.  America Mobilizes

1.  Raising an Army

2.  Mass Production

B.  America Turns the Tide

1.  Fighting in Europe

C.  Fighting “Over There”

1.  New Weapons

D.  The War Introduces New Hazards

E.  American Troops Go on the Offensive

1.  American War Hero

2.  The Collapse of Germany

3.  The Final Toll

III.  The War at Home

A.  Congress Gives Power to Wilson

1.  War Industries Board

2.  War Economy

3.  Food Administration

B.  Selling the War

1.  War Financing

2.  Committee on Public Information

C.  Attacks on Civil Liberties Increase

1.  Anti-Immigrant Hysteria

2.  Espionage & Sedition Acts

D.  The War Encourages Social Change

1.  African Americans and The War

2.  The Great Migration

3.  Women & the War

4.  The Flu Epidemic

IV.  Wilson Fights for Peace

A.  Wilson Presents His Plan

1.  14 Points

2.  The Allies Reject Wilson’s Plan

B.  Debating the Treaty of Versailles

1.  Provisions of the Treaty

2.  The Treaty’s Weaknesses

3.  Opposition to the Treaty

4.  Debate over The League of Nations

5.  Wilson Refuses to Compromise

C.  The Legacy of the War


û  The Panama Canal (p. 366-7)

û  Schenck v. US (1919) (p.396-7)

û  America in World Affairs (p. 404-5)

Terms: be able to define these terms, they will be key for the matching section but some may pop up on multiple choice, true/false or fill in the blank questions. Be sure to be able to define the terms underlined word-for-word.













People, Places & Events: the people, places and/or events will be key for matching sections but will also appear in other portions of the quiz. Review their impact on events of the era but also their impact on the future.


Alaska & Hawaii:

Dollar Diplomacy:

Franz Ferdinand:


MAIN Causes:

Manifest Destiny:

Monroe Doctrine:

Open Door Policy:

Pancho Villa & Emilio Zapata:

Panama Canal:

Roosevelt Corollary:

Rough Riders:

Seward’s Folly:

Spanish-American War:


USS Maine:

Zimmerman Note:

Theatre of War


American Expeditionary Force (AEF):

Armistice Day:

Central Powers:

Convoy System:


John J. Pershing:

Mustard Gas:

No Man’s Land:

Trench Warfare:

Weaponry (technologies):

The Home Front

Committee on Public Information (CPI):

Daylight Savings:

Espionage & Sedition Act:

Flu Epidemic (1918-19):

Food Administration:

Herbert Hoover:

Liberty Bonds:

National War Labor Board (NWLB):

Power of American Industry:

Schenck v. US (1919) :

Selective Service Act:

Victory Gardens:

War Industry Board (WIB):

Post War

14 Points:

Big Four:


League of Nations:



The Treaty of Versailles:

War Guilt Clause:

Woodrow Wilson: