Headteacher: Mrs Michelle Keating BEd (Hons)

Assistant Head: Mr Andrew Booth BSc (Hons)

High Street Tel: 01920 821450


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06th January 2017

Dear Parents,

Year 3/4 Curriculum Letter

Welcome back and I hope everyone enjoyed a well-deserved break. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the wonderful gifts that I received. We had a very successful autumn term and I am very much looking forward to the exciting term ahead. Learning in Year 3/4 will continue to be supported by Mrs King, Mrs Russell and Mrs Hennessey.

In RE our focus will be ‘The Sacrament of Reconciliation’, this will focus on helping the children understand the concept of reconciliation and what happens during this sacrament. In the second half term we will be looking at the topic ‘Jesus the Saviour’, this topic will enable the children to have a better understanding of the events surrounding Easter and the importance of these in the catholic faith.

This term we will be starting a new topic for our history lessons. Our focus will be on Roman lifestyle and the ‘Romanisation’ of Britain for example culture, religion and technology. We will also explore the impact the Romans had on the local areas including a visit to St Albans Verulamium (Details to follow soon). The children will also be asked to create two pieces of project work for this topic. The First piece will be creating a life-size legionnaires’ shield, which we will used to re-enact different battle formations of the Roman army. The second piece will be similar to the Stone Age project, where the children will be asked to choose a particular aspect of the Roman world and carryout further research into this. Further details for these will follow later on in the term.

In geography the children will be finding out about tectonic plates,earthquakes, andvolcanoes. This will include such aspects as what causes these natural events, why people live near geologically active areas and the topic will conclude with us attempting to make a model volcano in class.

We will continue to have daily maths and English lessons and regular music and PHSE sessions. It remains important that the children practice times tables, spellings and reading at home frequently to support their learning in class.

P.E. will cover gymnastics, swimming, invasion games and tag rugby. Year 3 will begin swimming later in the term. Children should have their kit in school every day; this should consist of a white t-shirt and white shorts, the outdoor rugby sweatshirts, black shorts, black or gold socks and trainers. Please ensure that all kit is clearly labelled. Earrings must not be worn for P.E.


Maths and English homework will continue to be set weekly, this will be set on the Monday and is due in the following Monday. There may also be small tasks related to other areas of learning. Regular reading, spelling and times tables practice at home is essential and comments in the homework diary relating to this are very useful.

Should you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me, either via the homework diary or in person.


Mr J Grace

Year 3/4 Teacher

‘We learn, love, respect and accept our responsibilities through our faith in Jesus Christ’